Tag: Quazi

Problematic Proliferations Preceded by a Pretty Patsy Palmer

Problematic Proliferations Preceded by a Pretty Patsy Palmer

April 9th, 2024 – Tuesday: 9 AM

Garrick’s Pearphone X began to buzz as he was waiting at the Vault Coffee Shop to get Katherine’s 6x Espresso Americano. Kitty Kat had been distant since the day before and Garrick couldn’t read her mind. He figured hitting her up with her favorite drink might help smooth over a conversation. Maybe he had done something wrong and he could at least find out what to he could make amends if needed.

Coming in just as he sent off updates to Amanda regarding his testing progress on the new gel-matrix brains for replacement of core CPU’s in various models of robotic / A.I. and T.I. processing modules. After the third buzz he checked the notifications and was surprised to see whom had sent him a text message. He almost chided himself over how his face lit up. He was not sure he should even respond since she had wanted to be left alone. He remembered the pained look he had seen on Patsy’s face at the Church of Reflections. There was something about her situation he had not understood. He knew he’d seen that look before on a number of people going through a stressful choice. He knew if he didn’t go he’d regret it forever.

Heading back after his single word reply he found Miss Amazing and handed her the drink she loved and asked her to let him know what’s up because mind reading only goes one way. He smiles at her and she smiles back commenting how he got her favorite drink. She remarked to him that he had to much on his plate to worry about her. When he took her hand he told her he would always worry about her. Miss Amazing nodded mentioning he worries about all them. Garrick chuckled at the idea that maybe that was his true super power. She told him it was just one of many as her phone buzzed.

He stopped her from answering it briefly and tried to explain that Patsy had reached out to him. Miss Amazing stunned Garrick when she told him to go see her and walked away to answer the call she was receiving. It almost seemed like that might have been the most unexpected answer he would get that day as storm clouds began to form and rain heavily over the city. Soon he would realize it wasn’t a strange answer but a herald of weird events beginning to unfold.

April 9th, 2024 – Tuesday: Around 11 AM

The continuing growth of the clouds and rain into a torrential downpour from the morning have managed to keep much of the citizenry complacent. Seems not all criminals seek bad weather to perform their nefarious deeds. Gryphon was contacted by the Centurions’ A.I.: S.T.E.V.E. about an individual waiting in the elevator on the 20th floor trying to meet S.A.V.I.O.R. Gryphon waited for his team to meet him on the lobby of the 20th floor to greet a strange guest with an even stranger tale.

Sasha, Black Phantom, Gryphon, Quazi the Serpent, Hank, and Rubber Band Man all arrived on the lobby at roughly the same time to greet their unexpected guest. At Gryphon’s command the doors to elevator “A” opened and a man walked out wearing strange fashion. Gryphon noticed the male-looking individual had wrist blasters nearly identical to Miss Amazing’s. When he queried their bearer he was informed he was from the future!

Having been to the future in an alternate dimension he decided that he needed to find out what was going to hit them so hard a time traveler had shown up. He put Ashmadiel away in a flash of golden light. As Black Phantom seemed to be eye-balling their guest in a manner that suggested a mental scan while Hank was asking his name. Frac-Tal Hrix was wearing a similar belt to what B.P. and M.A. used to create force fields around each of them. It was Sasha that noticed he had Jake’s Injection Gun. Hrix explained that he didn’t know the complete history of how he came to be in possession of the items that had belonged to the aforementioned heroes and heroines. Just that each item had belonged to one of the heroes of S.A.V.I.O.R. It turns out he had come back with a partner that had been given Jake’s Portal Gun. However, something had gone wrong in transit and they did not arrive together.

During all this timey-wimey stuff, the storm outside raged on as Hank was trying to get help from Black Phantom and S.T.E.V.E. in locating the leader of the mages from the Antarctica mission: Arcana. Hank said he had been tasked with keeping her alive so he wanted to find the fountain of youth and have her drink from it. Gryphon mentioned he’d last seen her in Antarctica. He wondered if this out of left field idea was the “favor” the dealer would propose to him. That short Chinese man scarred him in a away he could not easily put into words.

Hrix began to lay out why he had come back. Modulus and Synistry were getting ready to launch an army to take over Century Station and then later the world. They did so by cloning the body of the hero known as the Ultramarine! The world’s first publicly recognized hero from World War II! Apparently that was the body taken from Inbur Enterprises, and likely the blood samples from Dr. Wendell Moore. It was mentioned that they were hiding right under C.H.I.M.E.R.A.’s noses and that he came back using a piece of technology once owned by Korashi Technics. The group realized that the armored car heist earlier that year was thwarted and Korashi got to keep their equipment. Had they not done that likely they would not be getting this warning! Talk about full circle. Hrix began working with some members of the team and S.T.E.V.E. to pinpoint the location of Synistry in the city while Sasha, now transformed into the Beast, was going to take Rubberband Man to look for Arcana. Gryphon left to try and also look for Arcana by meeting Patsy and hopefully find Arcana through another mage in the city he had seen from earlier.

Gryphon was convinced it was all connected, and began to call both Director Balisong and Richard regarding his plan for trying to stop it. This included a chance trip to Antarctica for two of the team members. He was hoping they could inform those necessary and get the clearances before Beast arrived. Everyone was in a race against the clock to stop a clone army of supermen from wrecking the world! He promised to keep the information loop open and they would work on whatever needed to be done to prevent political snafus as the team went about trying to stop the city from being destroyed.

April 9th, 2024 – Tuesday: Around 1:30 PM

Speeding through the rain and wind to make sure he did not miss a chance to see her perhaps for the last time. He landed upon the roof of the building as a woman with an umbrella was bent over reading the inscription on the utility box he left.

Hey “P”,
All of my secrets are out in the open.
Big changes are coming and
I realize we both need to grow.
You may never see or read this,
but I am letting go for now.
I’m trusting in my faith that if
we are meant to be together.
The universe will find a way,
as it did with the church next
to my home.
Be happy wherever you are.
Goodbye “P”

Gryphon looks upon Patsy Palmer, “I want to believe the universe is being kind to me bringing us back together. However, today’s event don’t suggest that to be true.”

Patsy turns and her face lights up as they make eye contact, then she controls her emotions visibly, “Oh Garrick, I’m glad you came.”

“I want to hug you but I am afraid you’re going to disappear.”

Her brow furrows, “No I… I’m not going to disappear, I never disappeared. Oh, uh, you’re so kind I… got your voicemail and read your messages, and I know should have my powers back. I just don’t know if I deserve it? I really saw into myself when that sword took me over and I was at my low. I, I just need to be out of all of this and get my head straight. And you have moved on, you have all of those women around you and they all love you very much.”

“They absolutely do.”

She continues, “I thought I could try and still do a little bit when I was at the church there. Even that is just ehmmm. I need to step, I need to stay out of this.”

“I have to ask you a question?”

She continues, “It’s like an addiction and I need to quit cold turkey.”

“If you want to stay out of this then you need to leave Century Station. A situation very similar to your Murder Master is about to happen by the end of the month. I need to know you’re safe. Hopefully we can stop it, but if we fail you’re going to want to find Wyatt and flee to another dimension because its going to get that bad. I was hoping you might have been coming to me with information about some of this stuff, or even about some lady named Arcana. I’m a giant mix of emotions right now, but if you want out then you need to run.”

A quizzical look comes over her, “Uh, Arcana?”

“Last time I saw you there was a mage from Antarctica not horribly far from you.”

She nods, “Yeah Charlie has talked about her, she came into the shop a few days ago trying to get him to join her. I stayed out of it.”

“Okay, since you’re from another world I am going to lay some stuff at your feet. We have run into a person from this dimension’s future. Arcana needs to be found and kept alive, she is vitally important to that. I would be grateful if you could help with that, otherwise flee the city now. I’m sure you’ve been here long enough to know about the Ultramarine?”

“I’ve heard of him,” she replied.

“Well, they have his body and are cloning him so they can release an army of Ultramarines on the city. So leave or woman up and know you are worthy and this is that redemptive moment you’ve been waiting for. Because I don’t have time for anything else and it breaks my heart to say that to you.” Gryphon was soaked in the rain having this conversation and yet she saw the kind paragon that had saved her that fateful day.

She looked down for a second, “Wow I knew this would be tough. Redemption, I dunno, but I can take you to Charlie if you want?”

He smiled, “That would help certainly.”

She walked up to him and asked if he knew of a book store in Midtown called the ‘Magic of Books’ located there. He knew of it but asked her to direct him as they went. He scooped her up, umbrella and all, and the flew to the bookstore. Gryphon lamented he had no opportunity to enjoy being this close to her again inside his head. She was always the woman he was hoping would be one of the women in his life. He was just happy in a small way right now she was.

Art by: AZ_Artisan
Come watch the next game for our super friends on HippoTV!

Kelly Thompson Reporting Live

Kelly Thompson Reporting Live

April 8th, 2024 – Monday: Just after Noon


The day had been chillier than most thanks to a cold front moving in off the Gulf of Mexico. Kelly had just got done trying to get a hold Sasha again but he wasn’t picking up. It was at that point the call came over her scanner about a second group from S.A.V.I.O.R. in the Battenburg Heights sub-district of Society Hill. Her colleague, Miranda, had gone after the first group but they were over in Brisby Flats and the wrong side of Midtown.

The fact that since they appeared on the scene earlier in the year, and climbed to the heights of becoming the replacements for the Centurions was nothing short of meteoric in scope. Since Gryphon or Garrick Faulkner wasn’t among the team in the bad side of town on this day of the eclipse. Then this could be her chance to make up for getting lost in Sasha’s charms and try getting Gryphon to give her an interview! As she was headed over to the location She refreshed her memory on when he came out with his identity, being challenged by Cyan and Indigo after he helped them stop a bank robbery. Indigo was defeated in a K.O. by Gryphon in one hit! When Cyan tried to smear his name by hiding as a corporate sellout he revealed his identity!

Kelly yanked her driver and cameraman out of their chairs so hard they nearly fell over as she passed them! Listening to the reports coming in that Gryphon and S.A.V.I.O.R. were on scene in the ‘Heights’ at a B&E. She was also scanning social media and found tweets of Gryphon’s showing Hank the Horseman riding a Chinese-looking serpentine dragon!

Other tweets found showing the Gryphon mentoring a younger female hero: Hanging with Gryphon, super caz. All my @QuaziNauts know what’s up!
#HeroLife #Blessed

A retweet by @NorwoodKnights adding: See, helping heroes and the populace! #HangingWithTheGryphon

Was she about to break a new team member joining S.A.V.I.O.R.? They were in fact the first news crew on site! When they arrived, the C.S.P.D. confirmed no one matching Sasha’s description had been seen. The cameraman had the driver take his phone and try and zoom in on the open doors and windows with a clip on telescopic lens for smart phones. Meanwhile they did catch that their were at least two body bags and several injured. Using the boom mic as Kelly got ready fixing her jacket they overheard Gryphon telling an officer, “Well, the ninjas really wrecked the whole house. But they were super stupid stabbing a dragon that ended up falling over on them! Quazi is over 15 feet long and weighs at least the weight of a truck. Physics are unforgiving if you catch my drift.”

The driver came back over and showed them the shots he could get. The house had clearly been tossed in classic breaking and entering fashion. It was the jade statue of a serpentine-like creature that was the real prize shot! The driver had put it on burst so their were plenty of images with a few being very crisp and clear. It seems S.A.V.I.O.R. actually stopped this robbery and captured the bad guys. It would appear the only deaths were from two ninjas attacking a – dragon!?! Kelly was beside herself on how cool the story was!

She went past the police line and was 10 feet from Gryphon when a couple of officers caught up with her, “Gryphon, Garrick, Mr. Faulkner! Can I get a quote? Kelly Thompson with Channel 5 News.”

Kelly could see she struck a chord saying his actual name caused him to stiffen and turn, “Ms. Thompson was it?” Kelly nodded and he continued, “I remember you from the bank, you’re dating Sasha now if I understand how that ended?”

She was immediately caught off guard, “D-Dating? Who said we’re dating? Has he been saying that? I mean, I wouldn’t mind seeing him again, of course. We could be dating if he wanted to. Wait, that wasn’t what I wanted to talk to you about!”

Gryphon chuckled at her fluster. He cocked his slightly and smiled as he watched her gulp ever so slightly, and he knew he nailed the way his father had spoken with people to get them on his side. “Ms. Thompson, I will be sure to pass on your well wishes to Sasha when I see him next. Now, if you’d be so kind to take your crew and yourself back behind the police-line, I promise you an interview before I leave. To sweeten your co-operation I will also not speak with any other media crew that shows up to this crime scene today.”

Kelly nodded and did as requested. About 30-40 minutes later Gryphon walked over as the CSPD crime scene unit and coroner were finishing up some of their work due to deaths on scene. In his blue with gold decoration and accents, 17th to 18th century, nobleman’s long coat. White pants, black leather riding boots. With a single forearm guard of golden plate etched with an angelic looking gryphon crest. Garrick “The Gryphon” Faulkner walked over to Kelly and her crew, “Ms. Thompson, as promised I am here to answer your questions.”

Kelly told her crew to get ready for a live broadcast, and when her camera person and their technician signaled she turned to face the camera, “Hello, this is Kelly Thompson, reporting live in Battenburg Heights. We’re at the scene of a breaking and entering by a band of thieves who appear to have chosen to costume themselves as ninjas made famous in movies! But they clearly did not anticipate being stopped by S.A.V.I.O.R. today! With me,” as the camera shot changes from a close up to a wide angle, “is the S.A.V.I.O.R. team captain, Gryphon! Whom we all know went public with their identity of Garrick Faulkner. Which name would you prefer we use?”

“Thank you, Ms. Thompson, but either is fine since my chosen moniker was simply an alternate spelling of my middle name.”

“Fascinating, so what can you tell us about this break in? From the call on the scanner to our arrival, your team had shown up and resolved everything in minutes!”

“Upon our arrival we found four individuals on the roof of the manor and I was able to use an ability to see more inside on the third floor. Our team began to move in to apprehend the individuals and were met with powered individuals capable of super human speed. Each wielding weapons with the intent to provide armed resistance to their apprehension. I stayed in contact with CSPD trying to provide as much real time updates as possible and ascertain the abilities of our team’s newest member, Quazi the Serpent, and I am impressed.”

“So you have a serpent dragon according to the social media pictures from earlier?”

“Yes, and I think she is going to do well.”

“Do you know what was the item or items the thieves were after?”

“Yes, however, this is an active investigation and I would rather let the detectives that will be assigned to the case release their statement when all the facts have been gathered so they can avoid any confusion by knee jerk statements. The thieves did a thorough job of ransacking the whole house looking for their assigned objectives.”

“I see that some of the intruders died. Was that due to fighting with your team?”

“Yes, when multiple assailants stabbed the serpentine dragon, Quazi, causing her to briefly loose her footing. She fell and the physics of force, mass, and gravity led to quick backlash of karma. Many more have been taken into custody and will have their wounds treated. Those that faced me are alive but chose to attack a member of the C.S.P.D. when took up arms against my team and I.”

“What else can you tell us about the incident?”

“Hank and Miss Amazing did wonderful jobs in engaging multiple targets and controlling the flow of action allowing for so many to be taken into custody. It was Hank’s actions that led to the recovery of the stolen item or items as you mentioned earlier. Black Phantom helped to flush anyone on the roof back inside so the rest of us could deal with them. Quazi did very well despite injury in trying to find and quell the situation without violence as a first resort. The intruders chose a different path leading them into conflict with our team.”

“Would you mind answering a few other questions?”

“Sure Ms. Thompson I have a small amount of time before the CSI wrap up. If another call comes in I would have to leave sooner.”

“Gryphon, now that SAVIOR has moved into Century Plaza, does this mean Norwood has lost its hero?”

“Absolutely not, they gave me a home when I had been released from Gramercy. I finished my probation there and got my career back on track in Norwood. I still donate my time to charitable efforts there as well.”

“Can you provide a statement regarding one of S.A.V.I.O.R.’s own members, Caedechron, being arrested by C.S.P.D. yesterday?”

“This is an active investigation and I can only say that no one is above the law. Caedechron is still my friend and I will help him in anyway possible that doesn’t violate the law.”

“Where is Sasha, your other new member?”

“Day off, every job has them and I am sure you can appreciate that.”

“Will the city have to face any more of Sinistry’s wrecking ball robots?”

“I can’t say for certain, every time they’ve been used Sinistry has deployed them as diversions for another target in the city. If all the supers are trying to battle the robot wrecking balls then ideally no one would be around to oppose their real target.”

“What were their real targets the last two times?”

“This is an active investigation and I can only say that it is still ongoing.”

“Despite the general opinion polls openly in favor of S.A.V.I.O.R.’s hard-lined approach to crime-fighting, there are some pretty vocal opponents to your tactics, such as Xavier Financial, Triton Industries, and Korashi Technics. Are you concerned that their opposition will gain traction and sway the Mayor to replace your team?”

“Hmm, one of our group’s earliest missions when the Hero of Century Station was still around. Had us save an armored car transporting hardware for Korashi Technics. Perhaps they were unaware it was our team that helped? Triton Industries has other concerns than just us. Xavier Financial used to be led by a ruthless, blood-thirsty, maggot. His daughter, Cassandra, is none of these things. She’ll likely find all the evidence of her father’s misdeeds and crush them. I suspect Xander Financial will in the future, with Cassandra at the helm, actually begin a better legacy in helping the city and its citizens.”

“Are you on a first name basis with Cassandra Blodgett?”

“Perhaps not now, but she’s bumped into me at a charity event where I attend regularly and left me a note about her interest in our team. When one of her friends we had in common was ill she came over to my house and helped take care of him. She also helped a former team member with selling their photography while she was still dating that friend in common we had. I think it would be fair to say I am familiar with her. It’s also why I know her to be the good person she is.” Gryphon looks over to his team and Black Phantom taps his wrist, “Sorry Kelly I have time for one more question.”

“How do you respond in regards to the story and pictures printed in this morning’s Everyman about Rubber-Band-Man’s alcoholism?”

“Alcoholism is a serious issue and contributes to at least 5 of the top 10 reason for death in the United States. Well over 10 million still suffer from this in the United States as well. I have expressed my concerns about this to Rubber-Band-Man and he is addressing this. All I can do is be supportive and hope others see that it’s not the poor or the less fortunate that suffer with problems or addictions because of stress factors in their lives. Those with abilities are often put in extreme situations and humans sometimes choose less than optimal ways to cope with them. Rather than vilifying that we can provide avenues for rehabilitation, support, and a guiding hand. Addiction is not something solved over night but it is something that can be overcome. Kelly, when my father died I lost myself in depression and trying to regain what loosing Daedalus did to us both. People cope in different ways, and my sister doesn’t speak to me anymore because of it. But just like the Rubber-Band-Man is responsible for his actions I had to realize I had to be responsible for mine. He is my teammate and I for one will be their to help and support him through this and see a better tomorrow.”

“So you are deciding to help him get through this?”

“My time donating to charitable organizations has taught me Hero-Work may start with C.S.P.D., C.S.F.D., S.A.V.I.O.R., other hero groups or individuals, however, it doesn’t end there. Social Workers, therapists, school teachers, and parents or siblings/friends all play a part in helping someone overcome trauma of any kind. People need time to cope with stress and the world we live in doesn’t always grant such reprieve. Its our friends and families that help ground and stabilize us. Our own communities should help us become soulfully enriched and grow. It’s why I do what I do, to give back to Norwood, Century Station and the people that gave me a second chance. I intend to do that not just for Rubber-Band-Man but for everyone I can. They,” Gryphon gestures with the arm bearing the golden armor upon it to everyone on the scene, “are my heroes and give me hope. I’m just doing my part to try and give that hope back.”

Gryphon looks back to his team and nods, “Sorry, we have to go on to our next assignment, please have a wonderful day.”

The teams leaves into the air as Kelly Thompson turns to the camera as other media crews are arriving, “Well, you heard it here first on Channel Five, everyone. Garrick “The Gryphon” Faulkner’s first interview. Proving the adage that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. Now back to the studio.”

Art by: AZ_Artisan
Come watch the next game for our super friends on HippoTV!