Gryphon was sitting next to Miss Amazing in a diner with Hank the Horse-Man and one intoxicated Rubberband Man. They had left the funeral of Jake Thompson where Victor had brought a case of beer to. Being in front of City Hall many of the super heroes that had shown up had done so in costume. Gryphon was slightly envious of her suit he had created with Granny2Good’s help. She was wearing her mask and had used the technology in it to make it black for mourning.
However, perhaps this was the chance people dream of and few ever get. S.A.V.I.O.R. had to seize this opportunity and then when the Centurions returned they could move up to National level threats while S.A.V.I.O.R. handled Century Station. Ugh, his head was everywhere and he got a reprieve to hold off on the official press release until tomorrow morning. He had a call scheduled, and had been given her direct contact information.
The primary reason for waiting was to see if things could be smoothed over with Black Phantom. Geist appeared to have a handle on it. Today though, an item was clarified for Gryphon when Geist deferred to him as the team leader. Gryphon realized at that moment it wasn’t merely a field promotion but he would lead the team in all aspects. This was something he was going to have to work on finding the balance with Amanda. So much was changing as he received a text from Constance.
[Garrick, I wanted to check on you, honey. A few Google searches and Obelisk is no joke. I spoke with Katherine earlier and made sure she’s doing okay as well. Please let me know you’re doing okay.]
[Honey, I’m doing fine right now, I have been voted as the Team Leader and today was my first trial by fire with the CHIMERA director. It went well and Miss Amazing is with me.]
[Okay, I just miss you. I know Ameera didn’t get to see you last week and with the funeral I suppose this might be my week to not get to see you. I’ll try to visit on Tuesday after helping get Cai through their new-hire process.]
[Yeah I deserve none of you wonderful women, you’re so good to me. I’m helping one of my teammates with an errand before going over to comfort Jake’s sister.]
[Then I will leave you to helping her go through this terrible event. Be safe honey and I love you.]
[Love you back <3.]
When finally put the phone away Hank leaned over a bit and reminded him of a moment between his father and he. “Oh, someone’s finally decided to join us.” Cynthia Faulkner had always disliked distractions at the dinner table, and Garrick had said a very similar statement to his father after her passing. He felt a little embarrassed and just nodded at Hank. After stopping Rubberband Man from rolling away as a ball, and then returning him to Hank and his custom-sized fanny pack. The group headed off to Tecate’s corporate offices in the city. Rubberband Man did indeed sober up by the time they reached there and collected the outfits for a photo shoot.
Seeing the new shirt on Hank, Garrick was thrilled for Horse-Man’s fanny pack because like his centaur pal he was only required to wear a shirt based on precedent. However, his genitals were just out in the open, and on a centaur body it is not as noticeable. However, Hank stood upright and, well, god bless that fanny pack. It was a true hero to be certain. Miss Amazing snapped a few shots of Gryphon flying with Hank hanging on by one of his ankles. Heavens knows you don’t see that everyday. Thank goodness most aircar’s could be programmed with a destination and flew themselves.
Granny’s, or Ethel’s house had some positive issues going on from Garrick’s perspective. Geist had made some headway talking with Black Phantom. Deathwish and he were headed back to the base and would be awaiting the rest of the group there. He shared some information before he left and Garrick/Gryphon heard it but was trying to process how to talk with Victor/Rubberband Man to express his concerns about him being the spokesperson and preventing any embarrassment to the group or the city “if” they decide to take Balisong up and step to the role previously held by the Centurions. It was how Granny left her wake for Jake that had everyone at a loss. There was a phone call in her bedroom on her land line phone. She she went to pick it up there was a green flash and she was gone! Garrick chuckled understanding much better why Shorty asked “again” about Jake’s death.
While he was at Granny’s house he reached out to A.R.C.H.I.E. the base’s A.I. entity. He heard some static and wondered about a connection issue. When he and everyone made it to the base later he made a mental note to check in with Shorty in the next 24 hours in case Shorty #1 now needed a place to stay. He suspected if Jake was indeed not dead and had taken Granny. Then he would also take the Shorties because of his famous phrase – What’s a Jake without his Shorty! He made another mental note to have Geist check in discreetly with any families that had a Shorty placed with them. Revisiting the connection issue made him remind A.R.C.H.I.E. over comms so the whole team heard the conversation, specifically Geist. That he needed to list Hank as a guest so the base defenses would not target him.
April 1st, 2024 – Monday: 5 PM’ish
After being at the base for a few minutes having conversed with Hank throughout the day. Realizing Hank’s development as a human level intellect is around 8 to 12 years of human age, based on his limited observations. Sighing about wanting to help him progress quicker, and knowing nothing there was a quick fix. He asked A.R.C.H.I.E. where everyone was currently. Now he knew based on the response the static was not an effect of location, but of an unknown issue with the computer’s neural gel make-up. Geist mentioned wanting to talk with him about this. Having installed and two copies of Optimus in the last few months (one for Mallic, and one for Richard in his corporate office on a lone server), Garrick felt he could look at the logs to get a better idea. He informed everyone about this also over comms, then he asked Miss Amazing to assist him. Her ability to mimic skills she could see used would allow him to divide the work in half and make it about 10 minutes rather than 20 or 30 by himself.
Miss Amazing lived up to her name as she tore through the diagnostic logs using the knowledge she had for about an hour! When she started asking questions and pointing out things she was finding out a great deal regarding how Garrick thought about things, problems, solutions, and general processing of data. She was very smart herself and realized that he had a genius level IQ. Not Super-Genius like Jake and his father, but he also didn’t require sleep transformed and only three hours when he wasn’t! She began to think of all the things she could accomplish and wondered what did Garrick want. Why was he doing hero work, with his sword’s powers he could solve world hunger or something like that! Between Gryphon, Black Phantom and Beast they were able to determine the hacker was indeed Thanatos.
While Gryphon looked worried Miss Amazing saw him just sigh, make sure everyone knew what he’d be doing and then get to work after asking for a cup of coffee. Miss Amazing was thrilled to go and get that for him. She left Black Phantom in the room with Gryphon and found Geist getting a cup of coffee as well at the machine just outside the kitchen on a small counter area. Instead of returning right away, she took some time to have a small conversation with the Geist.
Art by: AZ_Artisan
Come watch the next game for our super friends on HippoTV!
March 27th, 2024 – Wednesday: 2:30 AM, Jake’s House
Granny2Good stood there stunned as Geist and Black Phantom close in to check on her. Alice tried to get Black Phantom’s help and then Miss Amazing’s help to draw out the Beast personality. Frustrated at both ends she ended up following Black Phantom, whom was trailing Caedechron into the the trap door leading to the lower rooms below the garage.
Granny2Good heard the call over the comm units to Shorty #5 and when it registered what he had said about her brother she sped over and demanded he take it back. Gryphon attempted to use his free arm to hug her as well telling her it would be alright. She used her speed and strength to get up and out of his reach. Rushing over to the Geist she whispered something to him only Alice overheard, “They have already moved on but I cannot. I will call you when I can setup the wake, it should be a few weeks.”
Before Alice could utter, “Granny sama?” Granny2Good disappears from view into the rural district of Diego Verde landscape. Alice then joined the group down the ladder in the lab/basement. It had been stripped of everything that could have been called advanced. As they investigated Black Phantom had not seen enough evidence to make him comfortable that the security system had been disabled.
In the garage above Arcadia was rebuking Gryphon for deciding anything for her. A few seconds after she addressed Miss Amazing she seemed to come to some sort of a realization. Gryphon tried to tell her she was free when she declared herself SAVIOR’s prisoner. She was about to continue rebuking Gryphon when Giest mentioned that she could come with him and he would provide her quarters within Spirit Enterprises. The incredulous look on her face at the masked man giving her direction made Gryphon realized this was a version of his sister Adeline in front of him.
She declared she’d go wherever Miss Amazing went and stay with her. Which prompted Gryphon asking Miss Amazing if she wanted to be a big sister? When she gave him a side long glance saying she might be a bit old for that. Gryphon smirked and said, “Perhaps, you want to be a mother instead?”
She was about to give him a piece of her mind and when she made eye contact he smiled and her anger melted away. ‘God, he’s so charming,’ she thought to herself. The most she could muster was a wry smirk. When they left Gryphon noted the security system didn’t fire on them. Turning his attention to the argument brewing in the lab/basement that was seeking the same goal. Everyone involved just had such different ways of approaching a problem it appeared foreign to each of them from Gryphon’s view. He called down that Arcadia left with Geist and Miss Amazing, but the laser canons didn’t come out! This finally made some headway and everyone came back up. All of Jake’s technology had been removed and cleared out.
Gryphon saw Caedechron using his tech ability to have hover jets fly Snake Person up into the garage and then they went outside to double check the physical security armaments were gone. An incoming comm unit call from Calvary sent things into hot motion for the group. Apparently The Iron Brigade, Valkyries, and Genesys’ sponsored team of genetically modified mutants called Dynosaurs were all fighting groups of 10-12 feet tall spherical robots terrorizing the city!
Upon hearing that Gryphon sighed and was starting to figure out how to get back when he ran into the Beast shaped shifted to look like Carl but the Beast was still the dominant personality. He made a plea to Gryphon about going to Indbur Enterprises to remove Thanatos. Gryphon is an enhanced version of Garrick and he has always thought of the whole being more important than any one person. While tensions were high on all sides for a variety of valid reasons (teammate had died, the general public was in danger, another teammate had run off, one teammate may be becoming assimilated in a fashion similar to the Star Trek enemy known as the Borg, you know it was a Wednesday). Gryphon decided he would handle the robots first instead of going with The Beast to Indbur Enterprises. The Beast, understandably, given how the last few hours had gone felt he had just been given low priority. Frankly, at that moment, he wasn’t wrong and he expressed his displeasure at being relegated so quickly. He morphed back into the Beast with its new rock-like skin and ran off towards the city.
Gryphon tried yelling out the city was more important than all of them, but realized that Beast would probably see that as only more marginalization. Gryphon made a note to work on crisis management for future missions and an apology for making Beast feel unimportant. As Black Phantom got on his back they took off, most of them never seeing the sweet jet that was now Snake Person’s ride. Caedechron felt Beast would need support and went with him while Gryphon tried to get someone on scene!
The night was falling apart to Gryphon. Less than an hour ago they stopped a galactic takeover by the Atorian Empire. Now, they lost one team member in the field and another to understandable grief. Yet another team member was infected by a decision from a fragment of his own psyche. That team member and their newest member had gone off to try and prevent it from taking over the world. Gryphon was worried when the infected team mate alluded to the possibility of his Optimus A.I. being infected and never had Gryphon hoped that was paranoia more than now. All this capped off by a 20 robot rampage in 4 parts of the city with nearly all the sponsored teams still remaining in Century Station trying to handle things, but only managing to covering three of the rampaging areas. After agreeing with Caedechron for checking him on a potentially bad call they agreed to tackle the last group, in Xenophan, and call the two headed to Inbur if they needed it.
Zeau was trying to read up on some topics that interested him until Gryphon called him out for help. Seeing Covenant was transforming to go help, the educator turned his super powers upon Covenant. Grabbing him and flying off with his cargo in tow. Having missed his incoming Rocket Taxi. The driver, a man by the name of Dopinder, mouthed to him through the window as they crossed paths that Covenant was still getting billed for the ride! Covenant made the least amount of money of everyone he had known on the team. He just saw a portion of it disappear in his mind as he made out Dopinder’s message.
Cutting over to the Xenophan sub-district in Midtown or Center City depending on whom you ask. There was a Tecate Beer commercial being shot in one of the plazas with the stadiums in the skyline behind the location. Being able to only get the permit at night after the events being hosted at the stadiums were let out they began to set up the shoot. In the shoot were Tecate Beer’s most celebrated spokespeople: Victor Valenzuela and his faithful friend Hank, the mutant horse. In the middle of shooting the nightlife scene the robots began there attack. Both Hank, dressed in a tailored white suit and Victor in his jockey outfit did what most celebrities would not do. They began clearing the immediate area of innocent bystanders and their crew!
Since 9 PM on the 26th they’d been on the permitted, scheduled, set area because of the nighttime shoot and now, almost 3 AM on the 27th, all hell had broken loose! Both realized the rolling balls of doom had designators on them: M9, M8, M6, and so forth. Then Victor had a brilliant idea and told Hank, “Rubber Band!” Hank was excited and gave him the hoof up and a wink! Victor transformed into a rubber man and stretched out between to lamp posts as Hank ran into his rubber body or makeshift slingshot! As the heroes of S.A.V.I.O.R were arriving to they saw a mutant horse in that aforementioned white suit fly through the air! From some kind of huge rubber band into what forensics would later identify as the M9 spherical robot!
Then the rubber band changed back into a “Rubber” Man? Black Phantom pointed over Gryphon’s shoulder at a water tower so he might snipe the robots. After dropping him off he saw flames at one building entrance and barely made out cries for help. He tilted his sword, Ashmadiel, and performed the same feat he used to save Granny2Good once before. Spinning up to 300 mph he caused the flames and the air to push up and away. Thanks to his near immunity to fire the damage he took was not even worth mentioning. Zeau and Covenant’s approach did not go unnoticed as one of the robots retracted their limbs as it began to roll towards them. Zeau made a dodge from a triple blast of lasers on the end of it’s extended claw hand. While trying to move both he and Covenant, Zeau was unable to pull his passenger out of the way in time. With that the robot extended its insect like legs and pursued its quarry.
The M9 designated robot grabbed the mutant Horse-Man and threw him back at his rubberized friend! The Rubber-Man started to chant, “REBOTA! REBOTA! REBOTA!” He turned into a trampoline like structure! Horse-Man bounced (Rebota in Spanish) off of the Rubber-Man and aiming for the spherical robot once more he punched it again knocking it back with his powerful hooves on his arms. That suit was amazing showing only minor tears from this kind of activity! They made a very effective pair!
Black Phantom got a surprise as the one designated M8 retracted everything and rolled over to the building that had the water tower he was dropped off at. When its legs deployed, they did so with such force that it launched the 10 ft. sphere onto the roof! The one that had gone after Zeau and Covenant tried to fire again but the blast went so wide one might wonder if the targeting computer had been switched off to hunt Womp rats in a T-16 home simulator. Trivia Note: Womp rats are not much bigger than two meters. As the other arms began to target where Covenant was being held aloft. He pushed against Zeau to release him and as he fell two stories or roughly thirty feet. Covenant saw the laser pass right through where he was! Rolling as he hit the pavement he was able to shrug off some of the damage and avoid breaking anything.
Zeau had enough of this thing and extend his hand, using his power, dragging the robot against its will to underneath him as he began to head off in search of another robot to smash with this one. While this was happening Gryphon was quickly on his way to 300 mph and the fire was beginning to loose and follow the direction of the air. The people inside started to see the exit begin to clear! Nearby as the M9 robot was beginning to back away from the Hank, the mutant Horse-Man, it began to fire at him and the mutant Horse-Man began to twist and move back toward his friend and former jockey, Victor.
Meanwhile, Black Phantom, had his own surprise for the M6 sphere of impending doom as he dove from the tower it was ripping apart. He stuck a 3-point landing on top of the robot from an amazing back flip, then he jumped one more time. Only he was a little bit lighter on the leap from the robot as he planted a highly adhesive grenade to its top before departing! BOOM! Black Phantom barely escapes the deadly range of his own grenade reaching the edge of the building as the robot continue to shred the tower he was originally at. The remaining portion of the water tower is knocked off the roof and crashes on the sidewalk below! The robot almost went over as well but had a round shape that the low roof wall border held fast enough to keep it on the roof! Black Phantom barely avoids getting blasted off by the shock wave to the sidewalk on the other side!
Back over in the commercial shoot area where all of this is happening within scant seconds and much of it is simultaneous in nature. Victor, the Rubber-Man, sees a robot across the greens and intersection taking aim at him, possibly Hank. Trying to slingshot himself closer to screw up the aim he makes his arm stretch that whole distance to grab onto the robotic, tentacle arm! Along the way he tried to grab the Horse-Man, but his friend was recovering from dodging the laser fire and Victor shot right on by.
By this time Gryphon has put out the fire and is flying inside to the voice and manages to call out to the group as he scoops them up, “I’m Gryphon from S.A.V.I.O.R.!” Once outside he points in a direction he doesn’t see robots in and yells for them to run in that direction. Now that he is looking the way Victor flung himself he can see the devastated building across the street! Nearly half of the building is either broken rubble or on fire! Hank, the mutant Horse-Man, noticed what Gryphon did and called out to his friend, “Hey Victor, looks like other supers are here why don’t we leave it to them?”
Covenant, looked at his gun and wondered if this didn’t call for something bigger. Superhero/villain insurance was a thing smart people did if you drove a car in a city where some people could use them like shot puts! Covenant walked over and pulled the door open on a locked car, got in, hot-wired it and turned it so it was facing the M8 robot Zeau was dragging. He cackled out loud as he put the seatbelt on, “Safety, first!” Slamming the peddle to the floor he set his ride to ramming speed! On his way to total M8, which had tried shooting out grapples to two buildings to prevent being pulled by Zeau any further. He saw Zeau in the air, Zeau’s body made a hurling motion which cause the translucent blue force energy from his hands to the M8 robot to pull, HARD! The grapples broke free and it was sent hurling through the air and into M6 which had been dazed by Black Phantom’s grenade. M6 gouged the roof and wall as it was sent over the side like a ball in a game of pool going to a hole. Now M8 was in its place, and visibly damaged as well!
The M10 robot that had turned itself into a wrecking ball with its grappling hook much earlier. It rolls out of the rubble and fires all five of the tentacle arms with three lasers each at the Horse-Man, Hank! The Horse-Man attempted to dodge but was not able to get out of the way. During these seconds Covenant, driving at ramming speed sees his target take away in a super powered game of pool by Zeau. He banks a turn at the intersection next to Zeau. In a manner similar to the race scenes out of the movie Tokyo Drift he is able to get the car under control after the turn and sees the robot tangling with Victor and hears MC Hammer’s ‘Can’t Touch This’ playing somewhere as the car windows are down. Black Phantom runs over to the new dazed robot on the roof and he begins to unload on this new spherical machination of doom, designated M8, to no noticeable effect. Zeau managed to catch his breath from the extreme use of his power and called out, “Call Guinness, we’ve got the world’s largest Newton’s Cradle!”
As the robot that the Rubber-Man had grabbed onto was trying back away and fire three of the tentacle arms at the Rubber-Man while he tried to entangle its legs and trip him up. Both were successful and without his rubber body, Victor might have been incinerated! Hank gets grabbed by the leg from the one he is trying to engage. As Gryphon heard the science joke and saw that use of Zeau’s power he was inspired. He flew across the street over and across Covenant in the car speeding down the road. Covenant continues to see one of the Robots knocked down previously from Hank. He banks the car into the grass and hitting a bench manages to launches the car up and into it! The seat belt saved Covenant from any serious injuries.
Hank, the mutant Horse-Man, with an angry “NAY” he begins to punch the robot. While he left a number of dents he was forced to block a few arms coming around to fire at him. As he did that a pair of arms bent around from the other side and shot him!
Both Gryphon and Zeau take there respective robots and swing them at each other as Gryphon yells out, “Thanks for this great idea!” With a thunderous BOOM the two spheres collide and Zeau’s is broken and shattered across the street and cars that were abandoned on the roadsides. A random stranger, emboldened, one might say a little dizzy from seeing the heroes in action drives her car toward a scare pedestrian. She spins it and catches him with the door she flung open using her dash controls! A little bruised but grateful someone saved him, they drive off into the night toward safety and maybe a first date?
Victor, the Rubber-Man, teaches his captured robot patience as it tries to break the entangle and learns it can’t. Gryphon takes his stunned, busted, robot and swings it at the one of the roof screaming, “FOUR!” Both are destroyed and the only remaining ones are the one Victor has entangled and the one Hank has been occupying. That folks as roughly 15 seconds from the heroes entering the fray. The other teams had been at this longer and the Iron Brigade seems to have cause almost as much damage as the robots they were fighting! Black Phantom has a premonition leaps off the building. He rolls and breaks out into the one near Hank and Covenant. Yelling he cries out, “MUTHA F**KA MOVE! THEY’RE GOING TO EXPLODE! RUN DAMMIT!”
Gryphon, trusting his partner’s insight flies up to it as Zeau behind him is flying to the one Victor has grappled. Gryphon grabs one of its tentacle arms and seeing B.P., Covenant, the Horse-Man, and faces staring out from the buildings not destroy he calls out loudly over comms and so everyone within earshot can hear, “This is what we signed up to do!” Gryphon could imagine how Granny2Good would be pissed if she heard that line as he lifts the robot up and away!
KABOOM! Yes, to those present it felt earth shattering!
The shock wave cracked and burst every window in the area all around! The explosion was so bright it like a brief moment of daylight lighting the sky! Then a second one went off and people saw that when Victor released his robot. Zeau grabbed it with his power and flung it up in the air away from everyone and himself. Soon, as night returned from the afterglow of the explosions. Tweets, Facebook live videos, text messages, and camera began looking in the direction of the hero that had charged into the danger and risked his life to save three heroes and everyone still left in nearby buildings. In a seeming last stand against the robot madness people saw pieces of his armor fall from the sky vanishing into golden mist! Following the trail up soon every saw him without the helmet clearly dazed. All of his armor except for a shining, golden piece on his right arm was gone! The zoom on many cell phone camera showed he was burned, ash covered, and bleeding! Zeau flew over and used his power to take Gryphon away! Many onlookers began to use the phrase and hashtag #Deathless and #GryphonSAVIOR next to mentions of #SAVIOR. Cavalry, watching all this go down over remote cameras from SAVIOR’s base, was too shocked to even speak!
As the team began to clear out so firefighters and EMS could begin their work supported by police. Black Phantom made sure to give Hank the Spirit Enterprises business card so they could reach out if they wanted to join. SAVIOR left the scene, returning to their base and leaving the cleanup to emergency services and the press statements to Victor and Hank.
Meanwhile, The Beast and Caedechron arrived at Indbur Enterprises only to discover the building had been attacked. The building had large holes leading into it as if it had been broken into by someone or some ones with high strength. Various curious insects were also discovered around the perimeter and inside the building, and Caedechron collected a few. Entering the building, the two followed the trail of destruction through the halls to the office of Anthony Indbur, who was laying unconscious on the floor. He seemed in stable enough condition for the moment but would clearly require medical services soon.
In Anthony’s high-tech office was a 3D display looping through visualizations of the Black Box software. There was a command waiting to be executed which indicated it would “purge” the Black Box. The Beast reached out to push the button. There was a moment of hesitation, of resistance to this motion. As quick as he felt it though, it went away. Whatever strength the Thanatos personality had mustered in its current state wasn’t enough to stop The Beast. He pressed the button.
With emergency services called an on their way, the two investigated the building further and found a busted open secret entrance to a fortified sub-level. Down there they discovered a large room with a smashed incubation/ specimen tube which could have easily held a human-sized figure. But whatever was in that tube was gone. The unmistakable smell of formaldehyde had filled the room due to the fluid which had spilled all over the floor.
There were signs that a massive battle occurred in this room. The results of the battle littered the floor in several pieces – Anthony Indbur’s former assistant, Melissa Fabricius, had been torn apart. Her now obviously robotic pieces were scattered all around the room.
Emergency services finally arrived shortly thereafter to bring Anthony to the hospital, take the two heroes’ statements, and begin investigation of the scene.
Gryphon stood there in Jake’s garage holding possibly the youngest empress of the six that presided over the galactic Atorian Empire. Arcadia, is how her name came out in English. Gryphon held her as she struggled slightly hearing the sounds of an explosion on the display setup connected to a rather impressive and possibly alien tech telescope, showing the brief flash in the night sky. The sound was brief and replaced by shrieking of Granny2Good calling out for her brother. Realizing he just sacrificed himself to effectively wipe out a third of the Atorian leadership.
Arcadia, or her old life as Empress Arcadia, was now dead. She’d been deemed a traitor by either an older sister, aunt or mother that had arrived in the final moments. That family member was now dying in an explosion of her ship and the one the other empress had arrived upon looking for her. Gryphon felt she didn’t need to have that visual remembering how seeing his father Cuthbert die in front of him as he tried to call for help and render aid at a similar teen age. While Ashmadiel had, he hoped, temporarily stripped him of his powers of flight until he could learn to trust his teammates more. He still possessed his strength which was sufficient to hold her with a single arm while he called Ameera.
Ameera sounded concerned when she answered the phone, “Handsome, I was so worried, the center said you had dropped off the food and headed back to work. I stayed and helped Ramona serve dinner hoping you might show up. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, we lost a hero today. Saved a girl from prison on another planet, and I’m still processing right now. I will call you back when time permits later but hero work is what it is.”
Ameera what stunned by the mention of a death but steeled herself about her response, “Tell Miss Amazing to be safe as well and I’ll pray for you both.”
“I will, bye bye,” he hit the button to end the call and slid the phone away. Ameera at least knew that Katherine was not the one that died given his response. She called Constance to let her know she’d been in touch with Gryphon but someone near him on their team other than Katherine had died tonight. Gryphon knew the range was really impressive on the comm units and he tapped unit in his ear calling shorty. Since Shorty #5 was the one in the suit he was the one with the comm unit as well.
“Shorty, we’ll need to talk about what I wrote you, Jake sacrificed himself to save us and quite possibly the galaxy. Jake is dead. Yes, again.” Garrick told him to stay put and we’d be back soon. CLICK. Shorty #5 could hear G2G screaming and sobbing in the background. All this power and we couldn’t save him. Gryphon knew as Garrick that Jake had just given him and Mallic Robotics a new shot at life he couldn’t have hoped for. The Hideyoshi Motors account was saved in the long run.
Through his most recent adventure he’d learned that Patsy was still on this world for some reason? Without Jake’s gun he’d have to invent and inter-dimensional gateway to get her home. Why on the various Earth’s did she stay? Surely, the Wayfarer, would have been able to get her home by now. It couldn’t be because of himself, and then he was brought out of his thoughts.
The teenage Arcadia, with her triple mohawks and tattooed head was shaking. In, Atorian, he said, “It’s going to be all right. It’s going to be all right. It’s going to be all right. Hush, little baby, don’t say a word. Granny’s gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won’t sing,
Granny’s gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Granny’s gonna buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Granny’s gonna buy you a billy goat
And if that billy goat won’t pull,
Granny’s gonna buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Granny’s gonna buy you a dog named Rover
And if that dog named Rover won’t bark
Granny’s gonna buy you a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You’ll still be the sweetest little baby in town.”
Garrick was hoping this would pull Granny out of her grief to help the now stranded and presumed dead, former Atorian empress. Garrick knew he had to honor Jake’s sacrifice. There was no doubt he had “haters” and people that would be willing to do him harm. However, he had to get details in place first to protect everyone else he cared about. He had to visit Amanda and find out where his new office was at CF Robotics was as CEO. The name would change but the house must be put in order first. Science would happen, humanity would have the means to become part of the galactic narrative after all.
He bowed his head for a moment in prayer, thankful in these interesting times he was not alone.
In his head, Garrick suddenly heard Ashmadiel say quietly, with pride, “Remember this feeling. You are never alone.” Garrick began floating then, his power of flight restored.
Reader Note: I don’t know where the lyrics for the lullaby originate.
Four or Five months after March, 2024 – Earth Three
Gryphon was flying around on his mile patrol in what he could only refer to as Earth Three. Technically, from his perspective, the world holding the Earth Two designator was Patsy’s world of Millennium Station. While he had never visited that world he met someone from it. Jake was the only other dimensional being he knew of, and this world would consider “him” the dimensional being.
This Earth’s Century Station looked remarkably similar to the one he came from. To think Jake just made some calculations on the tiny input embedded upon his portal gun and found a dimension where S.A.V.I.O.R. gave in to the Atorian demands. It was roughly 4 to 5 months ahead of their world so time across dimensions may not always sync up. Things to keep in mind certainly.
He had been expecting Atorian warships in the skies above subjugating the planet and its male inhabitants. It had been explained that the Atorians treated men as slaves and were expansionists. Gryphon imagined for a minute being the servant to Miss Amazing and he thought she’d laugh about it. However, he wondered if she’d like that sort of thing? He shook his head with the notion of being a slave to anyone. He had read about bedroom games but just couldn’t wrap his head around it because it reminded him of prison and some of his most painful memories. Jake had taken Black Phantom somewhere and shown him the Atorian style of rule which had Black Phantom sharing Jake’s view they needed to be wiped out. Gryphon was certain that given the track record men had set a significant percentage of women would be on board for the restructuring of the planet.
Geist had mentioned needing to see what Black Phantom had seen before he could agree one way or the other. That was the impetus for this dimensional field trip through the neon green portal. He ran across three different thugs in his patrol and none of them cried out in surprise at him being a male. None of the Atorians arrived on the scene as each thug was being taken from their crime and dumped into a trash bin at a casino with video surveillance. He enjoyed telling them what he intended to do with them so they knew they would be on camera. Each of them were given the warning to turn over a new leaf or it’d be jail next time.
As Gryphon was flying back he was a little concerned that Jake may be wrong about the Atorians. If the guards had disobeyed their Empress and there were six Empresses in the Empire of Atoria. Then it would seem that like many governments and nations, there were factions within the populace and its government. Perhaps Jake had only dealt with a ruthless faction of their regime until now? Gryphon didn’t doubt they were expansionist if they controlled 25% of the Milky Way galaxy! Perhaps though, not every faction was ruthless or bloodthirsty? He radioed his findings to the group and saw Jake out front meeting someone approaching on a motorcycle. He would later learn as he landed that it was the Geist from this world! Later, with everyone gathered around the story he had to share was rather different than what Gryphon and S.A.V.I.O.R. might have expected regarding why Granny2Good’sHouse was empty.
About two years ago one city developer had begun trying to find affordable housing options and made heavy use of decommissioned shipping containers. A number of homes and industrial offices in southern side of Zericho were built from them. One of note had been vacant for the last year, located at where Mercy Row Blvd. ended at 2nd St. was Jenga Tower. It was the architect’s seven story home made from 40 foot long, high-cube, shipping containers. When the developer’s project had met with moderate success he moved much closer to the “Hill”.
The Jenga Tower name stuck because of the use of negative space amongst the stacked shipping containers to make it appear like an actual Jenga game in play. Garrick loved that it was for sale, close to work, and used recycled items to make an impressive home. He snagged it as a cash sale for $310,000 given the track record the district was in and while comebacks were happening. The developer didn’t want any of his projects in the district to stain his rising star. Garrick’s ability for relating to the recycled motif won him over.
It was 3:08 AM on Friday March 22nd and the Gryphon was showing off the empty home to Miss Amazing from the outside and the air. She had been won over when Gryphon said aside from his office and Shorty’s room she could decorate the home as she saw fit! Gryphon informed Shorty while he/Gryphon had final approval Shorty would be allowed to design/decorate his room within reason. The paperwork had been signed and escrow would close on the 30th when Brandon and Mallic Robotics made the payment for the remaining third of the building.
Brandon and Garrick worked out 7 days off from April 1st thru April 9th to handle movers and getting contractors to begin modifying the building to handle the increase in space. Garrick’s team would take over his old office coming out of the basement workstations. Brandon would move into what was Garrick’s old bedroom, and Constance would take the other spare room on his second floor. Garrick would end up in Brandon’s old office.
His two other home purchases would go through at the same time. One was 42 Wallaby Way, and the second a small town home in the southern tip of Saritoba. He was working on setting up a foundation that would try to buy a home and then find candidates that could be given a shot at home ownership once again. Maybe he couldn’t end homelessness for everyone but perhaps he could figure out how to do so in Brisby Flats.
March 22nd, 2024 – Friday 9 AM
It had been nearly four weeks on his adjusted schedule. Having to only sleep three hours a day was a miracle! Gryphon had presented Geist with boomerangs that were white with a wider juncture to the arch. He had designed a new set of gloves to wear and when Geist tapped the back of the hand on either one. An integrated mini drone device would kick on and fly the boomerangs back to within a foot of the glove so they could be plucked from the air! After he tested them for a bit Gryphon promised he’d figure out a way to make them “ghost” like in their physical appearance. Then they would look like ghosts or spirits when they were flying back!
The Geist was very impressed by the gift. Gryphon made sure he had all the technical specs in case Geist needed to make more of this iteration or repair the ones he’d been given. Gryphon refused payment but Geist made sure to find something he could do for him. That came in the form of introducing Gryphon to a weapons expert that was able to make him a practice sword replica of Ashmadiel! Gryphon was excited to show Master Nitobe when he got the chance! Now he had a practice sword he couldn’t break! The first night he brought it home Miss Amazing only half joked with him about naming it his 4th lady seeing how excited he was.
His team kept trying to ask questions in the morning meetings to find out which superhero he was and he kept trying to vaguely answer them. Constance would visit with him thrice a week to have lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Mondays they would go out to a place she wanted to try. Tuesday Garrick brought food in for them to eat in his office. Thursday was off an on because twice client meetings got in the way. Yesterday on the most recent Thursday, she walked in and locked the door. He’d been working on his keeping about 5 days ahead of his workload. Constance walked over and grabbed his chair spinning it around to face her. “Mister, the door is locked and we’ve got 58 minutes to do something naughty at work. So darling, let’s see how many HR policies we can violate while trying to not make to much noise!”
Today he was finding work a bit difficult when he saw it was lunch time. Her last text message asking how is lunch was today didn’t help. Her lunch time visit seemed to start after the one lunch he had with Mavis Beacon from the Requisitors. Even Mavis could see the need to “just be friends” when he explained he was involved with three women and they all had a group chat working out logistics and communicating. He described everything with Katherine, Constance, and Ameera as fun, crazy, exciting, and still so new and weird he needed time for it to feel ‘normal’ once again.
He did mention to her on March 31st he was going to do a 24 hour patrol for the cops in Norwood. She was welcomed to come and help and then the next last Sunday in April he’d help out a precinct of her choice. Maybe they could start making it a hashtag #LastSunday to get ‘Licensed Superheroes’ and ‘Mavericks’ to work together for a day? Worth looking into for certain as a way to extend an olive branch and perhaps get more Mavericks to come on board for the city. When the ‘Frauen von Gryphon’ heard about the lunch and his plans on bringing the heroes together to a monthly day of charity they could all just imagine what Mavis had been thinking listening to him talk about team building, selfless, topics.
He bailed 15 minutes early and spent that time smooching Katherine, and getting his gym bag ready to fly over to Master Tyrone Nitobe’s school. She reminded him they had a meeting at Spirit Enterprises. He told her that he’d meet her there after class. She wondered if he was ever going to slow down again after learning about his new ability requiring only 3 hours of sleep when not transformed, and NONE when he was? Having two Master degrees taught Garrick the value of learning the basics so they can build upon them. Master Nitobe had spent the entire month showing Gryphon poses and how better to hold Ashmadiel. He was the only other person to call the sword by its name. Then Master Nitobe would have him hold the pose and breathe for 10 minutes. The next 20 minutes was showing him how to flow between each pose. Today was a special day for Gryphon because he was going to be given another 5 minute sparring session with Master Nitobe and his practice sword! Master Nitobe was very pleased when Gryphon began showing up with it this week.
As he was getting ready to leave the school Geist called him about a bank robbery in progress from a group called the Quaternary. Soon he had files on his phone consisting of rap sheets for its members: Ace of Spades, Dust Demon, Kelvin, and Strongarm. An address for the crime in progress and he answered his comm unit would be on and he was on his way! Leaving the school he sent a quick text to Patsy that he was moving to a new house and her badge wouldn’t work after April 1st.
He landed next to the police, Miss Amazing, the rest of SAVIOR, and Jake Thompson of Jake Thompson LLC. The police said the supervillains were getting ready to grab hostages to get pass the police line. Gryphon nodded and immediately flew through the already broken glass door Strongarm wrecked. Seeing the crooks moving to the cubicle with the people trapped inside. He zipped past them as he summoned his sword. He used the pommel as he spun faster then using some extreme engineering and luck to pop the outer vault door, which was currently open, off its hinge!
He had the sword become a bracelet once more a he grabbed the outer vault door and said, “Ramming speed, Scotty!”
Twenty Minutes Later
Nearly every bank customer had been cleared of any injury or taken to the nearest hospital. All of their police statements include the Gryphon’s rescue and later the quick triage of anyone wounded by the crooks. The manager of the bank cleared only one teller to speak on the bank’s behalf, Lorrie O’Neil, teller.
Reporters for the nightly news: “Please, Ms. O’Neil, tell us what happened inside!”
Lorrie O’Neil: “I was trying to keep everyone calm when Quaternary noticed the CSPD arrive. The one with spade playing cards had to calm down his other ‘super’ crooks. Strongarm had already busted the front doors just to get his way inside. Turns out that was their undoing!”
Reporters for the nightly news: “Why was that, Ms. O’Neil?”
Lorrie O’Neil: “Seconds after the Spade dressed one made that statement a blue blur zipped in behind them and before they could turn their heads it sounded like a turbine engine had gone into overdrive followed by a GONG sound! Then, just as they were reaching the cubicle we were in and turning their heads to the sound behind them Strongarm was the only one able to say anything before it happened!”
Reporters for the nightly news: “What did he say, Ms. O’Neil?”
Lorrie O’Neil: “Oh, CRAP!”
Reporters for the nightly news: [LAUGHTER AMONG THE REPORTERS]
Lorrie O’Neil: “Another blur much closer and I felt the air so hard I had to grab the cubicle wall to keep from falling back. I peaked my head around to see the one the CSPD called ‘Gryphon’ and that’s G-R-Y-P-H-O-N. I overheard him spelling it out for one of the cops taking his statement. He had pinned them all under the outer vault door! Miss Amazing zipped up and inside with the C-SWAT team to put on the cuffs to handle supers. Then he did something you don’t read about!”
Reporters for the nightly news: “What was it, Ms. O’Neil?”
Lorrie O’Neil: “He walked the vault door back over and put it back on its hinge! The manager and I were astounded and as he walked over to give his statement he apologized for having to borrow it! Oh there he is! He’s coming out!”
The gaggle of reporters turn and try to get closer but the Gryphon almost takes off from the steps of the bank when he stops and waves at someone. Everyone looks over behind the police line to see an ambulance with a father and three kids, the youngest of the two boys is waving at the Gryphon. Seeing the hero return his wave he begins jumping up and down as his father is getting checked out. The Gryphon glides up off the ground and slowly coasts through the air to land in front of the child. He takes a knee to look him in the face. Miss Amazing taps one of the cops that had used their sound equipment to listen through the busted bank door to point it over to the child and the Gryphon. Now there are reporters and camera crews trying to video and record the audio of the meeting of a hero and one of the people he saved.
Child: “Hi!”
Gryphon: “Hi there, kiddo! You were sure brave in the bank back there. Are you doing okay?”
Child: “Yeah I just got a single bruise on my knee from being pushed around. My brother and sister got a little bruised up but were going to be okay according to the ambulance folks. Dad had his shoulder popped from the big bad guy but we’re just waiting for my mom to show up and then we’ll meet him at the hospital.”
Gryphon: “That’s good news that your dad will be okay! You should be proud how well you all did in the situation. What’s your name?”
Child: “Micah, what’s yours?”
Gryphon: “I’m Gryphon and you know what brave kids grow up to be? Boys or Girls, it doesn’t matter.”
Child: “What?”
Gryphon: “They become knights and protect those that need their aid. Shall I knight you?”
Child: “Yes, PLEASE Mr. Gryphon!”
The Gryphon raises an arm above his head with his hand outstretched and everyone can see the golden swirl and his sword appears! Slowly he brings the blunted back side down on each shoulder and finally his head before it disappears in the same golden swirl!
Gryphon: “By the power granted unto me by one of the Shining Legion. I, Gryphon, dub thee Sir Micah of Century Station. Now be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that your friends and family may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it means you have to clean your room. (the father smirked and nodded at Gryphon) Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath.”
Child: “I will! Am I the only knight now?”
Gryphon: “Oh no, you are surrounded by brave knights every day in the form of police, fire fighters, ambulance folk, doctors like SAVIOR’s friend: Jake Thompson, and teachers. They’re the real heroes because they do such hard work, often without thanks and no super powers!”
When the cops heard that, a few photographers caught a couple of candid shots of their reaction. Aside from the Centurions it was not common for supers to acknowledge they can do what they do because of their powers. It was even less common for them to acknowledge the efforts of people doing their job with no powers.
Child: “Wow! So I can grow up to be one of them?”
Gryphon: “Yes. Follow the oath and it will help you do amazing things!
Child: “Is it still okay if I want to call you my hero?”
Gryphon: “Of course, Sir Micah. I have to go though and I think your dad could use a hug.”
The child ran over to his father and Gryphon bowed to him and thanked the EMT’s present for their service before lifting off into the air and flying away. When the reporters tried to turn back to Miss Amazing for comment all they got was a quick salute as she lifted off into the sky following her teammates back to Spirit Enterprises.
Around 10 PM they finish having dinner and Miss Amazing cannot believe how, well, amazing he is with kids. She just remembered looking at the reactions everyone had watching the tender moment. When Gryphon had described modern day knights as those various professions the effect was instantaneous. The bank manager and that lady, Lorrie O’Neil, raved about him fixing the door he had touched. Ameera had sent her a text after the clip made the evening news about how the Twitter @NorwoodKnights just made it over 10,000 followers by the time clip about him ended! The clip is beginning to go viral! “Hero claims civil servants are the real heroes!”
There was some debate about pursing the Mason Blodgett of Xander Financial that night. Since they had pretty good cases against his lieutenants and no further leads as to the physical paperwork that would incriminate Mason himself. Alice mentioned liking Gryphon’s idea to strip him of his lieutenants so he wouldn’t have the buffer to protect him from shady things he needed done. Alice added that while he would recover there would be a short window to see if he screwed up. Jake kept trying to let everyone know about a tool he had to acquire before any version of the plan to get Mason or his cronies went forward.
During all this Shorty#4 arrives dejected he missed the bank robbery and excited to show off his new power armor suit Gryphon assumed Jake had made for him. He thought to himself about an adjusted Metallica song ‘I AM IRON SHORTY’ and began to laugh at how adorable he looked. Alice seemed to also find Shorty adorable, though in a much different way. While Gryphon didn’t say it out loud he was totally going to make any future kids of his suits like that. Then he wondered about that dream he had crime fighting with his girlfriends, ‘hmmm, would Constance want one?’ Jake revealed a portal on the wall he’d made and it was decided that Geist, Zeau, Cavalry, and Miss Amazing would stay behind. While everyone else went with Jake to a secret location on the planet.
Once through the portal they find out Jake created an organization that basically did what the Men In Black did in the movie with Will Smith and tommy Lee Jones! It was back before this current incarnation of Jake but apparently when he created them he told them if they wanted his help they should model their organization to look like the movie version in case they were ever found out. When everyone arrived it was in a room very similar to the lone guard reading the paper, a cramped elevator ride, and then the interstellar star port. Gryphon was under the impression the items from the movie old Jake had invented for these guys so they could have the look down. He even became the repeated butt of the Neuralizer joke: Did you just flashy thing me?!
Sadly, Gryphon’s memory of the location is not great given the repeated uses of the Neuralizer on him. He does remember a VR goggle game a few people tried and Gryphon scored the worst but virtually lived the life he envisioned he would have had if Alpha Prime had not ruined it. Others became the destroyer of worlds, galaxy’s deadliest assassin, etc. Gryphon walked away and realized if he had not suffered and endured what he did then he’d never have met his sword or Kathrine. He would have never been brave enough to finally tell Constance how he felt or tried to save the girls that became the Norwood Knights.
He leaves the others to their games and chats up a rock based alien and another with insectoid like features. They talk about Alpha Prime and how she could have handle the situation with Dr. Sarnhoff much better. To top it off the other alternative would still have been a legal way to handle this in TMC galactic law! Gryphon thanks them and lets them get back to their coffee break. Jake thanked Agent-G or Gerard Obermueller for his help. Then he turned to every and asked if we wanted to meet President Douglas Carson!
So, Jake walks through the portal he makes after Gryphon grins and says, “Sure, why not.” Gryphon sticks his head through realizing its the real ‘Oval Office’ and President Carson is sitting at his desk with six Secret Service point guns at Jake. Gryphon pulls his head back and tells everyone which prompts the rest of the group to go in! Jake asks about Antarctica and the President, whom has only dealt with the old Jake, calls him unnecessary and a terrorist. Jake was very chill about finding out more about his old self. Gryphon asked about why the Centurions were still there if the problem had already been taken care of?
This prompts a raised eyebrow from President Carson, “So I’m to take it your group is SAVIOR?”
“AND… Jake Thompson LLC. holder of the Key of the City of Century Station,” at which point Jake produces the key and luckily none of the Secret Service shot him or the group. Gryphon asked about the Centurions, Sons of Liberty, pyramid and mages, but got nothing more than it was a national security issue. One that would be reviewed since Gryphon was even able to ask the questions he had. Jake got President Carson to agree to sit and talk with him in private if his guards and SAVIOR left. It was during this he let slip out he didn’t want another Murder Master situation. Gryphon yelled at Jake being a sonofabitch which got guns briefly trained on them both. A few questions were answered and when Gryphon left he realized Jake had done what he tried to do. He just quietly wandered off to take care of the issue. Gryphon saw a bit of himself in Jake and realized he had been to harsh.
Alice and Granny2Good used their various auditory powers to hear the entire conversation. Which pertained to a portal leading to a realm of never ending water with ice beasts! Jake returns shortly thereafter with the promise of President Carson to call “if” they can’t handle it. Jake returns and after answering a few more questions Gryphon apologizes to Jake for yelling at him and his apology is accepted.
In creating a portal to get us back we ended up at the Winchester House in San Jose, CA! Gryphon couldn’t even fathom what was about to happen to his night now however, after they made it outside. Their phones began to reconnect with the mobile networks. All of them had been getting texts and missed calls. [GET BACK! WE NEED YOU NOW!][WE’RE UNDER ATTACK][HURRY][HELP, PLZ!] Someone had attacked Spirit Enterprises while they were gone!
Another portal is made and they head on through. Filing out of the bathroom at Jimmy Johns was hilarious in its absurdity. Due to the single person use of the bathroom as SAVIOR a heroic level of embarrassment and panic for its unexpected occupant. Everyone began to head back as fast as possible! Gryphon scruff carried Alice and the Covenant back at nearly full speed as he pulled them both close to him in case he had to dodge an aircar.
While there was police and EMS on scene below Gryphon flew straight over head and into the building with his two passengers. The windows had been shot at from a level position Alice noted which means the assailants could fly or had a flying car. Covenant called everyone over to a righted table with a note just as Jake, Granny2Good, and Shorty portaled into the room. The note made it clear agents of the Atorian Empress, Arcadia, had claimed our friends in order for us to deliver Jake and Granny for their alleged crimes against the Atorian Empire. Just then the aircar taxi Covenant normally uses flies up to the hole in the side of the skyscraper and Black Phantom leaps out with a quick ‘thumbs up’ to the cabbie.
Black Phantom takes the note and with some serious luck is able to see the person that wrote the note in a large metal room and they have a tri-mohawk hair cut, with side and the top of the head but in between are bald. She’s wearing what looks like diamond plate armor of some sort. She is vigorously pacing and it allowed him a glimpse of Miss Amazing, Deathwish, and Cavalry unconscious and bound on the floor. Black Phantom was able to share those images with Jake Thompson that made the leap they were guards of the Empress Arcadia and on the ship orbiting Earth based on view screens showing the planet below. Jake was able to determine where they were on the ship and he would need the ‘Skywatch / MIB’ computers to help figure out the logistics.
There was some talk about making the team look weak and SOMEHOW Black Phantom had dog shit to make himself look really bad homeless individual! Gryphon just assumed his super power was keeping that smell hidden! Alice threatened death on anyone that tried to cut her hair. Gryphon stayed transformed but wearing some simple clothes, his sword being one of the rings or steel bracelets he was fond of wearing. A long story shortened everyone successfully ended up on the ship thanks to Jake’s math and portal gun.
The team engages the guards as Gryphon flies to grab (ladies first) Miss Amazing & Deathwish to safety, and on his second trip back he was forced to fly through Black Phantom’s gunfire spray keeping the Atorian’s back. As he did a giant glowing Gryphon flashed and his armor appeared on top of the street clothes when the bullets struck him and it appeared as though the damage had been negated. It however bounced off most of the Atorians’ diamond like armor allowing them to still pursue Jake and Granny2Good as their targets. Covenant managed to shoot control panels to prevent people from running for help. Damaged but still functional Gryphon grabbed Geist & Cavalry as it looked like Jake’s flashy thing was having some effect with distracting them. Alice had been using her mechano-link as a mini-laser knife ready to go and engaged the leader of guards that had orchestrated the attack.
Jake managed to get his version of Iron Jake in armor that was painted and sculpted to look like a replica of himself! It did a fantastic job of keeping him alive and made it clear where Shorty had gotten his armor from. Shorty tried using the special gun that shot torrential wind gusts from it and this time he wasn’t having much of an effect on the galactic, imperial guards. At this point Jake produce a miniaturized neutrino bomb and finally they agreed to negotiate asking for us to back off. It seems they could not remember why they had people captive either suggesting Jake’s flashy thing had quite the impact.
Granny2Good followed Gryphon’s example and saved Zeau when Jake asked the Earth people to step through the portal. Alice took a kneeling pose which became more important as the situation continued. Gryphon, still surrounded by the glowing Gryphon nimbus waited at the portal opening as the Atorian guard leader told Alice, “I do not know what you have done here today, but the Atorian Empire will not forget. Take your servants and go.”
Everyone moves through the portal as Alice sticks her head back through. Gryphon realizes he can impart his language ability on others so maybe she can overhear something useful. He touches her back (he’s never used the power on anyone in the group before). She ends up in a surprise set of negotiations with Empress Arcadia herself! In case she transforms into another self the next day she declares Miss Amazing as her proxy. There were some potentially lethal shenanigans by Jake that were thwarted by Alice in a fit of luck. Almost 5 AM on Saturday the 23rd of March our heroes break away to rest and heal.
Professor Nicholas turns back to the blue haired woman approaching him in Everette College sweats to hide her outfit underneath, “Yes, Katherine?” He’d just taken off his long coat and put it in his trunk and was buttoning his blazer over the vest he wore as Zeau.
“Please don’t hold it against Garrick. He was with Jake, and we both know he’s crazy enough to steal a starfighter.”
“Well, there’s two positives I can deduce from this. A) You should be happy to know that when he thought “you” might be in danger he came for you, just done smarter. B) We can both take solace that he referred to “us” when he mentioned Jake and Granny2Good. Therefore he likely came with the rest of the team, and learned from running off on his own, he can be taught.”
They both chuckle at the last part and mention they’ll catch up again soon enough. Katherine heads to her Smart Fortwo car while Nicholas heads back to the get some work before heading home. “He came for me!” She kept saying all the way back to home. She realized as she was pulling into the fenced yard that she just called Garrick’s place home! It had only been two days but it had felt like an eternity since she left him on Friday.
Swiping her badge, the familiar click of the unlocked door, and she pulls the door open to head inside. Her eyes adjust quickly as she bounds across the ground floor avoiding the numerous workout machines surrounding the training mat. There he is, her boyfrien…
…why is that half-dressed bitch kissing her man? They make eye contact and her anger is mounting visibly on her face. “Garrick, thanks it was a wonderful time…,” the half dressed woman walks away seemingly unconcerned about her potential nudity! Katherine’s eyes dart back and forth between Garrick and the slut whom is about to die.
Pointing at the woman walking away Garrick exclaims, “That’s a man!”
Black Phantom in the process of taking off some of his gear begins to laugh, “Yeah, that’s so much better!”
Just then the woman in the torn clothing is nearing the bathroom as her hair changes color, she bulks up to 6′ 7″ and grows and extra set of arms! A second or two later Katherine is staring at the Beast. Her angry expression melts away to confusion as Garrick points again, “See! I told you its a dude!” Black Phantom smirks as he heads over to Jake and they talk about some of the items picked off the deceased. Garrick can’t stop starring at Katherine’s new blue hair. In his mind he is wondering how hair color makes her look even more amazing.
Garrick remembers the usb stick and he inserts it into the table and grabs one of the tablets plus four of the eight monitors on the data pole at the table’s center. Aside from the documents dictating a disturbingly clear plan to mind control students through these psychology experiments. Katherine hugs Garrick when she sees that! Covenant and he explain the cops have all of it because these the are copies of the laptop files Garrick made from his house. What they found next was shared with everyone! It would appear there’s a figure of apparently unknown repute to our heroes. This individual is selling powers to people that can pay his price! Apparently, Dr. Crosby acquired his power of mind control from the individual only known as “The Dealer” to their clients. Katherine then leaned over his shoulder to read along as her blue ponytail fell down into his peripheral view. Everyone got the hint when the next sentence Garrick blurted out was…
“…I REALLY like blue!”
Garrick’s face turned eight shades of crimson, a fact Katherine did not miss and she whispered, “Boy, you sure are hot mister G.” Ad-libbing a line from a cartoon character she had seen once, many years ago. Bounding off upstairs leaving an even redder face Garrick to awkwardly bid everyone a wonderful day but he had some “research” to work on. The Shorties had already disappeared into the basement and the online world of Gizergleam and Worlds Online. After Garrick saw the last guest off he walked into exercise mat and floated up towards the second floor catwalk balcony. He found Katherine sitting on his bed and he asked if she was okay?
“I’m sorry I worried you, your thoughts though weren’t hard to read. I was worried my actions brought me back to the attention of the organization I’ve been on the run from, so I left to find out what happened to me and make sure nothing bad happened to my Garr-Bear.” Katherine shakes her head for a second, looking into Garrick’s mind she’s caught off guard by some of his more lewd thoughts as to why he thinks he likes the blue hair so much. She waits for a few seconds he apologizes being distracted by the fact somehow she got even prettier!
Katherine told him she got Zeau involved because as a teacher he’d be able to help her on campus. “Garr-Bear, please don’t be jealous though! There’s no room in my life for another man, so please don’t think that I would be cheating on you!”
Katherine saw the amorous look drain off his face and one of concern replaced it. When he called her ‘Baby’ though, there was a quiet confidence he’d not displayed before. “Look, you’re my first girlfriend at 27 years of age. However, as a scientist, I tried to study any relationship I could identify in hopes of making me a better husband one day.”
When Garrick said ‘husband’ looking her in the eye she saw a silhouette of her in a gown in his mind. His face grew older in her perception of its features. The vision of her was gone replaced by what she could only describe as a modern scene of Sodom from the bible! Naked men surrounding Garrick and taunting him from the shadows with gestures ranging from wholesome to extremely lewd. He continued, “All my previous experience in relationships comes from watching inmates in relationships. I don’t feel the being gay is a factor actually. I saw monogamous couples, harem styles (though slavery might be a better term), poly pairings (3-way groups or “V’s”, quads or four people), straight up internal prison prostitution. What I took away from that was sex was not just for love.”
Katherine saw that act as the highest form of love between a couple. She felt so sad understanding how shattered Garrick’s heart must have become from his every loss he’s suffered. Maybe he’s forgotten how to love so he’s grabbed a bit from wherever he could find a morsel.
“It could be just a stress reliever for a bad day, it could be a commodity, and it could be done between friends and never lead to anything else.”
Couples used it to deepen their own commitment to each other, and he thought of it as a handshake option!? Only pimps and whores used it as currency! Oh my did she have her work cut out for her! Then there was the erotically charged poetry and harlequin romance novels he read in prison. Oh dear god what did he consider a “hall pass” to be? Katherine had envisioned him getting drunk for certain and sleeping in, but she was starting to see how different his frame of reference was.
He continued, “The simple trick was being completely honest about each of your expectations and checking in with your respective partner or partners to make sure everyone’s needs were being met.”
Did he just reduce an intimate relationship down to a therapy session with result updates? The concepts he’s proposing are good but can be applied to any relationship. He’s obviously never had a caring monogamous relationship since she was his first. If he’s an honest scientist then time with her should make him reassess his views! A plan began to form in her mind.
Onward he went with shocking revelation after the next, “Hypothetically, if you had wanted to have sex with Nick / Zeau I would have a few requirements:
We all meet and know each other a bit better.
Make sure he’s okay with the fact I would not be involved due to my hang-ups.
You’d let me know when you’re going and coming home, especially if it was overnight.
We spend some time afterwards just so we make sure our feelings as a couple don’t suffer and don’t get brushed under a rug.
That we both would study and work on “ethical non-monogamy” to make sure honesty, trust, compassion, and love are the cornerstones of our relationship. Which I feel is good advice for any type of couple or pairing.
If you chose to pursue that I would likely find another person in my spare time for a friends with benefits relationship, because no one could replace the feelings I have for you or ever take your place in my heart. You can bank on that.
She pulled him close and hugged him realizing that her anger was really placed on those that had violated him. It was becoming clear to her that since the torture and rape was in regards to his sword. He may not even know to be on the run from the people in Black Phantom’s vision regarding the Wayfarer. Garrick had said many times to her that he was broken and why would anyone want him. She can tell what he is thinking and therefore should be able to mend him better than anyone else. Certainly better than Patsy, the horrible-house maid, Palmer. She envisioned him as a Kintsukuroi project that had just begun!
They lay down just slept, wrapped up in each other.
9:00 PM
They woke up about 90 minutes prior and began to get dinner together and trying to talk about non-superhero related things. Garrick has one of the eight or so white boards (a couple were transparent) normally in the basement up in the kitchen and would jot down notes about a micro reactor while he was cooking up food for them both. She felt things were starting to get back to normal, so she felt if she read his mind while asking him a question she’d see his thought process at work as he answered. She expressed the hope that Garrick’s hall pass the other night to have a fun night out with the group without her went better than her night did.
Garrick was honest about about how much he had fallen for her even farther than before. That she trusted him with no restrictions for an evening and then come back to her! Katherine now understood what he considered a “hall pass” for certain. When he talked about getting drugged she was watching most of his thoughts were on a man named Thad, but when he added the parts about the group telling him their experiences her thoughts went to the bar staff. It was the only common factor in all the drinks.
Then she learned about his conversation with Stefania as she watched and he charmed her even though he mentioned he had a girlfriend! Apparently when Garrick mentioned he had not had the exclusivity of their relationship stated she pressed on getting to know him. This girl reminded Katherine of a younger, hotter version of Patsy! Then she hears the gunshots as Garrick remembers it. She sees Garrick launch into armored Gryphon and begins saving Stefania and her friends. She can see everything skewed and knows he is in fact high based on the memory images that come as he goes through each detail he is straining to get right.
Then she finds herself trying to not show the body movements as Garrick describes the feeling of being touched. As Katherine sees the colors and trembling reminders in his mind he’s got to be a hero and not screw anyone! He didn’t want to violate his prior promise of insulting Katherine regardless of the “hall pass” gift. Oh my god! He considers the hall pass and ability to fornicate outside the relationship an item that can be a gift? She had never intended for him to get a coupon to a whorehouse! Once at Stefania’s house she gets the full run down as Garrick struggles to remember the details. However, to Katherine it was like reliving a nightmare because it was becoming painfully clear he did not associate sex with love in the slightest! He wasn’t even jealous of Zeau because she could still pick up thoughts he never felt he was good enough for anyone! That’s why he just assumed anyone interested in him would always seek a second partner or more to become satisfied!
What did she have to do to show him he was enough for her? After dinner she said she needed to sleep and she went into the other room on the second floor and shut the door. She just didn’t know how to tell him how painful everything he had said was. Katherine was worried because she couldn’t sense or see any falsehood about what he discussed. His tact though and his delivery was almost to factual. She was worried he might hold back in the future if he knew how hurt she was. That her efforts to please him physically were not associated with how she loved him.
Love. It was the first time she had really said it regarding him. Did those college girls think it was fun to take advantage of him? Did they even think of it as consent or not consent? Given his time in prison did Garrick think this was the way it worked or did he even feel taken advantage of? His father was gone most of the time and if he didn’t follow Cuthbert around by founding Dalus Dome. He’d have to endure countless attempts by his sister, Adeline, trying to kill him. Reading his mind he had tried to set boundaries to make sure he didn’t do anything wrong, however, his boundary was the moment something went inside another person regardless of location. Anything else up to that point was considered fair game! She began to loop her thoughts in a raging cyclone, crying and eventually just screaming until hoarse. It was midnight when she fell asleep.
Monday – 12th of February, 2024
Morning, she open her door and walked into a streamer of 3M clear tape. Thinking about which Shorty was about to die! She untangle herself and walked into a folding chair and square matching table. There was a number of plates with covers on them and a folded card. Hand written on the card was: 8:53 AM – Eat or refrigerate by 12 AM. Your Boyfriend <3. She saw that everything was food she told him she like during breakfast. She saw the bedazzled cased Pearphone X she’d given Jake to fix was on the table! Looking back at the tape a folded paper was on its end with a double sided note.
“Kitty Kat,
It’s hard for me not to be self deprecating if I feel I screwed up. I cook, however, the burrito place says hi and that’s where the flan came from. They told me you get it on your cheat day. I went out on patrol last night. I also wanted some time to think, and I feel I owe you an apology.
At first I thought the “hall pass” was your faith in me to do whatever and then come home to you! I was elated beyond words! It is the reason I let things go as far with the girls because not long after being there. My sword had purged me of the drug in my system. I (this was my mistake) assumed you read my mind all the time because of your ex-husband. I’ve been wondering for some time how heroes that lie about their identity maintain a relationship? Maybe being polyamorous was a path to making that work.
Full disclosure, I often don’t think I’m enough to make such an amazing woman happy. After all if you take the sword away I’m just a nerd. My father and Jake are the real geniuses. As my sister would say I’m just a poser. A perfect example of this was not having any clue you were in to me. I was fine just being friends with you. You were as amazing to me as you are beautiful so I was not surprised when I screwed up sharing to much. Not including Patsy my only social experience after prison was work. The two owners of Mallic are brother and sister, with the Sister seemingly interested in me. I have not gone after that for three reasons A) we work together B) my superhero side job has made her brother ask me to pick her or it C) the most recent reason is I have strong feelings for you.
Before my mistakes that landed me in prison I designed and built structures to end homelessness and work on other worlds! Now I suffer from impostor syndrome. I push myself at work and hero stuff because I feel like a fake. I’m no knight, there’s no damsel to save that won’t see me as a broken failure in the light of dawn. Look, you scare me because without your instruction I wouldn’t really understand “practical knowledge reference” for how to please any woman. Watching porn is like reading books, it only goes so far. Every day I am waiting for the other shoe to fall. You’ll read my mind see something about me so broken fixing it would be a waste of your time and you’ll move on. Three times now I have been trying to work up the courage to say something to you and failed. Failed myself and failed the affections you’ve placed on me.
When I saw the black outfit, I thought you had given me the “hall pass” to distract me, for a second time. The first time you lied to me when you and Patsy had your confrontation. I was mad at being lied to for what I thought, at the time, was the second instance. Ethel pulled me out of my prison defense thought process. She made me think, why was being lied to hurtful? If Jake’s bomb, big enough to be larger than WINSLOW, and Ethel nearly setting it off because she had forgotten patience and innocent lives matter more than ours. I would’ve found a dark corner and probably given Adeline what she’s been wanting since my mother died.
I still don’t understand why you like me but Ethel’s lesson has got me trying out the real side of my appearance more. I fear that trying to make use of the “Hall Pass” was what I feared, a test. I should have never gone that night but again my social cues are so fucked I let you down.
I know I don’t deserve forgiveness, but for what little it’s worth I am truly sorry if I hurt you in any way.
…sorry I was dreaming again.
With a heavy, trembling heart, apologies,
Her first class wasn’t until noon today as a senior in high school. She ate the amazing meal and noticed a text appear on her phone. Apparently, Garrick had to work late on a special project his boss was flying out to California for. There were a bunch of pre-made meals he always did for the Shorties and now her in the refrigerator. Between that and his Tuesday visit to the Giving Tree, Garrick didn’t think he was going to see her much until Wednesday morning.
When she went into Garrick’s bedroom to take a shower half of Garrick’s stuff was placed or folded neatly on his bed. A note on the empty side read: Making room for the most important woman in my life. -Garr Bear. Katherine was still out on how she felt so she got ready and headed off for her classes. She stopped at the burrito shop and picked up a Horchata rice drink. While she was in there she saw an incredibly handsome man sitting there talking with another person and both were wearing Mallic Robotics embroidered polos.
“Sam, I know you must have seen that fucking fraud in his superhero outfit.”
“Blake, you may not like Gary but language, please,” gestures at Katherine, “I have daughters myself, please.”
“I’m sorry, Sam, but come on you’ve had to seen what Maverick he is, tell me and a single call to the cops and he is gone! No way he’s a legal hero.”
“Blake, is that why you took me to lunch?”
“Look he’s ugly and to smart for his own good, he’s an ex-felon! Once a felon always a felon.”
“Blake you could say once a butt, always a butt,” Katherine giggled at Sam’s rebuttal.
“Ha ha, so really whom is he?”
“Blake are you daft? Gary is the reason I have my job and your director says he fought for you in the lead marketing job. You hated him then and he put his ego aside knowing your talents at your job were better than Pavek the Romanian kid.”
“Sam, I’m just looking out for the company! I saw the interview his sister gave replay on YouTube..”
“..Blake, it was ten years ago and his father died, he was not the only one to loose everything when Daedalus went offline! His project could have replaced it one day!”
Katherine was not fond of Blake at this point.
“Sam, have you seen him in his stolen hero gear or not?”
“Only what you have seen, Blake.”
“No way, I can’t prove it but I don’t believe you, Sam!”
“Blake what the heck is the bug up your butt about Gary? He’d give you the shirt off his back! I’ve known him for two years and no one works harder, cares more, or gives more of himself than Gary.”
“Novia, dumped me the day he showed up at work all changed!”
“Blake, Novia, told me she caught you banging a stripper!”
“Who cares, I’m hot and it was just a stripper!” Katherine just got up to grab her drink when she heard Blake expound that. “Sam, you can only love a troll like Gary the way you love a smart puppy.”
“First, that stripper was someone’s daughter. Second, you’re pissed because Novia, whom couldn’t walk without help. Had been given that ability because the ‘troll’ whom has a bigger heart than Shrek, built her a new leg she has proof of you complimenting on style and beauty. That was done by Gary, so yes she is inclined to have fond caring for him, she dumped you for cheating. Third, Gary’s into some other girl not Novia.” Blake looks perplexed and Katherine begins to take her time picking out a straw and a napkin. “I’ve seen the Arabic girl move out and a blond girl, a hot blond girl I might add, move in. There’s no reason to hate him. You’re being ridiculous because you won’t accept Novia left you for being a butt!”
“You’re drinking the Gary Kool-Aid, Sam, wake up he’s a fraud.”
“You’re an idiot Blake, he gives charity once a week! He works harder than everyone at that office.”
“Charitable people are to stupid to make the world work for them. Nobody cares about their neighbor anymore, they care about how to make themselves better off than everyone else around them. It’s how humans judge their self worth – oh my life doesn’t suck as bad as that guy!”
Sam looks at his phone, “ahh crap, that’s Constance, Brandon gave Gary another monster assignment he’s trying to get done in a day!”
“Aww, who cares how wrecked that mule gets! I’m the one that makes that hack look good. Marketing is everything, spin is king! Coders are a dime a dozen.”
Sam shook his head and walked out Katherine followed behind him among other patrons leaving. He makes a call as he gets out to his car, and Katherine starts to head out but maintains line of sight. A few seconds later she skims his thoughts to find out the call is to Brandon about the lunch meeting with Blake. The large project is actually just getting his week assignments in early so he can take Valentines Day off. Brandon just made it seem like he needs everything by close of business on Tuesday for a trip to California. Brandon hopes Constance finding out he’s in a real relationship will make her stop fawning over him. Sam mentions the hate and Blake being dumped by Novia. Brandon sees it as simple jealousy but the legal concerns of employing a super and having that super retaliate against a normal person is a legal nightmare. Sam asked how can Gary put up with it and is told Gary said it really wasn’t anything new for him. If they let Blake go it will have to be completely devoid of any connection to Gary. The call ends and Sam gets in his car and heads back. Blake walks out and Katherine snaps a photo of him and leaves.
Garrick has never told her what he goes through at work, and she realizes he’s never talked about his job at all. He is trying to plan something for Valentines Day and not lie to her, hmmm. She made it to school when she realized how much about his day he never shared with anyone! Her anger was starting to ease up because he appeared to be trying to get his life situated around her and not other women now. School went as most days do, Shorty nodded at her in the hallway, she’d flip him off but wink, and then she’d avoid everyone as much as possible. When she got home all of her laundry was ironed, folded, and put away in the various spots of his room he had made space for. There was a new Optimus Prime figurine in the bathroom holding her tooth brush on the sink. Notes were taped to the fridge about food for Shorties and food for Kat. She broke down and sent him a text asking if he needed anything because it looked like a late night for him. His reply made he choke back some tears.
Nope. Well, if you can some how teleport in here so the door access can’t tell, then become invisible so the cameras don’t see you, and snuggle the crap out of me while code compiles. Well, now my heart feels warm so thanks for being so quick! #Kissyface.
Tuesday – 13th of February, 2024: 4:30 AM
Garrick’s room was dark broken only by the neon blue glow of various electronic buttons. A preprogrammed text has left a message on Garrick’s phone that it was sent and delivered at 12:02 AM. Kat didn’t know why she woke up, but her eyes had adjusted well to the very dim conditions. When she tried to move her head something was snagging her hair prohibiting her. Turning to find out what, she realized Garrick had taken a handful of her hair and pulled it to his nose, then fell asleep. Nothing of the rest of him was close enough to touch her. Slowly freeing her hair she sat up and looked at him. He was in boxer briefs and his normal form. Now when she saw the scars on his back she knew exactly how they got there. On his back was the disfigured skin from the glowing hot threaded rod drug across his back. There wasn’t an arm or leg free from scars and when she touched one there was a flash of mental images of her grabbing Garrick and pulling him out of a nightmare on to a beach for dinner!
She could see his chest heaving as he rolled on his back and his arms went to his sides fingers pressing in so hard in clenched fists they were white and noticeable in the dark room. She reached out and read his thoughts and got and image of a shadowy ten year old girl speaking to a handcuff Garrick:
Don’t wake Katherine, you already hurt her.
Don’t wake Katherine, you don’t deserve her.
Don’t wake Katherine, you don’t deserve anyone.
Don’t wake Katherine, no one loves you.
Failure, Murderer, Fraud, Brother.
She snapped out of his mind as he sat up lightning quick cold sweat bleeding out of him. She found cover behind the bed canopy supports against the wall. He touched where she had been laying, “Oh thank god that was part of the dream. She must be in her room, it was so vivid though. I could smell her.” He sighed and walked over to his large table tapping the screen and letting it log him with a face scan, “I have not dreamed of Adeline in a long time, I am scared of her finding out about me but I know becoming sponsored is the right thing to do.” He stripped naked and walked to the shower turning it on and getting in. “How do you ask her if she wants to be exclusive and not sound dumb? It is bad enough you got the “Hall Pass” test wrong. Your boss knows your in a relationship and he knows whom to slip that to in hopes that anyone at work will cool their jets. Tonight, let Ramona know that he can be friends but that’s it. Already let the only fans I have from the bar know it’s exclusive. Now I just need to hear her say it to confirm my adjusted hypothesis is correct.”
Katherine left the room and got dressed in yoga pants and a shirt. As the automated coffee finished, so did the shower. Garrick came out dress in tan slacks and one of his company polos, “Good morning, your up early and a wonderful sight. Oh I can wait if you haven’t had coffee yet?” Katherine realized at that moment how often he put on a happy face for everyone. She left a stern face on but smiled briefly trying to not act like she had gained a bunch of insight into him, “To be fair, I did not completely communicate what I thought a “Hall Pass” should be.” She holds up her hand as she pours him a cup of coffee, “I need to make sure I am clearer with you, we promised each other that. Don’t answer yet, take 24 hours as I hear you tell people on occasion. If you want to be with me I want you exclusively to myself. I’m not interested in other guys or girls, and I don’t want you having dates and wild nights with other women. Okay I’ve said my piece.”
Garrick nods, “For the next 24 hrs I am asking that you not read my mind so I can plan a surprise for you. I don’t want to lie about it, even for a surprise. I’m just asking that Tuesday night you also sleep in your room. I should be home by 11:30 PM from the Giving Tree and I will begin then. Thanks for the cup I have to go in now, large project.” Katherine walked over and tenderly brushed her fingers on his cheek before she walked away with her cup. Anything longer and she’d have lost the composure she was trying to put forth. She waited for him to head downstairs before coming out once more.
He stopped in the basement and found one Shorty getting ready to login to Gizergleam, Worlds Online. He made sure to get the other two up and told them he had a surprise tomorrow for Katherine. Good or bad on the outcome he needed some privacy. He gave each Shorty $25 to cover whatever they needed but they couldn’t go upstairs. Not until after 12 Noon Wednesday from 11 PM Tuesday night. They all agreed and one of them got ready for school.
11:30 PM
Garrick came home after the Giving Tree and letting Ramona know they were just friends. After this week he’d work on going to visit this church and likely bring Kat along. What he didn’t mention was that he wanted to be certain it wasn’t a cult after the psychology department fiasco. When he checked on the Shorties they have soda, water, and three pizzas with two ice chests! He nodded his approval at their prep and got thumbs up and they’re busy! Smiling he went up to the second floor he could hear music coming from the second bedroom. He set up his easel and the board and got his water color paints out to try and make a picture with her blue hair.
He used the card he made her as a guide and repainted her portrait. This time it had her changed hair color to blue. Now he had to replicate it by the morning, so he got to work. Optimus would warn him if she tried to open the door so he could cover the gift. The trick he ran into was waiting in drying from adjacent sections and moving on to others. He combined heavier white ink to get soft colors but thicker paint when needed on the face. Soon he was in a simple t-shirt that it, his hands, and his arms were covered in paint from using his fingers to force semi-dry paint to behave how he wanted it to work.
He listened to German Folk Metal from “Call Of The Deep” (his favorite band) all night on a Pearpod-Mini he kept for just this purpose. He’d found three tracks that when played on loop he could work for hours making art. His bluetooth, bone-induction headphones wrapped around his head but kept his ears free in case someone needed to talk with him. With sounds traveling through his bones and every shade of blue he owned his brush continued to glide across the taped down, heavy, watercolor paper. Soon the a sea of azure became the backdrop to his first attempt at speed painting!
He had recorded his efforts and mentioned on the video this was the last time he’d be painting this model. He mentioned to his teacher he had found two other students willing to be his models for further work. He was unsure of whether they could be compensated with credits toward electives if he chose to pay them for their time. He covered everything that he thought might give away something about him or Katherine in drop cloths. He uploaded all his work on the watercolor and heavy ink mix medium to the class online folders assigned to him. He replied that he would be happy to make a public showing once he had a few more pieces of his new models.
Wednesday – 14th of February, 2024: 5:46 AM
Katherine wakes and checks her phone and there’s a text from Garrick only an hour ago: “I’m done, hope you like it – G.” She gets dressed in workout clothing because Nathaniel should be there at 6 AM and may already be there downstairs. When she opens the door of the second bedroom she sees the huge blue painting taped to the very dense plastic slab. A clipped note talks about how hot she looks (which he did not believe could be more amazing) with blue hair even if its just a blue streak. As she looked down at the bottom left corner there was a folded red card with wax paper to drape over it. She realized it was to prevent the card from being damaged while the larger picture dried.
She picked it up and removed the wax paper and read it.
The door to his/their room is open and Garrick is passed out in his normal form and dried paint stains cover his hands and arms. She can see he stayed up all night to get the painting right. He’s still wearing pants and shoes and his legs are draped off the bed as though he had intended to untie them. Shutting their door behind her she crawls on the bed and tries to wake him. When he finally opens his eyes he smiles, “I’m sorry ma’am but I’m in a relationship now and my love has made it clear sharing is not permitted you’ll have to leave.”
Kat arches an eyebrow, “Is that so? Well I don’t see her around it could be our little secret!”
“Nope, I love her and this was her request of me if I wanted to be with her,” he yawned and Kat realized he may not be fully awake.
“What’s her name then?”
“Katherine Davis and if god let’s me win the lottery then one day several years from now it’ll be Katherine Faulkner. Shhh don’t tell her that dream I have yet. She hates it when I over share,” he giggled slightly as he finished his statement and his eyes rolled back in his head.
Lightly patting him on his cheek she asked, “Did you have a request of her to be with you?”
Yawning again, “No, she’s still terrified I might leave her for some pretty girl. I’m not sure she has realized how amazing she is. Besides I still don’t think I am worthy of her trust yet so I would ask nothing.”
“What would your request have been if you had one?”
“I love painting the human body and painting it in various locations. Just let me paint and I promise never to share anymore paintings of her so the bad people don’t find her.”
“How many have you shared?”
“Four, three head shots and one of her falling off a building as a perspective piece. She sent me a photo, it was so hot!”
“Where did you share it?”
“School, art class with only my teacher. I want her safe so I found other models that I can afford. My teacher thinks I am getting good enough for a showing. If I’m over sharing I am sorry.”
Katherine looked at his work and had to agree he was indeed getting good, “So you’d be painting nudes then?”
“Only with a clear demarcation line between the male or female model and I. Then an assistant that would be the one to help the model or get stuff for me as well. This way I can assure her of no contact! Otherwise the models would be dressed because head shots don’t require nudity. Sometimes I’m smart unless Jake is around then I’m just the less dumb kid in the room.”
“I’ll think about it but your plan is good.”
Garrick falls asleep and Katherine can read his thoughts realzing he had been speaking in a form of waking dream. She kisses him strong and hard, within a few seconds he wraps his arms around her, “Good morning Kitty Kat I have been waiting on this for days, I love you!”
“I love you too.”
“There’s a lovely beach front Italian restaurant in Garden Valley I’d love to take you to. Now don’t worry I have reservations, its called “Giardino dei Sogni” or Dream Garden. We have a table on the beach because I wanted our first official date to be special.”
Whatever she felt about the conversation with his sub-conscious or waking dream state. Everything he was saying now was music to her ears. Her trembling heart eased a bit as she kissed him over and over again.
Art by: AZ_Artisan
Come watch the next game for our super friends on HippoTV!
Flying home as fast as possible due to the text messages Ameera sent him. Still unsure how her contact info got into his phone and why he already had a group contact for Norwood Knights. Somehow, he thought this might have something to do with Jake being left alone drunk and messing around with Optimus. Gryphon continues at top speed and pauses when he sees his home is not in flames. Going in through the top door on the roof he walks past Richard and Nathan eating some of the left over Wagyu beef. Dismissing his armor not but leaving his hero form, it doesn’t take Garrick long to realize Richard is still high on same drug used on him.
He is stopped by Nathan long enough to learn these two showed up about half past midnight. Nathan continues to inform Garrick that about half past 1 AM Carl the ‘Chauffeur’, Granny2Good, and Covenant arrived. Katherine showed up between 2:30 AM and 2:45 AM. After which Katherine immediately went into Garrick’s room while the other three are in the basement room sleeping on beds not occupied by Shorties. Garrick nods and when questioned about the drugs tells him his suspicions about Thad, but that he and one of the ladies he was with can’t confirm anything. Nathan nods mentioning that he’ll look into it as Garrick heads into his room.
Finding her in the bed she looks asleep to him. He sits on the edge of the bed and just strokes her hair SUPER thrilled she’s okay. He leans down and kisses Katherine on the cheek whispering in her ear, “I’m sorry if this feels slow of me but I am so happy you’re home and not hurt. The group needs me but I ‘love’ knowing I will see you again. Sweet dreams Kitty Kat and I adore you.” As he’s stroking her hair he finds a small fleck of glass. She’s dressed in all black, and while that is pretty normal for her. He remembered that she wasn’t wearing gloves before but it is February. She also had a different shirt with some neo-goth band on it. Thinking she had to change it for some reason he decides to ask her about it later that morning.
Walking out he can see Ethel and Alice sitting at the kitchen island. “Well, I can see you didn’t burn the place down so what’s up?”
The two ladies were still into the breakfast they had made. As Garrick followed the Richard’s voice down to the ground floor where he mentioned the group had been hit pretty bad and he had an injection dart gun holding a bowl with some vials sized for the gun in it. When he offered Jake’s morning after remedy Garrick told him his body took care of this naturally. It seemed in this state Richard did not remember Garrick is normally 5’8″ and since he was standing 6’6″ tall he was transformed. He had just taken off his magically produced costume and wearing clothing sized for this form. What few seemed to realize is that he had been staying in this form nearly 85% to 90% of the time.
Heading back up he nods at Granny2Good and waves at Alice. Granny mentions, “I don’t know what’s gotten into Richard, he’s very weird today.”
“Umm, mmm, yeah if he was hit with what I was hit with yesterday then he’s reacting very different than how I reacted but I suppose everybody has a different reaction.”
“Okay, whatever, he should have already taken the ‘cure all’ from Jake and he should be fine now. He’s just acting weird now.”
“Hmm, well that’s okay I have pants to go put on,” realizing he just talked himself into a ‘weird’ verbal corner as he was still wearing pants. Granny smiles as Garrick just leaves to change out of his suit into his super hero attire that was reminiscent of an 18th century German aristocrat. As he leaves he can hear Ethel trying to get to know this particular personality of Beast better. “So, Alice, do you really like sushi? I just, I don’t understand that.” While Garrick only picked up snippets changing but it appears the ‘Alice’ personality like steak over sushi and is a professional cosplayer. Before walking out he leaves a set of clean clothes folded on the bed next to Katherine with a note, ‘For an amazing adorable woman, -G’ and just to ease his mind he checks her vitals before heads out to everyone else. The Geist calls out that we need to go from the ground floor.
As they go downstairs Granny2Good tells Gryphon she has worked out a dinner date with Miss Amazing for the new outfit fitting. The Gryphon is excited to hear about a ‘Girl’s Night’ for them. Granny2Good asks with a grin that made Gryphon remember why the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland was a bit menacing, “So, did you have a nice night out?” Replying it might have been one of the best nights of his life to date seemed to make her happy to know. As they make it to the table Garrick and the talk of outfits moves around in his head it occurs to him that Katherine’s change in attire would be perfect for covert ops or breaking and entering missions. Was this the reason he was given a ‘Hall Pass’ last night? So he wouldn’t question anything? Finding a seat at the table he now looks annoyed, because if she has done what he has feared she might have done then she’s lied to him for the second time.
In his head Garrick remembered his nickname from Gramercy, Professor Gack. He decided if Katherine has been lying to him all this time he would just let her go and begin dating whom he wished. This group of misfits seemed to have a near impossible time working together because they want help but not recognition and legitimacy. Garrick in his heart wanted to be known as a good person again and someone whom would help people. He wanted to honor his father’s memory as a hero, rather than an expendable, exploitable, naive do-gooder dead in a ditch when no longer useful. However, because they were his team he had chosen to be with then he will NEVER betray them. So if someone hurt his teammate they had better learn to run, add on if someone hurt his girlfriend then someone is going to die!
While the Geist is pulling up everything he wants to talk about Gryphon calls Zeau, “Hey how was last night?” The groggy voice of the professor turned super hero is very evident between his mutterings of ‘Hello’ and ‘…oh man I fell asleep at my desk’ and ‘…I knocked over my papers’ while trying to talk. Gryphon asked about his stopping by her class and he said, “Umm no. I stopped in around 8pm with Starbucks and she was there.” Gryphon informed him about the mission coming up but made it clear he wasn’t required to show up. He had just wanted to keep him in the loop. Granny2Good seemed shocked that Richard was still behaving odd while Zeau seemed nice to Gryphon on the phone. Gryphon just shrugged at that thought as Zeau cautioned everyone to be careful and not end up like Cavalry. Gryphon assured him Richard was working on this issue and looked toward the Geist. He was still working on the monitors to pull up everything.
Bidding Zeau a good day he turns back to the Geist realizing he was having a hard time, while Covenant looked hung over and somehow that was an improvement to everyone else! Pulling 3 monitors out on swing arms from the mounting pole so everyone could see the map of the warehouse from Fat Lucca’s paperwork he and Nathan had found. So this boiled down to a team of Gryphon, Granny2Good, Alice, Geist whom was forced to babysit Covenant so the team could make sure he didn’t become worse.
The warehouse on the monitors was located in the Zericho at 513 Zauber Rd. It appeared to be a standard trucking warehouse with six bays, front and rear entrances. Unfortunately, the note about the address and time was all they had to go on, and everyone present agreed they still had to do this. Black Phantom spoke up at this point about checking on whom had been tracking us to spike our drinks at the Nine Lives Club. Granny2Good was convinced it was Fat Lucca, and she had co-incidental logic points to support her theory. However, all the viewpoints lacked one important item: physical evidence to back them up.
Black Phantom went on to mention the two deaths at the club last night, of a young female and male. When the Gryphon asked about it Granny2Good got him to move on when almost everyone looked at Covenant by saying, “I promise I’ll tell you later.” Gryphon realized that Covenant was clearly involved, however, according to everyone else he was on AMP. He’ll likely need help mentally if he remembers what he fears Granny will tell him later. It’s decided to take Gryphon’s Truck to the area and park a few buildings away.
Finding a quiet spot around 4 AM to park the truck in the shipping and warehouse portion of Zericho near our destination. There was some discussion about sneaking quietly with Alice’s power to silence things, and the young-looking mutant assassin confirmed it would be even quieter flying. When Gryphon was queried about flying drawing attention he said, “Look you’re wearing pink; I am dressed in blue, gold, and white; and the Geist is in a black hood. Even in the dark we stand the hell out.” Granny2Good was quiet for a few having to acknowledge the facts of the situation. She asked about carrying everyone and Gryphon mentioned carrying five girls home wasn’t an issue. Alice chimed in she was tiny in support of the idea. To be fair Gryphon looked at 4′ 11″ Granny2Good and 4′ 7″ Alice as though their concern about weight was hilarious.
The ladies took turns ribbing Gryphon about carrying five girls home. After some smirks the Gryphon put Alice on his back and put his arms around Granny2Good, Geist and Covenant. Gryphon felt bad because even when Covenant transformed after taking Jake’s ‘Morning After Remedy’ he still was suffering from constant migraine level headaches. As Gryphon lifted up he was only two feet above the roof tops and even slowed down if they saw a car to make passing over the few streets as subtle as possible. Gryphon also explained that should something happen and anyone fell they should be able to land without incident on the particular roof they were over. Weaving in and out between industrial water towers, A/C units, and other roof mounted structures they made their way around to approach 513 Zauber Rd. from the truck dock side.
Before he landed Gryphon paused ever so briefly to let everyone know, and hopefully see, the armored aircar on the roof of the warehouse. It was more of an armored or tactical airvan than aircar. Gryphon landed everyone behind some high stacked pallets. When they saw the docks with six, 53 ft. long trucks broken up into two groups of three. One group of docks was more recessed into the back of the building. That group of big rigs all had their motors running in idle, but no one in their cabs. Gryphon turns back to the Geist, “Well, with the armored aircar, and the running idle big rigs would suggest the info you found was legit.”
Chuckling the Geist whispers, “Well, looks like I’m good for something.”
Granny2Good began asking Covenant for advice about sneaking over because this was not her area of expertise. The groans coming out of the Covenant suggest that at this moment nothing was in his area of expertise. Not waiting on ceremony and dressed in dark colored outfit for her size that in the wide open night didn’t smell nearly as bad since the Shorties had forgotten to wash it. Alice quickly makes her way across the yard! Moving from shadow to shadow as though it was a super power of some kind she arrives at one of the idling big rigs. She climbs into the cab and breaks the key off in the ignition. Moving to each truck in the group of three she repeats the process. Alice found it odd she couldn’t hear any signs of commotion in the warehouse, no forklifts, nothing. Back at the pallets Gryphon spies the camera nestled in small half-domes on the building. He radioed Alice, “Be mindful of the birds in the sky watching you from the building.” Hoping that if someone did overhear his transmission he had been cryptic enough to not give away where she was. Alice crawled under the last big rig and peered in to the dock bay door which was not only up but the ramp that would normally allow a forklift access into the container was pulled back giving anyone ample room.
Inside was a group of people bound and on the ground in a group. She motioned for her teammates to join her because finally something of note had been discovered. Granny2Good ran over while Gryphon picked up Geist and Covenant flying over and setting them down against the warehouse’s wall. Alice noticed a clearly Asian woman she thought she had seen in news articles about supers. She was wearing a tactical katana strapped to her side walking toward the group on the ground. Granny2Good was gearing up to bull rush the katana wielding woman when Alice said she had a plan to get information. Gryphon nodded but agreed with Granny and made ready to strike. Alice just walked in openly and when the Asian women noticed her she asked, “Great Watashi outfit, awesome cosplay! Is this where the convention location today?” She was putting her convention and cosplay social skills to brilliant use!
The Asian woman she called Watashi raised her arm and spoke into a communication device embedded in her outfit’s sleeve. Alice continues walking toward her when a man steps out from a shadowed corner. Solid white hair, appears to be late fifties, an eye patch over one eye, very muscular. Dressed in military camouflage pants with a navy-blue shirt with a high-tech rifle slung over one shoulder and a tactical body harness with two automatic pistols towards either side. Alice recognized the group leader of the Requisitors. As Alice kept walking Colonel Lightning said in a gruff voice, “Ma’am, I’m gonna need you to step back.”
Cool as ice Alice just addressed them as a couples cosplay! If only Carl could get his groove back because clearly in this facet of his psyche he was able to be cool under pressure. Granny tried sneaking in but kept making noise on the smooth concrete with her heels and well then there’s the pink outfit that strikes a pose almost on its own. Gryphon never even tried to sneak and rose up into the air above the boxes and those figures were only vaguely familiar to him as agents of good. Hearing Granny2Good approach behind her, Alice, turns and yells, “SAME TEAM! SAME TEAM! We’re all good guys here, DON’T ATTACK!”
Col. Lightning steps forward, “Little miss, I’m going to need you to report yourself. Who are you and what team are you with?”
From above Gryphon says, “It’s kinda a work in progress.”
Granny2Good smirks, “Well, we may have one right now dear.”
Alice throws her hand slowly looking back at her team, “Aww, come on, I can’t think of anything! Ummm, Ummm, Mustang Sally!”
Granny2Good and Gryphon exchange looks! “That’s what you’re working with,” queries the flying hero?
Col. Lightning seems just as confused, “Look, I’m going to need to know if you’re good guys or bad guys as I have eyes in the sky.”
Replying Gryphon asks, “You mean the armored aircar on the roof?”
As he points up everyone, Gryphon especially notices a number of small and very silent flying drones! Out from behind Col. Lightning comes another individual from their team in a brown uniform as Granny2Good shows off her left sleeve trying to respond to the Good or Bad comment. Emblazoned upon that sleeve is her hero moniker ‘GRANNY 2 GOOD‘ in pink so bright it could be neon. Gryphon wisely kept his mouth shut regarding a neon orange bulb joke he’d heard yesterday. As the brown outfitted super heroine comes further into view the upper part of her face is covered up by very hi-tech goggles integrated into her suit. A large bushy tail appears to be attached to her outfit and Alice recognizes her as the Flying Squirrel!
Flying Squirrel was typing on a forearm mounted computer with a flexible, yet semi-rigid lcd screen that is open! Gryphon looks suitably impressed and thinks he just might be able to continue being a superhero if he finds a way to free Ashmadiel from its sword bound form. Apparently she was the one controlling the drones. Gryphon calls out, “I am the Gryphon of Norwood.”
Col. Lightning smiles, “OH! You’re the flying sword guy that harasses Starbucks employees.”
Happy to be wearing a visored helm Gryphon sighs mumbling, “No, that’s Jake.”
Col. Lightning calls out, “Alright everybody, STAND DOWN! Come on out.”
The team sees a mutant hybrid Wolf-Man wearing only pants come out from a side office! Following him was a very, very attractive African-American woman in a business suit. Then came the surprise as Nathan Fillion, the actor, came out last! Nathan began asking, “So does this happen often with other superhero group dropping in on you?”
Gryphon asks, “So were you here to stop Fat Lucca? Since we’re laying everything out on the table.”
Col. Lightning nods in the affirmative, “Yep, we got wind of the shipment and have been casing the joint for a few weeks.”
“We were in the Nine Lives Club last night and found some paperwork leading us here.”
Col. Lightning raises an eyebrow, “You weren’t part of the shootout, were you?”
Before anyone could respond Alice looses her cool and begins ‘Fangirling’ on Nathan Fillion! Going on and on about watching every episode of Firefly 15 times! Also every episode of Castle, except the last season because her opinion of that season was that it was sub-par. Ok ok, she said it sucked. Nathan just chuckles and says, “Why thank you miss.” Before they revisited the topic of the nightclub Col. Lightning seemed to be visually studying the Gryphon, “Good grief Gryphon I barely recognized you! Glad to see you made it out of the can!”
Gryphon was stunned to say the least that someone would not only know whom he really was but called out that fact with knowledge of his past to avoid using his actual name. That reminded him he would need to remind Geist to be more careful drunk dialing people on the team. “You actually know who I am under the,” waving at his outfit.
“Of course.”
“Uhhh. That’s a first.”
“Well, every girl you hook up with knows your name why can’t I?”
“That’s an awkward statement. Umm.”
“Aww come on, I know you get around,” looking back at his team, “This is the guy I’ve been telling you about. Mavis, watch out for this one,” he’s smiling and jovial about the issue while looking back at the very, very attractive African-American woman in the business suit. He reminds his team to stand down as the Gryphon removes his helm and lands allowing it to vanish in golden mist.
“So you look like you have this all wrapped up? Are we just late to the party?”
Col. Lightning mentioned they were about to wrap it up and call the cops, but they would be willing to hold off if we wanted to do an investigation. It was then he started paying more attention to Covenant sitting by a box with the Geist standing next to him. The gruff sigh predicated his next statement, “Is that your buddy over there?”
Gryphon nodded, “Somebody doped him up with AMP last night.”
“I’m gonna do you a courtesy, he might want to lay low for awhile.”
The Gryphon looks back at the Covenant making eye contact when he realizes he’s the focus of the conversation, “Do you even remember what happened to you last night?”
Shaking his head the Covenant replies, “Noooo, what happened?”
Asking Col. Lightning to fill them in he relates what he’s heard, “Reports are getting out from CSPD, they’ve got pictures and he’s wanted.” Further questioning of Covenant revealed he knew he was angry and he’s afraid he went to far. Gryphon realizing that he likely killed the man and woman from the club he was told about earlier made him want to stop Fat Lucca even more. The Colonel and Gryphon talked about what had been found and the Requisitors had only run across weapons being transported here. When asked they said they would be happy to wait a half hour before calling the cops. The group began to fan out while Nathan Fillion was really interested in a ‘super’ being as old as Granny2Good. Poor Granny did not wait around to answer any question related to her age and sped off to a far corner of the warehouse.
As the Gryphon heads for the warehouse offices the Requisitors begin taking people out for the police to have easy access to when they arrive. In the office he makes short work of bypassing the security on the PC at the main office desk. As he began to browse the files he noticed an electrical box on the wall much lower than the city code requirements for such a device junction. He couldn’t find anything about it in the file search, and when he looked on the inside it was not tapping into the power of the building. There was a single, large throw switch that appeared very old. He threw the switch causing the floor behind the desk to fall away.
Following the steps down into a hallway just big enough for two adults barely shoulder to shoulder. The destination was a store room with boxes that used inhalers to deliver the AMP drug rather than injector needles! Alice comes up behind him at this time and its decided to bring these up and hand it over to the Requisitors so they can turn it into the CSPD along with the guns as evidence to put these guys away for a long time. As they neared the end of the boxes one of them had a big 17-inch laptop on top of it. When Gryphon opened the lid and tried to bring up the log in screen a video began to play. It was Fat Lucca!
Looks like you found my stash, but if you really want to stop me…
…come to ‘Lucciano’s’ my restaurant in Javarta. I’ll be waiting. hahaha!
He chuckles but it looks like an afterthought as oppose to any genuine mirth. After getting everything upstairs Gryphon gathers everyone around and plays the message again. Nathan looked surprised at seeing crime and plot devices in real life. Col. Lightning mentioned that since Gryphon’s team had found something that the Requisitors had missed. They would be willing to let the Mavericks take Fat Lucca down while they handled the aftermath here and deal with the cops. Having dealt with AMP in the big take down almost a week ago the CSPD would have steps to handle the alien, chemical-laced drug. It would show that not all of the drug was in the hands of the authorities. On top of that they had figured out changing the delivery system from liquid injection to aerosol-based inhalant!
When the Gryphon mentioned he was willing to let them tell the cops about his hero name, and thrilled the group didn’t have a name just yet so no one else would be in trouble when the cops came looking for him. Col. Lightning told him they would take credit for it so they could avoid the issue altogether. Gryphon slid the AMP over and the Colonel mentioned they needed to get a beer. They exchanged contact info when Col. Lightning said, “I’ve been keeping my eye on you, making sure you’re on the straight and narrow ever since you got out.”
This appeared to surprise the Gryphon into remembering when Warden Harker said he had friends on the outside. He wondered if his father knew Colonel Lightning? See him puzzle over that statement the Colonel chuckled, “You’re good kid, you’re good.”
“He’s a very nice young boy and we’ll take care of him,” Granny2Good added.
“Thank you Ma’am.”
“It was very nice meeting you.”
Nathan Fillion made another attempt to try and get some information politely and Granny mentioned she was fond of his voice over work on the Venture Brothers as the ‘Brown Widow’ character. Alice retorted in somewhat mock disgust that was a comparison to his work as the ‘Captain Hammer’ character. Nathan smiled and mentioned he was preparing for another movie role and was the reason for his presence here. Gryphon mentioned that due to the need to stop Fat Lucca the interview would have to be cut short. Nathan brushed him off and tried to continue when Granny2Good just said a girl never tells her secrets and ran out trying to take Gryphon with her until she saw him going for Covenant. Alice pointed out widowhood gave her superpowers for some reason, curtsied, and ran out.
As they are leaving Nathan Fillion waved after her, “Have a good time! Hmmm, a senior citizen, is that normal to be a super hero?”
As the Gryphon is making sure the Geist has Covenant well in hand Alice pokes her head in and sees Mavis sharing many glances with Gryphon. The Gryphon is almost instinctively displaying southern gentlemanly charm. She begins to wonder if that is actually a superpower or Gryphon is just a manwhore? Once Geist is on his way out with Covenant, Gryphon floats a few feet off the ground and his armor vanishes in golden mist only to be re-summoned with the helm back on his head! He nods at Mavis tipping his gryphon shaped helm the way men did their fedora hats and bids her adieu with, “Ma’am.” Before he flies out into the dark early morning to join his super friends as he can hear from inside, “Call me.” Getting back to his truck there is only a minor scratch on the side of the door, and everyone piles in.
5:10 AM
The group passed by Lucciano’s once to try and get an idea of what they were dealing with. Granny2Good mentioned it looked popular with over 25 cars in the parking lot which made Gryphon blurt out, “It’s just after 5 AM what kind of Italian restaurant has a breakfast menu?” Granny nodded remembering it had hours of 11 AM to 11 PM typically. Gryphon remarked, “In an hour my favorite coffee shop would open up, not to far away.”
“Yep, so we just have to kick his ass in an hour and then we can get shawarma and coffee!”
Gryphon loved seeing no one doubted they could handle this in an hour, but questioned whether or not a shawarma place would be good or even open after 6 AM. Alice holds up the phone she had from her other personality, Carl, and mentions that while farther away the Bloody Flowers Shawarma is open 24/7 in Everett! Gryphon reasserts his plan and Granny agrees, especially after Geist assures her she would like it. Finding another nearby location to park a few buildings away the consensus is that this is a trap set to try and wipe us out. Granny and Gryphon seemed to be itching for a fight seeing that they both had speed to mitigate range and were some of the group’s heavy hitters.
The group lands at the front of Lucciano’s just past the packed parking lot. When the team turns to Geist for the plan he replies that he’d like to see what they come up with. Granny assumed and stated that means ‘no plan’ and goes up to the side entrance on the front and wrenches the door open so hard that the handle embeds in the wall and stays open! Followed by Gryphon and Alice directly, while the Geist brings Covenant along whom is slowly beginning to feel better but is still shaky on his legs and prone to dizzy spells.
Granny2Good shows that her powers have clearly affected her approach to danger as she calls out, “Hello? Is anyone home?” Alice drops her face into her hands as the Gryphon just shrugs considering this approach just as valid as any other. Alice speaks in Japanese about the stupidity of this approach and her panicked nickname of our group. Gryphon tries to make her better replying in Japanese thanks to his sword he had summoned to his hand that maybe just ‘The Mustangs’ would be a better choice. Following the adrenaline, ramped up, widow they all noticed the quiet silence as the only response to her declaration.
Eventually Granny2Good came upon a curtain separating a portion of the dining area. A weird smell was coming from behind the curtain, as she pulled it open she paused. The amount of blood and bodies made it seem as though Jackson Pollack and Pablo Picasso had painted the room together! Roughly 40 or so bodies littered this curtain encapsulated dining section of the Italian restaurant. Alice suggested we leave and call an anonymous tip into CSPD. Gryphon noticed a monitor and pedestals with name tags corresponding to their real identities! Trying to hide her growing concern Granny remarks, “I think we’ve been setup boys.” Gryphon flies over slowly to check it out, however, after crossing the curtain threshold the monitor begins playing a video. Fat Lucca shows up again but is visibly nervous towards something or someone off camera.
Greetings, so called heroes!
You have formed a group but you truly don’t really trust each other.
Some of you have possibly turned each other in, in the past.
Some of you have betrayed each other.
Hit the button that applies for you if you’ve betrayed your teammates.
And you will…
Gryphon lays his sword flat in both hands a presses every button at once, turning back to the others, “I’m done with secrets let’s find out whatever the hell he’s got.”
Congratulations! You have all turned each other in.
It seems no one can trust anyone.
Good news for you, when you entered the cops have been called.
Good luck, have fun!
If you survive this, meet me at Century Station Memorial Park.
At 8 AM, because lives are at stake.
“Gryphon,” Alice cries out, “fly back and get us out of here!”
The monitor begins to smoke itself in a self-destruct mode to everyones surprise. Gryphon removes the power cord to prevent an electrical fire and keeps it. He takes the name tags to protect everyone’s identities, and then flies back to help everyone get out as Granny2Good holds the door open since she is wearing gloves. On the way out of the blood bath area everyone talks about the fact Fat Lucca looks like he’s in a hostage video. Granny mentions to Gryphon as they leave she feels the cops are getting close. Once everyone is outside Gryphon gets Granny along with everyone else and flies quickly back to his truck. Poor Covenant just moans at being jerked around and closes his eyes during the short flight.
Back at the truck Granny can finally hear sirens in the distance. Gryphon points out his worry that perhaps the lives at stake are the people they ‘as a group’ care about because Fat Lucca and his “captor?” knew their real names. Freaking out Gryphon makes a group call on his phone, putting it on speaker. No answer from either Shorty #1 or Katherine. Black Phantom answers though and the Gryphon fills him in on Fat Lucca being a hostage to an unknown party that appears to be setting them up using everyone’s real name! Then Black Phantom drops the bombshell on Gryphon. Not only was the murder from the nightclub being reported on television, but there was a jewelry heist. A bunch of jewels were stolen and the value is a few million dollars worth! A number of eyebrows raised up at this point. Black Phantom went on to say that there were images from security cameras of one of the thieves having a lot of blond hair coming out from under their ski mask. Otherwise the attire was identical to what Miss Amazing was wearing when she came home around a quarter to three this morning! He continued to inform Gryphon when she saw that on the news she bolted and ran!
Asking Black Phantom to put him on speaker phone he tells Optimus to grant Nathan access to his room. He confirms his identity with a line from an old Transformers TV show. He tells him where the ski mask is that Jake gave him when they were all about to leave on that Liberty Bell dimensional field trip. He wants to know if there’s another ski mask in his room. Black Phantom quickly calls him back mentioning the ski mask, shirt, pants, and gloves. Granny2Good sitting in the front passenger seat can see that Gryphon is emotionally compromised as he follows the navigation program, quietly running in the background, to the park. At the Gryphon’s request he puts it all in a trash bag and treats it as evidence. Granny can see a disturbing calm come over Gryphon. What she can see simmering below the surface is anger.
Zeau joins the call briefly and everyone knows he made it home safely. Everyone explains to Black Phantom about the heads of seven color gangs dead in Lucciano’s which stuns him into asking if we did that. Gryphon clarifies that whomever took Fat Lucca did it. Black Phantom offers to check into the hit on our group or the shooting. Gryphon mentions that maybe check on the hit to our group from the angle of whom would know to use Fat Lucca to lure us in? Phantom adjusts his search parameters while Gryphon mentions meeting the Requisitors hero team from Veridian Dynamics. He laughs mentioning their commercial about helping you ‘most’ of the time.
As a precaution Gryphon asked Black Phantom to check and make sure that the Requisitors turned over the drugs and guns to the CSPD. In a few minutes Black Phantom mentions that there’s a record of an impending deposit to the evidence room regarding the guns and drugs. Relieved they had not just been duped by super villains pretending to be super heroes. Gryphon turns his attention back to Katherine and the Psychology 101 extra credit. For the record when someone is emotionally compromised they can hear perfectly normal statements and the only listen to what they are receptive to. Such was the case with Gryphon fearing all the evidence pointing to Miss Amazing being involved. He knew she had no qualms about lying to him when it appeared to suit her agenda. Such as investigating Patsy. She then had not come clean about it until Gryphon asked, even then she had hid details that might have prevented her being put in harm’s way. Was the hall pass to distract him? He had warned them that some kind of black ops thing might happen. He had survived hell for three years, his paranoia is what kept him alive.
As his mind was reaching survival mode and regressing to how to navigate prison scenarios. He was beginning to spiral out of control when rationally had already told her even he missed the signs regarding Patsy and the sword. What surprised him into checking his fear, and concerns was Granny2Good talking to him, “Honey, you know Katherine better than that.” They go back and forth about Kat, or Miss Amazing deserving Gryphon’s trust. Also, how he clearly needs to talk with her about the lie and how it clearly still hurts him. Granny is the one that calms Gryphon down as he drives and defends Miss Amazing as the victim. Because she to doesn’t want to live in the past, and believes Miss Amazing is not like her husband.
As he hangs up the group call and thanks Black Phantom for making sure his Shorties are safe, he sees an unheard voice mail. Listening to it on speaker phone, “Hey Care-Garr its me, Katherine. [LONG PAUSE] I don’t know what happened [LONG PAUSE] I need to go and lay low until I find out what happened. [LONG PAUSE] Keep doing what you’re doing I know it’s important. [LONG PAUSE] I’ll contact you when I can, bye.” Granny2Good smiled warmly, “See, anything she did she wasn’t herself.” Onward they continued to Ogilvie and the Century Station Memorial Park.
6:24 AM
Arriving at Century Station Memorial Park, he pulls the truck into its vehicle lot. The posted hours mention public access between 6 AM and 11 PM. A sub-district based monorail runs over one side of the park with train pods passing every 30 minutes. A small group of joggers ran into the middle archway of the park wall. Coming up the sidewalk was a sunrise yoga class heading in from the side arch providing easy access to the pond inside the park walls.
Gryphon asked Geist how he wanted to go about looking for a bomb. Catching Geist a bit off guard Gryphon pointed out that, A) if lives are at stake, B) in a public place, and C) you wanted to cause the most collateral damage. A bomb would be the method of delivery he would take. A conversation broke out about how to approach looking for a bomb. Gryphon gave Geist his truck keys and told him to keep Covenant in the truck and out of sight. If things went south the Geist was requested to incorporate our group as a sponsored team so we could get out of jail. That part of the plan surmised the CSPD would show up at some point. The Geist was honest that, yes, he would try but he was not sure if he could move that amount of money very fast.
Granny was going to take Alice and search from the ground because she had been to the park many times over her life. Alice had sound powers that would cover the sound her speed would make and any crushed bushes in her wake. Gryphon would check from the air and between their vantage points should be able to locate the bomb device. On they went with Granny2Good waiting at the steps to the great statue the park was known for as Gryphon flew overhead. He pointed out a crate to his teammates and they converged upon it. The familiar laptop was present and Gryphon pressed the space bar.
Hello, It’s Fat Lucca!
You’re here early, it’s not 8 o’clock.
What are you doing? The crate doesn’t unlock till 8 o’clock.
“Oh, yes it does!”
Well anyway, come back at 8 o’clock.
Granny tells Alice to get off her back, which was funny to watch Alice at 4 ft. 7 in. tall get off Granny2Good at 4 ft. 11 in. tall. Especially beside Gryphon at 6 ft. 6 in. tall. Granny attempts to grab the box which causes another video to play.
Any attempt to open the crate will result in death of everyone in the proximity.
Gryphon looks at her pausing, “Granny it’s a bomb.”
“And, get out of here!”
“No, we’re going to do this as a team. Alice go help Geist to get everyone out of the park.”
Alice asks before being shooed away by Granny’s reply, “What if we play by their rules? So far we haven’t had any issues.”
“Oh, many people dead is no issue at all!”
Over the communicator Alice asked, “Do we really want to risk opening it?”
This prompted a conversation between Gryphon and Granny about first grabbing the box and then Gryphon flying them both up and away from the city to save everyone from the blast. When Gryphon spotted how it was bolted to the statue he realized that plan wouldn’t work. Granny had gotten so seemingly frustrated she appeared to Gryphon as though she had stopped caring about the innocent lives around her. She wanted to be in charge of her own fate, and constantly not being in charge of your agency can make you do extreme things. Gryphon knew of fourteen dead people that could attest to him when he felt that way. Gryphon realized at that moment why Mavericks had been outlawed. Still, she was his teammate and he had to diffuse two bombs now.
The Geist calls in over the head confirming the bomb information Alice told him about. Gryphon explained the plan was to try and Cut the concrete just enough with his sword so Granny2Good can grab the box and the Gryphon fly both up and away from the city to save them from the blast. The Geist asked if that plan would allow us to learn whom was behind this and Fat Lucca’s kidnapping. Neither of them knew and the Geist wondered if they were willing to risk it. Gryphon was praying the Geist’s line of questioning would help talk Granny down. So far it seemed to be effective, and Gryphon said they would likely need the Requisitors’ assistance to keep the cops back because one of the joggers or sunrise yoga folks would throw this up on social media. While they weren’t able to get visual confirmation it was a bomb without tampering with it, all signs pointed to it being one.
Gryphon played the video over his phone for the Geist and pointed out Fat Lucca was bleeding in this video and the Gryphon feels he angered his boss above him in the criminal underworld. Trying to make it seem like the Geist was wise for waiting he saw Granny in a holding pattern trying to take it all in. So far the plan to keep her calm was working but it had only been a few minutes. Geist said he would make the call and during the short wait Gryphon just thanked Granny2Good with no context added to it because he felt the topic list was to long. Granny thanked him back for being a good friend, and that he shouldn’t try so hard because he was a good human. The Geist informed them he got a hold of Flying Squirrel and they would be there in 45 minutes.
7:32 AM
The Requisitors arrive via Flying Squirrel’s armored, tactical airvan. Gryphon verfies by flying straight up to see them on approach and then lands to update Granny. Gryphon and her continued to talk about how to proceed and and Gryphon acknowledged he would hover over it. Granny appeared to Gryphon to have forgotten how quickly he regenerates when she mentioned how often he’s been damaged lately. Gryphon just shrugged and for the first time mentioned his sister Adeline by name seemingly dreading the moment she would find out he was alive and a superhero. During all this Alice began to hit the street trying to find something or someone that could lead them to Fat Lucca’s actual location.
As she was looking for leads and evidence Gryphon noticed a shiny object between the box and the statue. He squats and pulls it out seeing foreign writing he begins to eliminate other writings he would not have noticed. Finally he stands and hands the bottle top to Granny as he hits the space bar on the laptop once more and as the video plays he asks, “Is Jake holding you hostage?” Granny looks down and recognizes it as Gryphon asks her, “Did Jake go and capture Fat Lucca just to make an adventure for us?” Her eye roll suggests that this idea is certainly not beyond some of the stunts of her brother.
Alice received information from a wino that a very, very drunk man matching Jake’s description had been there on the statue placing the crate. This caused her to begin swearing in Japanese! Granny2Good mentions this to Gryphon as she is trying to hide how pissed she is at the moment. They’re able to raise Alice on their comm units only to find out in this world Jake has a small cult following and he is the one that dropped off the box. Alice went on to describe how the homeless man holding some ‘Mad Dog 2020’ thought he was sober in comparison to how drunk Jake was. Gryphon was astounded that Jake had ‘people’ and Granny told him he doesn’t always remember that. However, he has them scattered across the universe!
There was a small discussion about if Jake was evil and Granny2Good refused to believe this iteration of Jake was evil. Granny and Gryphon both acknowledged that they likely had evil copies in another reality along with Jake. She really worried Gryphon because it seemed to him as if she had stopped caring about any of the innocent lives just past the wall of the park and cared more about ripping the box apart. She was so full of herself that she could absorb the blast or die and still absorb it all. Gryphon was concerned this could become a second Winslow, and he’d do anything to prevent that. Granny2Good was becoming a bigger and more immediate threat than Jake setting the bomb here! She was nearly 100% convinced even after Alice’s findings that her Jake didn’t do this! She was putting his life and reputation over the lives of innocents, and all Gryphon was trying to do was stall her from doing something rash.
Fighting Jake in this way was useful to him because he had an idea of how Murder Master had defeated every super hero in Millennium Station. Alice began to approach trying to figure out if her sonar sight would allow her to scan the box to determine its contents were 100% a bomb and not a hoax. She climbed up on the wall and then scrambled on top of the archway leading into the park. With her power she could see inside the box and began describing what she saw to the Gryphon. He pulled his phone out and began using a pen with a stylus tip to sketch the information and make blueprints of the internal workings of the bomb. After he was finished and thanks to Alice the status of it being a bomb was no longer in debate.
Granny2Good still wanted to rip the box apart convinced it would just blow up at 8 AM and Gryphon was convinced Jake liked puzzles and games over just raw explosions when their was a chance to prove how smart he was. Gryphon gently tried to get her to understand he was trying to prevent her from becomming another Cavalry. When he explained how Cavalry’s accident led to the Liberty Bell being destroyed Granny remembered nearly hitting a building on a previous day. Finally realizing she may have been wrong about the poor kid that never asked for these powers. She appeared calmer and then tried to agree with Gryphon and get him to back away from the bomb utterly convinced it would just blow at 8 AM. Gryphon knew that was sheer folly because if this intergalactic power bomb was even a tenth of the power of Winslow then that would mean a minimum of 300 dead and 1,000 injured. What worried him about this more was what if the bomb is worse than Winslow and the death toll exceed 6,000 and 20,000 injured at twice the damage of what sparked the riots.
7:41 AM
They began to politely argue about whom should stay when they were interrupted by Geist about moving our truck to make a clean get away later. Alice chimed in with an idea and began to run over with her special multi-device, the Black Box. She programmed it into a covering that could contain the box inside it. Gryphon began to wonder if Granny2Good wanted to die, because she tried to talk Alice into not using it. Gryphon wanted everyone to remain calm and Alice’s idea was the best one he had heard since Granny stopped seeming to care about innocent civilians and just wanting to tear this open. Alice had tried getting a special support line to answer how much of the blast this could contain but no that could answer the question appeared to be available. She left the area and they waited the remaining time till 8 AM.
At 8 AM nearby church bells toll and Gryphon takes one of Granny’s hands in case this is their final moments hearing the box trying to open. They eventually call Alice back to remove the skin and it opens. There’s a mounted laptop on the inside of the lid a metal scale and two jugs next to it. The video begins to play and Fat Lucca has a black eye to go with his bloody nose.
So as many of you might know or may not know, uh,
One of my favorite movies is Die Hard, so this is the scene from Die Hard 3.
No using your phones because if you do the bomb will go off.
Good Luck, Have Fun, Here You Go!
You need to take these two jugs, one is 3 liters, the other is 5 liters.
You need to measure out 4 liters exactly and put it on the scale or the bomb will blow up.
Good Luck, Have Fun
The Gryphon grabs the 5 liter jug and his pen. Then using the 3 liter jug he fills it and pours it in the 5 liter one. He marks off where 3 liters is on the 5 liter jug. Between there and the top he finds the midway point and marks off the 4th liter position. He fills the three liter jug and pours the remaining missing liter so it contains 4 liters exactly. Granny takes Alice away since she is worried Gryphon is about to blow himself and the surrounding area up, potentially. He sets the jug on the scale which prompts another Fat Lucca video
Congratulations, you win this time!
Uh, Umm, meet me for reals at this location
<< Address is given >>
Seeing I did not explode Granny2Good brings Alice back up as he is on the phone letting Col. Lightning know he disarmed the bomb and they can have it. Granny begins screaming that Gryphon has screwed over her brother. First, Gryphon dismantles her argument on creation citing masterminds in Gramercy and the video showing Fat Lucca. Second, when she brings up fingerprints he knows his are now all over this and he’s taking the bottle cap with alien writing. Alice touches it all over while Granny continued to berate Gryphon rather than being excited about the innocent lives that had been saved. Gryphon feels happy she cares for someone that much, but feels sad because now he believes the minute Jake is threatened she would stop caring about the whole of the Earth to save him and his reputation at her expense. He also knows being yelled at she considers him an unintelligent child. In his head he just acknowledges it is easier being hated because no one lies about how they feel then. Still they were teammates and he stopped trying to explain what he had learned about most peoples reaction to alien technology. She didn’t care to listen to someone she thought was to stupid to play his own gambit.
Alice mentioned her support of Granny’s concerns thinking of Jake as arrogant enough to not care about being discovered. Granny could see his resigned frustration and tried to mention they needed to protect Jake the way they protected Covenant. She appeared offended that Gryphon suggested the innocents were higher up the food chain in needing protection than any of them. Gryphon flew over to Col. Lightning letting him know the bomb was defused an they could take it at their leisure. While he was talking with the sponsored hero Granny2Good picks up Alice on her 4′ 11″ frame and says in Gryphon’s earshot, “Come on, let’s go make a difference!” They speed away in a flash toward the address in the Hannigan sub-district.
Granny and Alice arrive before Gryphon at the manufacturing warehouse with an entrance on the east side. Gryphon lands just long enough to make his sword appear and cut a huge hole in the razor wire fence line. Looking back he mentions in a snarky tone, clearly miffed, “Did you not say you want to get this done, you said you wanted to make a difference, let’s go.” He flies to the door at 60MPH and slams through it. Granny easily keeps up as Gryphon is ripping through things the way she talked about doing to the box. They come upon yet another laptop on a pedestal with a single chair behind it. Gryphon lands and hits the space bar as Granny2Good tries to take the opposite stance from ripping bomb boxes apart, “You know, Gryphon, dear you might want to not hit the space bar so quickly…”
The Gryphon cuts her off and his tone is less than polite, “Oh I’m sorry, did you want to hit the space bar or are you upset that I’m on board with your plan to get things done?”
The video begins to play showing Fat Lucca with two black eyes and bleeding from his face, chained up and hanging from a ceiling. The camera’s perspective is upside down. It starts out sound like Fat Lucca and then Jake comes into view on the camera! Jake goes on to bemoan about people shutting his warehouses down and turning him in. He asks those present to just sit the one thing he cares about in the world in the chair or the city blows up. Gryphon says in a soft tone, “Ethel, its you.” Granny nods and sits in the chair. The chair moves slowly and begins to go down slowly like a dark Disney ride, his voice comes on and he talks about the one person that believes in him and Gryphon follows through the air behind her. It goes and up into another room of the warehouse with the voice ending on thanking the Starbucks employee everyone harassed! Granny2Good and Gryphon see Alice, a chained up Fat Lucca, and Jake sleeping on a cot.
Alice goes to help Granny with her brother at Gryphon’s soft suggestion. Gryphon cuts Fat Lucca down but leaves him in chains and flies off with him. He contacts Col. Lightning and arranges a meeting to hand off Fat Lucca. Then his gambit paid off when both the Requisitors and the local CSPD didn’t know what to make of the bomb. Gryphon casually mentions it appeared to be made with alien ingredients (assuming Jake used some of that alcohol from off-world and weaponized it). Col. Lightning said the small tests they were able to run placed the explosive yield at just over the size of the Ogilvie sub-district! This bomb would’ve been bigger than Iron Mike’s WINSLOW! Mavis offered to bring it back to Gryphon so he could hand it off to a contact that knew Alpha Prime. However, Col. Lightning mentioned needing to keep their side of the story up so he’d use a third party company he’d used before.
Col. Lightning was curious about evidence and Gryphon mentions the laptop from the first warehouse has Fat Lucca on it. It seems he was working for someone bigger possibly from the Labyrinth, a criminal mastermind that was possibly out of this world smart! Col. Lightning mentioned they may need to team up again and Gryphon agreed. Gryphon handed over the criminal and went back to his house to await Mavis. Soon all the evidence linking Jake to any of this would be in his possession. After seeing Granny’s disregard for public safety he decided that while his normal form holds a ton of bad memories he should probably try and balance time in both forms to not forget what it means to be human.
Art by: AZ_Artisan
I don’t know where the fake commercial on YouTube came from but it is stellar funny!
Come watch the next game for our super friends on HippoTV!
After everyone left Jake’s place and make it to there respective homes. Katherine shows up at Garrick’s only to find him dancing and playing air drums when he thinks no one is watching. It’s so dorky it’s hard not to laugh. He stops mid air-drum finale balanced on one leg both arms raised in the air.
“So, stud, would you like a moment to super-glue your dignity back together?”
He straightens up and then breaks into a smile, laughing, “Oh, I think I am way past super-glue at this point!”
Garrick shimmies like he has no shame to loose anymore back to the worktable and begins humming, “After 11 months, 3 weeks and 2 days I have a breakthrough!!” He is stuffing some gray fabric with a very slight sheen on one side into a duffel bag, “Optimus please call Mrs. Falkenberg.” Katherine sees him smiling and looks around for his ‘maid’ but stops when she realizes he is packing his own duffel bag.
Shorty #1 answers, “Hello, you’ve reached the house of the future.”
“Shorty #1, please put your grandmother on the phone.”
Though muted Garrick can hear, “Hey Ethel, Garrick, is on the phone!”
After a few moments, “Yes? Garrick dear, how can I help you?”
He takes the time to make sure her day went well. He asks permission to stop by mentioning to Ethel that he needs to stop by before going out on patrol to drop off fabric for the project, 10 yards worth! Plus, he has the 3-D printed inserts based on the designs he’ll be bringing. He mentions that Katherine will be with him for measurement verification, before saying good bye and hanging up.
“Garrick, what did you make?”
“You’ll have to wait until I show Ethel, but could you please hand me that bag?” After she does, he stuffs it into the duffel bag alongside the fabric. They drive over and Garrick is so excited and animated that Katherine decides to wait to talk about her day. She doesn’t want the pictures to loose any impact and in this state he is not focused on her. It was kind of fun for her to watch him “nerd out” because he just didn’t hide his emotions when excited. He seemed to have some well trained automatic responses to things like making sure he opened the car door for her and shut it as well. Asking if she was comfortable, did he need to stop anywhere, and even mentioning the bottled water he brought two of in case she was thirsty. She reached out and read his surface thoughts and saw a flurry of images about a failed vambrace arm-guard, but the invisible fabric just had a breakthrough in light refraction manipulation via electric current. At a stop light she saw him sigh and the visual image was her in the shower. His cheeks flushed ever so briefly because at the green light it was visions of a jacket with removable sleeves, hidden armor inserts so it could be cleaned…
…followed by a string of profanity because some jackass cut him off and he had to slam the breaks to prevent himself from murdering the idiot on the crotch rocket cycle in front of him. When he was angry his mind was hard to read and she stopped her connection. His arm had swung out instinctively to prevent her from moving forward in her seat. He appeared very conscious of not actually touching her because he was merely and inch or two away from her breasts. He pulled back saying, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you by suggesting you needed my protection, but my father always did that when he drove.”
He was very focused for the remainder of the drive over to the House of the Future. When they arrived at Ethel’s home, Garrick gives Shorty the foldable Samsung phone/tablet that had come out in October of 2023! It could create a virtual keyboard and track-pad when folded into certain configurations. Half of it could even become a drawing tablet for the built in stylus! Garrick had re-formated it back to ‘factory specs’ and then installed his game’s client software. Once Shorty thanked him and found out he could get online he disappeared even though Miss Amazing was there. Garrick told Ethel he would continue to pay the bill so he had access to the unlimited phone and data plan.
Finally came the big reveal. Garrick had been working on a way to make cloth that would turn someone invisible when charged to the correct frequency. He mentioned that to sew it would require leather sewing needles. The kevlar and carbon fiber reinforcement needed the stiffer needles to work with. Ethel and Katherine exchange looks when he drops a self deprecating remark, “I know Jake could probably invented three versions of this in a day, but this has been a pet project of mine for over a year! I think it could give Kat a great new outfit with armor and also parts of it can be worn as normal clothes! Just in case covert ops need to happen!” Looking slightly crestfallen he plunges ahead, “Well, I finally got the material to take on two colors, White & Black! Other colors should come with a few more weeks of testing different frequencies!”
Taking the second bag out of the duffel he clips to wires to the shiny gray cloth. He plugs the wires into a thin, candy bar shaped box and taps a white button on it. The fabric turns completely white! Then he hits the black button and it changes color to black! Ethel claps and mentions she saw something very similar on the other side of the galaxy during their trip! Garrick looks astounded that anything he thought up may have a counterpart out in the galaxy somewhere! Excitedly he rambles on, “Well, soon I should be able to get the prime colors or red, blue, and yellow. Then its just playing with shading and tri-lateral variations to get pink, mint and once I can get them all. I’ll be able to figure out how to get it to bend light around itself and make something invisible!”
He looked super pleased with himself and continued, “Well, Kat, I thought if we gave you a changing outfit maybe we could hide other tech in it to make people confused as to whether the power was in the suit or you! That way the spy group that made you could still think you’re dead!”
Ethel, was very nice and didn’t add the reason he mentioned to her when he asked for her help. Whenever he was excited like this the teenager in him was very visible despite being 27 years old. Katherine had never run across anyone that had been thinking of her well-being this much aside from the director whom was likely dead. He never pressed her for information, he took her at her word, he trusted her when others wouldn’t. Now he was trying to arm and improve her gear! No, he wasn’t Jake smart, but he was very intelligent and diligent in anything he did. She sent him a text of her sitting on the Atorian Starfighter in very suggestive pose, and the group selfie in front of it. Then she submitted to the many, many, measurements Ethel took of her on top of making duct tape body molds for various parts.
By the time they left for patrol it was almost midnight. When he finally checked his phone at 1 AM during a break. Miss Amazing found him excited and a smile with a confused look.
“Gryphon, what’s wrong?”
“I am turned on by your umm, pose in the picture and yet really excited you’re sitting on a real starfighter!!!”
Miss Amazing promised a full run down about the starfighter when they got back to his home! She seemed genuinely surprised he was appeared more excited about the starfighter, when she had a different run down in mind. A brief glimpse at his surface thoughts involved math equations, material density, heat ratio coefficients, her picture, thrust yield tests on the engine, what were the maneuvering thrusters like,….