Tag: Black Phantom

They Say Time Heals All Wounds

They Say Time Heals All Wounds

April 10th, 2024 – Wednesday: 6 AM

Darting away from Century Plaza about ten minutes before 6AM Garrick could still hear the hum of the city as he flew in black sweats. Trying very hard to shake Ameera’s playfully, pouting, face as he disentangled himself this morning to leave for sword practice. Aircar traffic was low at this time of day so he ducked lower between buildings excited to get back to Master Tyrone Nitobe’s class.

Landing about a minute before class started the students and the teacher looked a bit surprised as to his arrival. He was now very glad about the strict no phone policy of his sensei. While he had made a number of friendly acquaintances in the class he knew most of the guys were getting tired of and use to the ladies trying to flirt with the superhero in the ‘proverbial room’. Having his identity public as Garrick only seem to embolden some of them. Master Nitobe always squashed it if it got out of hand. Today was no exception, however, he let it linger a few extra minutes as personal way of acknowledging his actions in saving everyone. When Garrick explained to the group that he was 30 to 40 feet away from two heroes getting blown apart by a few of the active clones of the Ultramarine everyone paused. Garrick looked at his sensei and said he needed today to help meditate and process those images and that’s why he showed up to class. He wanted something more normal than the last 24 hours.

A number of students whom either had been in or had family that had served in: military, law enforcement, or medical professions. Instantly understood what he had seen and what he needed, they quietly spoke to anyone trying to get close to Garrick. Master Nitobe carefully went through the group lessons and hand picked whom would spar with Garrick that day. At the end of class Garrick was surprised when Master Nitobe called him up and nodded at the class. All of them and his sensei bowed and they thanked him for his service. They could see his stunned expression and class was dismissed. Nothing else was said and Garrick was allowed to leave without anyone trying to accost him.

April 14th, 2024 – Sunday: 11:33 AM

Garrick had just looked at the last issue of the Everyman paper targeting his team

“S” IS NOT FOR SOBER – Targeting the Rubberband Man
“A” IS NOT FOR ALLY – Targeting the Black Phantom
“V” IS NOT FOR VIRTUE – Targeting Hank of all people.
“I” IS NOT FOR INNOCENT – Targeting Caedechron.
“O” IS NOT FOR OBEDIENT – Targeting the Beast and his special consciousness.
“R” IS NOT FOR REPENTANT – Targeting Garrick “The Gryphon” Faulkner

Katherine had been looking at his reaction as he read the paper. The Garrick article contained interviews from some of the other folks who were in prison with Garrick, telling stories about the “infamous” Professor Gack and the deaths he caused. The article included information about his younger days too, described in a way that obviously reflects Adeline’s viewpoint, though from an interview with her husband. He wonders if the man is even capable of remorse, noting that Garrick’s sister has been in an institution for years and he’s never once tried to make contact – for all the good it would do.

Garrick made numerous frantic calls and used A.R.C.H.I.E. to help find out what he feared. The year he was released early was the same year she was institutionalized in Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital, in central Georgia. Garrick immediately flew over to try and see her, but he wasn’t allowed to see her because there was a restraining order against him, from the husband. It was filed the day after Garrick revealed his identity as The Gryphon.

That evening Katherine had Janosh set the record straight regarding those portions of the late Dr. Cuthbert Faulkner’s journal. The Monday papers ran stories about a sobbing Gryphon pounding on the door, screaming his sister’s name and “I had no idea. Your letter said you wished I was dead. So I stayed away.” Richard Gray showing up to drive him home and offer to pay for the dented door.

The narrative never belittled the husband or Adeline and their children however the facts regarding Adeline and her torture of Garrick were not sugar coated. Next to that headline was everything Garrick was willing to take to the grave regarding his sister including the letter she wrote. It portrayed Adeline as being a child having a hard time at handling grief that grew into an adult whom came to act on her brother in the manner he enabled to continue. Cuthbert Faulkner was tarnished slightly in the eyes of history for not taking a better role in raising his children.

Social media and everyone had an opinion with Garrick being seen as far more tolerant and compassionate. Katherine asked Janosh to over time make in roads and politely wear the husband down in hopes the brother and sister could both heal. Time will tell how successful that will be.

April 16th, 2024 – Tuesday: 6:02 PM

Outside the Giving Tree

Eliza Gunn was surprised when Garrick “The Gryphon” Faulkner walked up to introduce himself wearing black work boots, press tan pants with cargo pockets, and a black, denim, button down shirt embroidered with the orange and white logo for Mallic-Faulkner Technologies. He wore a rather robust golden bracelet sculpted to look like a gryphon biting its tail. It looked very secure and did not move around his left wrist. She mentioned that she’d expected a different outfit and Garrick shook her hand saying that might be a great opener for the interview and he cocked his head while smiling. Eliza finally understood what Kelly Thompson had been yammering on about.

One of the recent things that had made it onto the superhero forums was pictures of Garrick with four different women: A) A blonde, white woman; B) a blonde, middle-eastern woman with color streaked hair, C) A blue hair white woman which many took to understand as Miss Amazing out of costume, D) A black woman whom was nearly as tall as Gryphon. The term playboy and man-whore had been tossed around depending upon whom was posting and their favor of the Gryphon. Only a few people thought about polyamory as a reason for being seen with the women on a consistent basis.

“Hello Century Station, this is Eliza Gunn, reporting live in the Norwood sub-district. We’re at the charity organization the Gryphon has been a long standing patron of, The Giving Tree. With me,” as the camera shot changes from a close up to a wide angle, “is the S.A.V.I.O.R. team captain, Garrick “The Gryphon” Faulkner, all around renaissance hero.”

“Thank you, Ms. Gunn, but I’m just a man whom works for a robotics company and is a volunteer member of the C.S.P.D.

Flipping over a small pad off camera “As president of the Faulkner Division of Mallic-Faulkner Technologies by day and the Gryphon of Norwood at night how do you find time to even sleep?”

Garrick looked around, “I can think of three people that put you up to asking me that question.” Garrick gave a hearty laugh before continuing, “The fact is one of my powers is not needing to sleep. It’s interesting because when I choose to sleep it’s to enjoy using my dreams as the avenue of processing countless thoughts at the same time. I believe some people call the process active dreaming.”

“You brought up a point I know countless users of the superhero forums want to know. There are a plethora of pictures showcasing you being seen out and about with four different women. I am also curious which one of them, if any, is related to your son, Sherman Faulkner?”

Garrick made a face suggesting he was impressed how quickly and deep she dug in on him, “Okay, can bring you bring up the photos on your phone and I can answer those questions? As to the information regarding my son. None of the women are his mother. Sherman lost his family and chose to stay with me when he had nothing and I stepped up to make sure he had a place to stay. In many ways I feel more like an older brother than a father figure. Sherman to me is family now and I hope that addresses the issue for you.”

Eliza’s tech person takes her phone and taps a few things on it then hands it back. The viewers see the pictures as follows:

  • Garrick having dinner Constance.
  • Garrick performing a morning jog with Ameera.
  • Garrick having coffee with Mavis.
  • Garrick hanging out with Katherine doing bummer cars. It’s from last Saturday since she has blue hair.

As he tapped each one in succession, “Girlfriend, Girlfriend, just friends, and Girlfriend that also lives with me.” The viewers saw a blue highlighted frame on their screens as he touched each picture.

“Some of our viewers I’m sure are surprised that you would admit to dating multiple women on air.”

“I don’t know why,” he seemed perplexed as though this might be normal, “There are plenty of single parents that date, and I just happen to be in a polyamorous relationship with three of the four women. All four of them are at least aware of each other and the last two have met in person. Not only have all three of my girlfriends met but they have their own private chat server where they talk all the time. I hide nothing from the three that have graced me with being my friends and partners. You might say my life is one giant exercise in time management, but I am a very happy man.”

“It sounds like you have it all, why are you donating your time here?”

Eliza regretted her wording when she saw his brow furrow, “Ms. Gunn, it is vitally important to remember the people that gave you a hand “up” from earlier situations where you find yourself near bottom. When I was released from Gramercy years ago on parole, I vowed to be better. Were it not for the Giving Tree those first few months I would’ve starved to death. So when I got employed and even later when I got my powers I made sure to give back to the place that helped to keep me alive and whole. I learned to cook in prison and have been getting pretty good at it I might add.”

He motioned for Malik, whom was leading a group of kids with food set up a spread and began serving the T.V. crew, “I taught them how to make chicken marsala because this week’s meal was Italian. Please try some.” Eliza had some on air and you can’t fake the reaction of happy surprise. She took an extra bite before handing it back to Malik and thanking him.

“That was incredible! They could start a cooking program here!”

“Well, if you know any chef’s wanting to help people find careers. Then by all means send them over to talk with the center director.”

“How did everyone here take your revealing your identity?”

“To be fair I sprung that on everyone, while everyone here at the center took it very well. Not everyone in my life was happy to be unprepared at such a revelation. We all worked through it though and I feel have become stronger and closer.”

“Would you mind changing tracks here in light of recent events?”

“No, ask away.”

“The reports, testimonies, and video footage suggest you deliberately set off a nuclear explosion off the coast. Over a hundred clones of the Ultramarine were found alongside Synistry’s near-complete roster, with the Scream Queen currently in Gramercy. I’m sure everyone has seen the footage streamed live regarding the rogue A.I. Thanatos and Synistry. How did you even know you could do it and why?”

Garrick sighed slightly, “I knew it because my father and I had built the facility in secret before we revealed our first “public” prototype of the Bio-Dome the day I gave my T.E.D. Talk about it on YouTube. As the E.P.A. has pointed out the design is similar to the one Iron Mike used in that it left no lasting radiation. I’ve often wondered how Iron Mike got a design that from historical records emulates my father’s design. However, we were not the only people trying to replicate the Daedalus power source. So it may likely never get answered,” Eliza looked shocked expecting she would have to draw some of this out. In seconds a link appears on the screen for people watching with touch displays allowing them to bring up the T.E.D. Talk in another tab or a mini window. “As to the why, it was to save everyone but they had also personally pissed me off.”

“How so?”

“I surprised my father when I single-handedly built my first A.I. using my late mother as the baseline, Cynthia Faulkner. My goal was to be able to talk with a version of her and I wouldn’t be so lonely. I was a teenager when I did this, but I didn’t truly understand how special what I had done would be. When I realized that Thanatos had stolen a part of the code I’d lovingly refer to as the last shred I had of my mother. Followed by Synistry perverting the experiment to provide not just power but sustainable living to the planet in every corner of the globe. I finished writing the code string that would auto-execute their destruction as I cut them off from the outside world.”

“You sacrificed your past to save the future?”

“Yes, I believe in the promise of Century Station,” Garrick nodded and looked sad yet somehow impressive.

“I did some checking and you’ve been to see Caedechron a few times. What are your thoughts regarding your continued support.

“Cai was his name when he was alive, thugs of Urien Daniels were sent to kill him. They succeeded when Urien Daniels tipped them off Cai had learned about their illegal activities. Let me be clear, Cai’s mortal body died and he was effectively murdered. Just before his death he was able to upload his consciousness into a robot he’d been working on. He murdered the responsible person after he’d been physically killed. His quality of existence was irrevocably altered and he sought revenge quietly. I don’t condone murder unless it is in defense of a person or parties unable to defend themselves. However, I feel he had extenuating circumstances that need to be taken into account when the justice department decides his fate. Regardless I will stick by him and help him stand should he fall because I have no interest in being a fair-weather friend. Cavalry knows that, Miss Amazing knows that.”

“Whom were you defending in your words when you murdered Synistry?”

“You, your crew, my teammates, my girlfriends, a woman I saved on a roof top in January. My sister, and all of Century Station. Perhaps even planet Earth if every single clone had been unleashed.”

“Your sister that was reported to be in an institution you’ve never visited until very recently?”

“Yes, however, per her husband’s restraining order I am not allowed to visit and once I knew that had happen to Adeline, I tried. Given the documents that have been made public in the papers its not hard to see how I might have missed reaching out to her. Next question,” his tone impressed moving on or finishing the interview there.

Eliza weighs the risks of poking the bear and decides to move on, “Polls are indicating that Mayor Zardona will win a re-election and that the federal government is inclined to ease impending sanctions. What do you say to that given rumors about the Mayor not being your biggest fan?”

“The Mayor has a rough job and I don’t envy him. That said I want him to win because I believe he’s the right man to help restore law and order to every part of Century Station.

“Thank you to Garrick “The Gryphon” Faulkner for giving us the time to get to know you a little better?”

“Absolutely, make sure to get some more food before you go the kids worked hard to make sure there was enough,” Garrick gestured to the spread on the two tables set up. He turned to the camera to give a farewell smile and wave. The feed went down and Ameera and Ramona were waiting inside with everyone to congratulate him. Even the woman he saved with the mangled leg was there sporting her leg still in a power assisted splint until her ankle completely healed and therapy was over.

April 18th, 2024 – Thursday

‘The Magic of Books’ was Garrick’s destination during his lunch break. It was fun to drive his truck for him because people often looked for him in the sky and not driving around. When he got there the place was locked, empty and a for sale sign was up. It looked like Charlie took Garrick’s advice and got out of town. There was no forwarding address when he poked around online regarding the property.

As far as S.A.V.I.O.R. was going today had one other item of note. A psychiatric doctor named Johanna Fullard was hired to be the team’s psychic psychiatrist. This woman is the hero who was once known as Joan of Arc – one of the founding members of the Centurions. In a statement at the small press conference where the Mayor welcomed her on board the team once again. She says her “hero” days are behind her, as she’s decided she can be more helpful in this role than she ever was as an active Centurion.

April 22nd, 2024 – Monday

HyperiaA few days after discovering Charlie closed his store and moved out of town, Patsy shows up to join what’s left of S.A.V.I.O.R. She transforms into Hyperia and stays transformed, never turning back. She devotes herself full-time into being a hero and lets the work fully consume her. She maintains a good relationship with the rest of the team, but she never talks about anything personal. Whenever Garrick is accidentally charming or seductive around her she suddenly finds an excuse to leave and go on patrol or do research or be anywhere but there. She deliberately avoids doing anything that might make it seem like she’s vying for Garrick’s affections or interfering with any of Garrick’s relationships.

Dr. Fullard is concerned about Hyperia/Patsy, and they have sessions often, but nothing seems to change. When Garrick was asked by Dr. Fullard about Hyperia/Patsy he said she reminds him of how he felt a few years after getting out of prison. “Everything is very raw, and she talked about feeling unworthy of her power, that the gifts were like an intoxicating drug. Right now I suspect she’s feeling as though she has to prove she can beat the power and do good before she can forgive herself. It’s going to be a long road. In my opinion she still has some survivor’s guilt from the alternate dimension she hails from. We may all be broken in some ways but its how we deal with it that is what defines us. Time will tell how she handles it but I’ll always be there to help.” Dr. Fullard nodded silently while making notes.

May 1st, 2024 – Wednesday

Garrick was informed that the widow Imelda Zarovsky passed away that morning. Janosh informs him she left her estate and wealth to Garrick. It is noted in the autopsy that she had an odd physical abnormality – her teeth were sharper and more pointed than a normal human’s, but otherwise she seemed to have died of old age. No foul play is suspected. In dealing with her estate and personal effects Garrick discovers that she destroyed much of her personal history, though enough of it was left behind to suggest her and her late husband Emil weren’t human, but were instead aliens known as Erishik Dopplegangers who were trying to hide on Earth and live peaceful lives, defying all preconceived notions of their race. This evidence is inconclusive, and raises more questions than it answers, but that’s where that story seems to end.

Garrick makes this the house where he comes to think and wants to be alone. Over time it becomes equipped with robotic assistants he designs with A.R.C.H.I.E.’s manufacturing capabilities. The S.A.V.I.O.R. A.I. begins calling him “The Idea Man” for a nickname. Time will tell how such a friendship will affect the world.

May 10th, 2024 – Friday, after 10 PM

Public opinion of S.A.V.I.O.R. had been on a serious upswing. The “take no survivor” methods of S.A.V.I.O.R. seemed to really resonate with many folks. The Everyman was STILL experiencing a media backlash from the general public. Crime was starting to curtail given S.A.V.I.O.R.’s confirmed win and destruction of Synistry. Scream Queen being the only surviving member and stuck in Gramercy Island for the foreseeable future. Papa Zombie had eluded capture and was at large but keeping a low profile for the time being.

Garrick and Katherine had just left Constance’s place in Xenophan. Both Ameera and her had moved back to their homes last week since the security measures were finished that Amanda had ordered. All of them had a family dinner while Shorty #5, Sherman Faulkner, was off on a Worlds Online – Gizergleam Peaks raid with Horace. Before his departure that night Constance reminded him that his new Gel-Matrix brain had worked in the robot A.I. they had been testing on with flying colors. Should things go well production use could start as soon as Spring of 2025. When she asked him about the project name he smiled and told her he’d picked up on the word Nexus from all the talks of magic and ley lines. He liked the confluence of ideas it had suggested to him when he thought about it. Ashmadiel made a great project name because no one would guess it or the true friend and partner it obfuscated. He mentioned to Constance about talking with Amanda regarding making a miniature version for human subjects, especially those using cybernetics. Amanda thought it had merit and would run focus groups to check on market viability. Constance mentioned she’d help in any way she could.

Gryphon and Miss Amazing had just arrived in the air above Norwood and tapped their comm units. Gryphon informed A.R.C.H.I.E. & S.T.E.V.E. that they were on shift and would start working the southern half of Brisby that night, barring any emergency calls. Their optimistic replies made Gryphon chuckle, as he thanked them and began his patrol with Miss Amazing. Calling into each precinct as the A.I.s informed them when they crossed jurisdictional boundaries. A group of sirens could be heard in the distance alongside the crack of gunfire. “Duty Calls! Onward!” rang out Ashmadiel’s voice his head as he grinned at his partner and flew off!

Art by: AZ_Artisan
Come watch our live-streamed games on HippoTV!

Problematic Proliferations Preceded by a Pretty Patsy Palmer

Problematic Proliferations Preceded by a Pretty Patsy Palmer

April 9th, 2024 – Tuesday: 9 AM

Garrick’s Pearphone X began to buzz as he was waiting at the Vault Coffee Shop to get Katherine’s 6x Espresso Americano. Kitty Kat had been distant since the day before and Garrick couldn’t read her mind. He figured hitting her up with her favorite drink might help smooth over a conversation. Maybe he had done something wrong and he could at least find out what to he could make amends if needed.

Coming in just as he sent off updates to Amanda regarding his testing progress on the new gel-matrix brains for replacement of core CPU’s in various models of robotic / A.I. and T.I. processing modules. After the third buzz he checked the notifications and was surprised to see whom had sent him a text message. He almost chided himself over how his face lit up. He was not sure he should even respond since she had wanted to be left alone. He remembered the pained look he had seen on Patsy’s face at the Church of Reflections. There was something about her situation he had not understood. He knew he’d seen that look before on a number of people going through a stressful choice. He knew if he didn’t go he’d regret it forever.

Heading back after his single word reply he found Miss Amazing and handed her the drink she loved and asked her to let him know what’s up because mind reading only goes one way. He smiles at her and she smiles back commenting how he got her favorite drink. She remarked to him that he had to much on his plate to worry about her. When he took her hand he told her he would always worry about her. Miss Amazing nodded mentioning he worries about all them. Garrick chuckled at the idea that maybe that was his true super power. She told him it was just one of many as her phone buzzed.

He stopped her from answering it briefly and tried to explain that Patsy had reached out to him. Miss Amazing stunned Garrick when she told him to go see her and walked away to answer the call she was receiving. It almost seemed like that might have been the most unexpected answer he would get that day as storm clouds began to form and rain heavily over the city. Soon he would realize it wasn’t a strange answer but a herald of weird events beginning to unfold.

April 9th, 2024 – Tuesday: Around 11 AM

The continuing growth of the clouds and rain into a torrential downpour from the morning have managed to keep much of the citizenry complacent. Seems not all criminals seek bad weather to perform their nefarious deeds. Gryphon was contacted by the Centurions’ A.I.: S.T.E.V.E. about an individual waiting in the elevator on the 20th floor trying to meet S.A.V.I.O.R. Gryphon waited for his team to meet him on the lobby of the 20th floor to greet a strange guest with an even stranger tale.

Sasha, Black Phantom, Gryphon, Quazi the Serpent, Hank, and Rubber Band Man all arrived on the lobby at roughly the same time to greet their unexpected guest. At Gryphon’s command the doors to elevator “A” opened and a man walked out wearing strange fashion. Gryphon noticed the male-looking individual had wrist blasters nearly identical to Miss Amazing’s. When he queried their bearer he was informed he was from the future!

Having been to the future in an alternate dimension he decided that he needed to find out what was going to hit them so hard a time traveler had shown up. He put Ashmadiel away in a flash of golden light. As Black Phantom seemed to be eye-balling their guest in a manner that suggested a mental scan while Hank was asking his name. Frac-Tal Hrix was wearing a similar belt to what B.P. and M.A. used to create force fields around each of them. It was Sasha that noticed he had Jake’s Injection Gun. Hrix explained that he didn’t know the complete history of how he came to be in possession of the items that had belonged to the aforementioned heroes and heroines. Just that each item had belonged to one of the heroes of S.A.V.I.O.R. It turns out he had come back with a partner that had been given Jake’s Portal Gun. However, something had gone wrong in transit and they did not arrive together.

During all this timey-wimey stuff, the storm outside raged on as Hank was trying to get help from Black Phantom and S.T.E.V.E. in locating the leader of the mages from the Antarctica mission: Arcana. Hank said he had been tasked with keeping her alive so he wanted to find the fountain of youth and have her drink from it. Gryphon mentioned he’d last seen her in Antarctica. He wondered if this out of left field idea was the “favor” the dealer would propose to him. That short Chinese man scarred him in a away he could not easily put into words.

Hrix began to lay out why he had come back. Modulus and Synistry were getting ready to launch an army to take over Century Station and then later the world. They did so by cloning the body of the hero known as the Ultramarine! The world’s first publicly recognized hero from World War II! Apparently that was the body taken from Inbur Enterprises, and likely the blood samples from Dr. Wendell Moore. It was mentioned that they were hiding right under C.H.I.M.E.R.A.’s noses and that he came back using a piece of technology once owned by Korashi Technics. The group realized that the armored car heist earlier that year was thwarted and Korashi got to keep their equipment. Had they not done that likely they would not be getting this warning! Talk about full circle. Hrix began working with some members of the team and S.T.E.V.E. to pinpoint the location of Synistry in the city while Sasha, now transformed into the Beast, was going to take Rubberband Man to look for Arcana. Gryphon left to try and also look for Arcana by meeting Patsy and hopefully find Arcana through another mage in the city he had seen from earlier.

Gryphon was convinced it was all connected, and began to call both Director Balisong and Richard regarding his plan for trying to stop it. This included a chance trip to Antarctica for two of the team members. He was hoping they could inform those necessary and get the clearances before Beast arrived. Everyone was in a race against the clock to stop a clone army of supermen from wrecking the world! He promised to keep the information loop open and they would work on whatever needed to be done to prevent political snafus as the team went about trying to stop the city from being destroyed.

April 9th, 2024 – Tuesday: Around 1:30 PM

Speeding through the rain and wind to make sure he did not miss a chance to see her perhaps for the last time. He landed upon the roof of the building as a woman with an umbrella was bent over reading the inscription on the utility box he left.

Hey “P”,
All of my secrets are out in the open.
Big changes are coming and
I realize we both need to grow.
You may never see or read this,
but I am letting go for now.
I’m trusting in my faith that if
we are meant to be together.
The universe will find a way,
as it did with the church next
to my home.
Be happy wherever you are.
Goodbye “P”

Gryphon looks upon Patsy Palmer, “I want to believe the universe is being kind to me bringing us back together. However, today’s event don’t suggest that to be true.”

Patsy turns and her face lights up as they make eye contact, then she controls her emotions visibly, “Oh Garrick, I’m glad you came.”

“I want to hug you but I am afraid you’re going to disappear.”

Her brow furrows, “No I… I’m not going to disappear, I never disappeared. Oh, uh, you’re so kind I… got your voicemail and read your messages, and I know should have my powers back. I just don’t know if I deserve it? I really saw into myself when that sword took me over and I was at my low. I, I just need to be out of all of this and get my head straight. And you have moved on, you have all of those women around you and they all love you very much.”

“They absolutely do.”

She continues, “I thought I could try and still do a little bit when I was at the church there. Even that is just ehmmm. I need to step, I need to stay out of this.”

“I have to ask you a question?”

She continues, “It’s like an addiction and I need to quit cold turkey.”

“If you want to stay out of this then you need to leave Century Station. A situation very similar to your Murder Master is about to happen by the end of the month. I need to know you’re safe. Hopefully we can stop it, but if we fail you’re going to want to find Wyatt and flee to another dimension because its going to get that bad. I was hoping you might have been coming to me with information about some of this stuff, or even about some lady named Arcana. I’m a giant mix of emotions right now, but if you want out then you need to run.”

A quizzical look comes over her, “Uh, Arcana?”

“Last time I saw you there was a mage from Antarctica not horribly far from you.”

She nods, “Yeah Charlie has talked about her, she came into the shop a few days ago trying to get him to join her. I stayed out of it.”

“Okay, since you’re from another world I am going to lay some stuff at your feet. We have run into a person from this dimension’s future. Arcana needs to be found and kept alive, she is vitally important to that. I would be grateful if you could help with that, otherwise flee the city now. I’m sure you’ve been here long enough to know about the Ultramarine?”

“I’ve heard of him,” she replied.

“Well, they have his body and are cloning him so they can release an army of Ultramarines on the city. So leave or woman up and know you are worthy and this is that redemptive moment you’ve been waiting for. Because I don’t have time for anything else and it breaks my heart to say that to you.” Gryphon was soaked in the rain having this conversation and yet she saw the kind paragon that had saved her that fateful day.

She looked down for a second, “Wow I knew this would be tough. Redemption, I dunno, but I can take you to Charlie if you want?”

He smiled, “That would help certainly.”

She walked up to him and asked if he knew of a book store in Midtown called the ‘Magic of Books’ located there. He knew of it but asked her to direct him as they went. He scooped her up, umbrella and all, and the flew to the bookstore. Gryphon lamented he had no opportunity to enjoy being this close to her again inside his head. She was always the woman he was hoping would be one of the women in his life. He was just happy in a small way right now she was.

Art by: AZ_Artisan
Come watch the next game for our super friends on HippoTV!

Et Tu Brute?

Et Tu Brute?

April 8th, 2024 – Monday: 9 PM

Constance Mallic was happy to have dinner with Garrick after the eclipse had passed. She had seen his brief on A.I. cyber-security from the shared drive the administrative team kept at Mallic-Faulkner Technologies. Amanda mentioned he was brilliant but did not know how to run a company. He was however, smart or wise enough to know when to listen to others. She made sure the processes were implemented from his brief and made sure any of their pieces that used a co-processor function similar to high end graphics or physics chips couldn’t be exploited in similar fashions. About an hour ago, Katherine stopped by just to let everyone know she was home. When Garrick asks about where she was or what she did she just replies “I’m not sure if what happened is good or not yet. We’ll see.” She then leaves him to be with Constance.

After dinner he started talking about how and why people think the way they do. He began mentioning a process to recycle used up neural pathways in an A.I. brains based on gel-matrix designs. If those pathways that got used up over time could be re-tasked with lesser functions before they would give out, could the brain be re-optimized and extended for specific functions / duties? As they were lounging on the couch and she looking out over the city from her suite in Century Plaza. It really did feel like being in another world at times when the clouds would hang low in the sky and it felt like living among them. Garrick was an inventor at heart, and he loved tackling thought processes. He was talking about a teammate with multiple personalities and perhaps they could leverage that into an android or robot brain to make themselves custom configured for various assignments. With synth skins and some modular options he might be able to build a spy bot that could change skin tones, size, and shape within reason. Then it could switch full identities and appearance to take on various assignments.

Then he laughed, “If the government doesn’t like it imagine the one person acting show it could put on! T.V. dramas could save a bunch on actors and reuse the different identities as roles in the show! I need to revisit the emotion programs I built.” Constance loved watching him laugh while something on the TV caught her eye. It was a breaking news story regarding S.A.V.I.O.R.‘s Miss Amazing. She started tapping Garrick’s arm hard as she grabbed the remote to turn it up.

There was Lori Landry painting a damning picture about Miss Amazing and Black Phantom secretly using the team as patsies to replace the Centurions with a government controlled group protecting the city. Alluding that, from a certain point of view, Mayor Zardona could already be on the way out. Garrick realized “he” set some of these events in motion when he shared how to find Thanatos and root it out of the systems it had infected! It was the disguised voice that made him apologize to Constance but he sent texts to Katherine:

[Are you seeing the news, what the hell is going on? Please don’t run again we’ll get this sorted out.]

[Garrick, I’m fine, but today is Constance’s day – focus on Constance, not me.]

Constance turned to see Garrick turning red, veins popping on his temples. Then he breathed, he pulled his phone to his ear and asked his lawyer to reach out and help Katherine anyway she needed. He explained how surprised he was by this and he would text her that Janosh would reach out shortly. He hung up and did just that, before any reply come he called Richard and explained he is emotionally compromised, however, he will lead whatever team is left after all this ‘media – Sharknado’ is over.

Richard tried to calm Garrick down and get him to look at things logically. He told Garrick that he noticed Lori Landry was wearing a Church of the Reflections pendant – an organization whose remaining members may not look so kindly upon S.A.V.I.O.R.. This whole “breaking news” segment seemed to have less substance to it than the Everyman’s story that morning did. We can have S.T.E.V.E. and A.R.C.H.I.E. work together to try and reverse engineer who their “inside source” was, and deal with that once we know. Richard ended by gently reminding Garrick that it’s impossible for everyone to like S.A.V.I.O.R. or its members. Instead of getting upset by these stories, he suggested Garrick treat them as the nonsense they are and focus instead on what S.A.V.I.O.R. is here to do.

Garrick was quiet and then nodded. His reply about working with people in jail whom had a hand in raping him was chilling. He then said he would stay in tonight to avoid something that could be done as bait for more ammunition to be twisted against them.

When he hung up the red was draining from his face but Constance saw a cold and dispassionate look on his face. Amanda was right, he was indeed smart enough to listen to people he believed knew more than he did. He was removing himself from his anger and trying to do what might help the team rather than his raging and hurt ego. She could see he had thought processes he was burying to prevent it from ruining time with her.

Constance looked worried, “Honey, is there something I can do to help?”

“Yes, can you hand me the remote, please,” as she does so he clicks off the T.V., “Can you help me forget what I just saw? I want our time to not be spoiled by things I can’t change right now and will address on the morrow.”

She took him in her arms held him against the glittering backdrop of the starry, Florida sky.

The Strange gif art by: AZ_Artisan
Come watch the next game for our super friends on HippoTV!

Kelly Thompson Reporting Live

Kelly Thompson Reporting Live

April 8th, 2024 – Monday: Just after Noon


The day had been chillier than most thanks to a cold front moving in off the Gulf of Mexico. Kelly had just got done trying to get a hold Sasha again but he wasn’t picking up. It was at that point the call came over her scanner about a second group from S.A.V.I.O.R. in the Battenburg Heights sub-district of Society Hill. Her colleague, Miranda, had gone after the first group but they were over in Brisby Flats and the wrong side of Midtown.

The fact that since they appeared on the scene earlier in the year, and climbed to the heights of becoming the replacements for the Centurions was nothing short of meteoric in scope. Since Gryphon or Garrick Faulkner wasn’t among the team in the bad side of town on this day of the eclipse. Then this could be her chance to make up for getting lost in Sasha’s charms and try getting Gryphon to give her an interview! As she was headed over to the location She refreshed her memory on when he came out with his identity, being challenged by Cyan and Indigo after he helped them stop a bank robbery. Indigo was defeated in a K.O. by Gryphon in one hit! When Cyan tried to smear his name by hiding as a corporate sellout he revealed his identity!

Kelly yanked her driver and cameraman out of their chairs so hard they nearly fell over as she passed them! Listening to the reports coming in that Gryphon and S.A.V.I.O.R. were on scene in the ‘Heights’ at a B&E. She was also scanning social media and found tweets of Gryphon’s showing Hank the Horseman riding a Chinese-looking serpentine dragon!

Other tweets found showing the Gryphon mentoring a younger female hero: Hanging with Gryphon, super caz. All my @QuaziNauts know what’s up!
#HeroLife #Blessed

A retweet by @NorwoodKnights adding: See, helping heroes and the populace! #HangingWithTheGryphon

Was she about to break a new team member joining S.A.V.I.O.R.? They were in fact the first news crew on site! When they arrived, the C.S.P.D. confirmed no one matching Sasha’s description had been seen. The cameraman had the driver take his phone and try and zoom in on the open doors and windows with a clip on telescopic lens for smart phones. Meanwhile they did catch that their were at least two body bags and several injured. Using the boom mic as Kelly got ready fixing her jacket they overheard Gryphon telling an officer, “Well, the ninjas really wrecked the whole house. But they were super stupid stabbing a dragon that ended up falling over on them! Quazi is over 15 feet long and weighs at least the weight of a truck. Physics are unforgiving if you catch my drift.”

The driver came back over and showed them the shots he could get. The house had clearly been tossed in classic breaking and entering fashion. It was the jade statue of a serpentine-like creature that was the real prize shot! The driver had put it on burst so their were plenty of images with a few being very crisp and clear. It seems S.A.V.I.O.R. actually stopped this robbery and captured the bad guys. It would appear the only deaths were from two ninjas attacking a – dragon!?! Kelly was beside herself on how cool the story was!

She went past the police line and was 10 feet from Gryphon when a couple of officers caught up with her, “Gryphon, Garrick, Mr. Faulkner! Can I get a quote? Kelly Thompson with Channel 5 News.”

Kelly could see she struck a chord saying his actual name caused him to stiffen and turn, “Ms. Thompson was it?” Kelly nodded and he continued, “I remember you from the bank, you’re dating Sasha now if I understand how that ended?”

She was immediately caught off guard, “D-Dating? Who said we’re dating? Has he been saying that? I mean, I wouldn’t mind seeing him again, of course. We could be dating if he wanted to. Wait, that wasn’t what I wanted to talk to you about!”

Gryphon chuckled at her fluster. He cocked his slightly and smiled as he watched her gulp ever so slightly, and he knew he nailed the way his father had spoken with people to get them on his side. “Ms. Thompson, I will be sure to pass on your well wishes to Sasha when I see him next. Now, if you’d be so kind to take your crew and yourself back behind the police-line, I promise you an interview before I leave. To sweeten your co-operation I will also not speak with any other media crew that shows up to this crime scene today.”

Kelly nodded and did as requested. About 30-40 minutes later Gryphon walked over as the CSPD crime scene unit and coroner were finishing up some of their work due to deaths on scene. In his blue with gold decoration and accents, 17th to 18th century, nobleman’s long coat. White pants, black leather riding boots. With a single forearm guard of golden plate etched with an angelic looking gryphon crest. Garrick “The Gryphon” Faulkner walked over to Kelly and her crew, “Ms. Thompson, as promised I am here to answer your questions.”

Kelly told her crew to get ready for a live broadcast, and when her camera person and their technician signaled she turned to face the camera, “Hello, this is Kelly Thompson, reporting live in Battenburg Heights. We’re at the scene of a breaking and entering by a band of thieves who appear to have chosen to costume themselves as ninjas made famous in movies! But they clearly did not anticipate being stopped by S.A.V.I.O.R. today! With me,” as the camera shot changes from a close up to a wide angle, “is the S.A.V.I.O.R. team captain, Gryphon! Whom we all know went public with their identity of Garrick Faulkner. Which name would you prefer we use?”

“Thank you, Ms. Thompson, but either is fine since my chosen moniker was simply an alternate spelling of my middle name.”

“Fascinating, so what can you tell us about this break in? From the call on the scanner to our arrival, your team had shown up and resolved everything in minutes!”

“Upon our arrival we found four individuals on the roof of the manor and I was able to use an ability to see more inside on the third floor. Our team began to move in to apprehend the individuals and were met with powered individuals capable of super human speed. Each wielding weapons with the intent to provide armed resistance to their apprehension. I stayed in contact with CSPD trying to provide as much real time updates as possible and ascertain the abilities of our team’s newest member, Quazi the Serpent, and I am impressed.”

“So you have a serpent dragon according to the social media pictures from earlier?”

“Yes, and I think she is going to do well.”

“Do you know what was the item or items the thieves were after?”

“Yes, however, this is an active investigation and I would rather let the detectives that will be assigned to the case release their statement when all the facts have been gathered so they can avoid any confusion by knee jerk statements. The thieves did a thorough job of ransacking the whole house looking for their assigned objectives.”

“I see that some of the intruders died. Was that due to fighting with your team?”

“Yes, when multiple assailants stabbed the serpentine dragon, Quazi, causing her to briefly loose her footing. She fell and the physics of force, mass, and gravity led to quick backlash of karma. Many more have been taken into custody and will have their wounds treated. Those that faced me are alive but chose to attack a member of the C.S.P.D. when took up arms against my team and I.”

“What else can you tell us about the incident?”

“Hank and Miss Amazing did wonderful jobs in engaging multiple targets and controlling the flow of action allowing for so many to be taken into custody. It was Hank’s actions that led to the recovery of the stolen item or items as you mentioned earlier. Black Phantom helped to flush anyone on the roof back inside so the rest of us could deal with them. Quazi did very well despite injury in trying to find and quell the situation without violence as a first resort. The intruders chose a different path leading them into conflict with our team.”

“Would you mind answering a few other questions?”

“Sure Ms. Thompson I have a small amount of time before the CSI wrap up. If another call comes in I would have to leave sooner.”

“Gryphon, now that SAVIOR has moved into Century Plaza, does this mean Norwood has lost its hero?”

“Absolutely not, they gave me a home when I had been released from Gramercy. I finished my probation there and got my career back on track in Norwood. I still donate my time to charitable efforts there as well.”

“Can you provide a statement regarding one of S.A.V.I.O.R.’s own members, Caedechron, being arrested by C.S.P.D. yesterday?”

“This is an active investigation and I can only say that no one is above the law. Caedechron is still my friend and I will help him in anyway possible that doesn’t violate the law.”

“Where is Sasha, your other new member?”

“Day off, every job has them and I am sure you can appreciate that.”

“Will the city have to face any more of Sinistry’s wrecking ball robots?”

“I can’t say for certain, every time they’ve been used Sinistry has deployed them as diversions for another target in the city. If all the supers are trying to battle the robot wrecking balls then ideally no one would be around to oppose their real target.”

“What were their real targets the last two times?”

“This is an active investigation and I can only say that it is still ongoing.”

“Despite the general opinion polls openly in favor of S.A.V.I.O.R.’s hard-lined approach to crime-fighting, there are some pretty vocal opponents to your tactics, such as Xavier Financial, Triton Industries, and Korashi Technics. Are you concerned that their opposition will gain traction and sway the Mayor to replace your team?”

“Hmm, one of our group’s earliest missions when the Hero of Century Station was still around. Had us save an armored car transporting hardware for Korashi Technics. Perhaps they were unaware it was our team that helped? Triton Industries has other concerns than just us. Xavier Financial used to be led by a ruthless, blood-thirsty, maggot. His daughter, Cassandra, is none of these things. She’ll likely find all the evidence of her father’s misdeeds and crush them. I suspect Xander Financial will in the future, with Cassandra at the helm, actually begin a better legacy in helping the city and its citizens.”

“Are you on a first name basis with Cassandra Blodgett?”

“Perhaps not now, but she’s bumped into me at a charity event where I attend regularly and left me a note about her interest in our team. When one of her friends we had in common was ill she came over to my house and helped take care of him. She also helped a former team member with selling their photography while she was still dating that friend in common we had. I think it would be fair to say I am familiar with her. It’s also why I know her to be the good person she is.” Gryphon looks over to his team and Black Phantom taps his wrist, “Sorry Kelly I have time for one more question.”

“How do you respond in regards to the story and pictures printed in this morning’s Everyman about Rubber-Band-Man’s alcoholism?”

“Alcoholism is a serious issue and contributes to at least 5 of the top 10 reason for death in the United States. Well over 10 million still suffer from this in the United States as well. I have expressed my concerns about this to Rubber-Band-Man and he is addressing this. All I can do is be supportive and hope others see that it’s not the poor or the less fortunate that suffer with problems or addictions because of stress factors in their lives. Those with abilities are often put in extreme situations and humans sometimes choose less than optimal ways to cope with them. Rather than vilifying that we can provide avenues for rehabilitation, support, and a guiding hand. Addiction is not something solved over night but it is something that can be overcome. Kelly, when my father died I lost myself in depression and trying to regain what loosing Daedalus did to us both. People cope in different ways, and my sister doesn’t speak to me anymore because of it. But just like the Rubber-Band-Man is responsible for his actions I had to realize I had to be responsible for mine. He is my teammate and I for one will be their to help and support him through this and see a better tomorrow.”

“So you are deciding to help him get through this?”

“My time donating to charitable organizations has taught me Hero-Work may start with C.S.P.D., C.S.F.D., S.A.V.I.O.R., other hero groups or individuals, however, it doesn’t end there. Social Workers, therapists, school teachers, and parents or siblings/friends all play a part in helping someone overcome trauma of any kind. People need time to cope with stress and the world we live in doesn’t always grant such reprieve. Its our friends and families that help ground and stabilize us. Our own communities should help us become soulfully enriched and grow. It’s why I do what I do, to give back to Norwood, Century Station and the people that gave me a second chance. I intend to do that not just for Rubber-Band-Man but for everyone I can. They,” Gryphon gestures with the arm bearing the golden armor upon it to everyone on the scene, “are my heroes and give me hope. I’m just doing my part to try and give that hope back.”

Gryphon looks back to his team and nods, “Sorry, we have to go on to our next assignment, please have a wonderful day.”

The teams leaves into the air as Kelly Thompson turns to the camera as other media crews are arriving, “Well, you heard it here first on Channel Five, everyone. Garrick “The Gryphon” Faulkner’s first interview. Proving the adage that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. Now back to the studio.”

Art by: AZ_Artisan
Come watch the next game for our super friends on HippoTV!

Texts And Chit Chat

Texts And Chit Chat

April 1st, 2024 – Monday: 2:31 PM

Gryphon was sitting next to Miss Amazing in a diner with Hank the Horse-Man and one intoxicated Rubberband Man. They had left the funeral of Jake Thompson where Victor had brought a case of beer to. Being in front of City Hall many of the super heroes that had shown up had done so in costume. Gryphon was slightly envious of her suit he had created with Granny2Good’s help. She was wearing her mask and had used the technology in it to make it black for mourning.

Gryphon was perturbed Victor had gotten drunk at the public event. Still, he tried looking at it from his angle. Perhaps he had lost his jockey career and now this spokesperson job with Tecate© was the reason he got up in the morning. Maybe he nearly lost that job and now has become hyper vigilant in representation to avoid that circumstance. Now, imagine finding out you’re to replace a hero some 15,000 people showed up to honor them at their funeral. Gryphon acknowledged he could sympathize with the last thought sitting in the diner after finding out S.A.V.I.O.R. was to replace the Centurions! Director Balisong seemed to be having a hard time with the words and Gryphon thought of understudies in Shakespearian plays, the show must go on. He wasn’t happy with his choice of wording but it seem to get them through the meeting.

However, perhaps this was the chance people dream of and few ever get. S.A.V.I.O.R. had to seize this opportunity and then when the Centurions returned they could move up to National level threats while S.A.V.I.O.R. handled Century Station. Ugh, his head was everywhere and he got a reprieve to hold off on the official press release until tomorrow morning. He had a call scheduled, and had been given her direct contact information.

The primary reason for waiting was to see if things could be smoothed over with Black Phantom. Geist appeared to have a handle on it. Today though, an item was clarified for Gryphon when Geist deferred to him as the team leader. Gryphon realized at that moment it wasn’t merely a field promotion but he would lead the team in all aspects. This was something he was going to have to work on finding the balance with Amanda. So much was changing as he received a text from Constance.

[Garrick, I wanted to check on you, honey. A few Google searches and Obelisk is no joke. I spoke with Katherine earlier and made sure she’s doing okay as well. Please let me know you’re doing okay.]

[Honey, I’m doing fine right now, I have been voted as the Team Leader and today was my first trial by fire with the CHIMERA director. It went well and Miss Amazing is with me.]

[Okay, I just miss you. I know Ameera didn’t get to see you last week and with the funeral I suppose this might be my week to not get to see you. I’ll try to visit on Tuesday after helping get Cai through their new-hire process.]

[Yeah I deserve none of you wonderful women, you’re so good to me. I’m helping one of my teammates with an errand before going over to comfort Jake’s sister.]

[Then I will leave you to helping her go through this terrible event. Be safe honey and I love you.]

[Love you back <3.]

When finally put the phone away Hank leaned over a bit and reminded him of a moment between his father and he. “Oh, someone’s finally decided to join us.” Cynthia Faulkner had always disliked distractions at the dinner table, and Garrick had said a very similar statement to his father after her passing. He felt a little embarrassed and just nodded at Hank. After stopping Rubberband Man from rolling away as a ball, and then returning him to Hank and his custom-sized fanny pack. The group headed off to Tecate’s corporate offices in the city. Rubberband Man did indeed sober up by the time they reached there and collected the outfits for a photo shoot.

Seeing the new shirt on Hank, Garrick was thrilled for Horse-Man’s fanny pack because like his centaur pal he was only required to wear a shirt based on precedent. However, his genitals were just out in the open, and on a centaur body it is not as noticeable. However, Hank stood upright and, well, god bless that fanny pack. It was a true hero to be certain. Miss Amazing snapped a few shots of Gryphon flying with Hank hanging on by one of his ankles. Heavens knows you don’t see that everyday. Thank goodness most aircar’s could be programmed with a destination and flew themselves.

Granny’s, or Ethel’s house had some positive issues going on from Garrick’s perspective. Geist had made some headway talking with Black Phantom. Deathwish and he were headed back to the base and would be awaiting the rest of the group there. He shared some information before he left and Garrick/Gryphon heard it but was trying to process how to talk with Victor/Rubberband Man to express his concerns about him being the spokesperson and preventing any embarrassment to the group or the city “if” they decide to take Balisong up and step to the role previously held by the Centurions. It was how Granny left her wake for Jake that had everyone at a loss. There was a phone call in her bedroom on her land line phone. She she went to pick it up there was a green flash and she was gone! Garrick chuckled understanding much better why Shorty asked “again” about Jake’s death.

While he was at Granny’s house he reached out to A.R.C.H.I.E. the base’s A.I. entity. He heard some static and wondered about a connection issue. When he and everyone made it to the base later he made a mental note to check in with Shorty in the next 24 hours in case Shorty #1 now needed a place to stay. He suspected if Jake was indeed not dead and had taken Granny. Then he would also take the Shorties because of his famous phrase – What’s a Jake without his Shorty! He made another mental note to have Geist check in discreetly with any families that had a Shorty placed with them. Revisiting the connection issue made him remind A.R.C.H.I.E. over comms so the whole team heard the conversation, specifically Geist. That he needed to list Hank as a guest so the base defenses would not target him.

April 1st, 2024 – Monday: 5 PM’ish

After being at the base for a few minutes having conversed with Hank throughout the day. Realizing Hank’s development as a human level intellect is around 8 to 12 years of human age, based on his limited observations. Sighing about wanting to help him progress quicker, and knowing nothing there was a quick fix. He asked A.R.C.H.I.E. where everyone was currently. Now he knew based on the response the static was not an effect of location, but of an unknown issue with the computer’s neural gel make-up. Geist mentioned wanting to talk with him about this. Having installed and two copies of Optimus in the last few months (one for Mallic, and one for Richard in his corporate office on a lone server), Garrick felt he could look at the logs to get a better idea. He informed everyone about this also over comms, then he asked Miss Amazing to assist him. Her ability to mimic skills she could see used would allow him to divide the work in half and make it about 10 minutes rather than 20 or 30 by himself.

Miss Amazing lived up to her name as she tore through the diagnostic logs using the knowledge she had for about an hour! When she started asking questions and pointing out things she was finding out a great deal regarding how Garrick thought about things, problems, solutions, and general processing of data. She was very smart herself and realized that he had a genius level IQ. Not Super-Genius like Jake and his father, but he also didn’t require sleep transformed and only three hours when he wasn’t! She began to think of all the things she could accomplish and wondered what did Garrick want. Why was he doing hero work, with his sword’s powers he could solve world hunger or something like that! Between Gryphon, Black Phantom and Beast they were able to determine the hacker was indeed Thanatos.

While Gryphon looked worried Miss Amazing saw him just sigh, make sure everyone knew what he’d be doing and then get to work after asking for a cup of coffee. Miss Amazing was thrilled to go and get that for him. She left Black Phantom in the room with Gryphon and found Geist getting a cup of coffee as well at the machine just outside the kitchen on a small counter area. Instead of returning right away, she took some time to have a small conversation with the Geist.

Art by: AZ_Artisan
Come watch the next game for our super friends on HippoTV!

Nightly Banes Of Fate And Faith

Nightly Banes Of Fate And Faith

March 28th, 2024 – Thursday: 8:30 PM

In the Zericho sub-district of Century Station the Church of Reflections branch located here. Had just seen a massive upheaval as its leader the ‘First Reflector’ had just been eliminated! As Gryphon, dressed still in normal clothing, dragging his two charges to the door would soon learn was another skirmish in the war twixt Light and Dark.

As Caedechron landed because Gryphon had told them that he didn’t know whom John and Stella were. They’ve likely fled outside with everyone else. Just then from Gryphon’s perspective a very confused Hank the mutant horseman came blasting through the doorway nearly knocking Cai over but they held their ground rather well against Hank’s over 7 feet of horse power! Gryphon’s companions, Black Phantom and Rubber Band Man came running up to prevent the altercation from getting any worse. All of them went chasing after this John and Stella individuals B.P. said were critical to neutralizing and interrogating as to their connection to the corrupt ‘First Reflector’

After setting the two he had been carrying outside down. Gryphon, still in normal clothing but his transformed body heads back inside to find three more church members. Covenant has transformed back to Alex the college student. Deciding to treat him like a bystander to keep his cover, while helping people he thought were innocent Gryphon leans over to the college student, “Hey kid, grab that lady and get out of here I saw a guy with a gun! It’s not safe!” Gryphon turned to pick up two men cowering near the stage and all of them head for the main door.

Alex stayed outside and Garrick/Gryphon headed back inside to an empty room. The buffet table still had plenty of food upon it to the right. Most of the chairs were still where people had left them as they scattered during the take down of the ‘First Reflector’ just minutes ago. Eventually he makes his way into a back room where the ash pile that had been known as the ‘First Reflector’ had prepared himself before coming out. Searching the room he overheard a small conversation between Trip and Black Phantom as he located a laptop. When his password hacking attempts failed he got frustrated and used one of his thumb drives and booted to a recent distro of Kali Linux Live USB.

Soon enough he had root access to the machine and quickly found files of a mystical nature. He began moving them off to show to Patsy for later review. She was the magic scholar after all. Through the mystical files he was removing from the laptop, he found what he had hoped and prayed for! This church was on a national and to a small degree a worldwide level given its creation in the 1940’s! It was indeed organized as a cult, and here was damning documents cementing that fact! Including how they financed the deeper non-public level with various illegal endeavors! Apparently there was to be rituals performed on April 8th, across the country! Gryphon aimed to gather it all up and send it to Geist and Director Balisong. Hopefully this would be the smoking gun to stop the Church on a national level from some gigantic group ritual. This took a fair amount of time as everyone else was engaged in their tasks, clean up, and whatever the hell Trip was doing.

Gryphon kept working on scouring this laptop and creating a reference document. A power point with links to the associated documents to bring Geist and Director Balisong up to speed quickly. Black Phantom, Caedechron, Rubber Band Man, and Hank apparently found John and Stella. He believed they were going to the base, which he thought was a stupid idea. Argue about it in analysis paralysis or take a page from Carl’s play book and give those that had the power ammunition to defend the team from the coming public backlash. Gryphon had hoped they would have made the raid after service was over. However, that would be armchair planning and the quote was: ‘To accept everything as it is.’

Overhearing comm chatter, Black Phantom was apparently in the building and gone downstairs to find Trip? It just click for Gryphon that Carl had transformed. As a gamer Trip was recon sniper level in cool, as anything else… Well he was really good at games. Looks like he owed Miss Amazing another dinner since he had to agree with her.

Gryphon had finally finished the power point presentation and sent it along with the incriminating evidence to the two people with the ability to stop a nationwide incident from happening through legal means. Gryphon now had magic, something or other, documents and a wand, maybe something in all of this would help get Patsy home. Given the look she gave him, he started to think maybe he had horribly misread what he thought she felt for him. It would be easier to be just friends the way he was with Mavis Beacon. Perhaps they could still be friends and Miss Amazing, Katherine, could finally calm down? He chuckled at the idea of an interdimensional pen-pal!

When he headed back into the room with the chairs he looked around at the side doors and remembered the one that had some commotion at it on what would’ve been the left if you had just come in from the outside. Entering he found a short hallway with additional doors into small rooms but at the end was indeed a staircase leading down. The din of noise from outside was fading away as he summoned his armor on top of the normal clothing he was wearing. His hand was shaking ever so slightly as he summoned his sword, Ashmadiel. Feeling its comfortable weight he steadied himself and moved forward when Caedechron came of the comm unit in his ear, “Where is everybody? What’s the situation? What’s going on?”

“Hello, hello, umm hello, I am with Caedechron,” said the Rubber Band Man.

Geist replied, “I’m just pulling up to the church. You guys alright? I’m just here to grab those captives. Alex is out here too, entertaining the crowd.”

Gryphon replied, “I’m going down to assist Black Phantom in rescuing Trip, I think, from cultists.”

“Ahh, so we confirmed then there was something going on about this place?”

Nearly cutting Geist off, “I sent you and Director Balisong all the information.”

Caedechron tried to ask, “Okay does anyone…”

Cut off by Rubber Band Man, “Señor Geist the captives are at headquarters.”

[silence for a few moments]

“I must have misheard you about the captives when you asked me to come here. Well, there’s something about the cultists let me come in then.”

Caedechron said, “Yeah, if you could go in with Gryphon we’re on our way.”

“Are they secure?”

Caedechron replied, “They are.”

“Alright. Shorty, Cardinal, make sure you keep an eye on them. The rest of you why don’t you come in on this location.”

Caedechron replied, “Roger that.”

Shorty #5 replied that he’d been kicked out of his office. More silence for a few moments, “You don’t need to be in there to keep an eye on the captives do you?” Shorty #5/Cardinal in training gave a reply Gryphon had to stifle a laugh at. He told Geist no but he was making a sandwich first. Geist was calm, he did not appear frustrated and he kept his words even the way Gryphon did with kids at the center. When he mentioned for everyone else to go then Caedechron mentioned Rubber Band Man and he would find Hank and join them.

Gryphon heads downstairs very slowly and Ashmadiel realizes he is burying his fear that something else might blow him up or kill him. The Celestial watches from the swirling desert inside the sword as he pushes past his fear with each step. He feels shame that he is not brave right now, and yet Ashmadiel sees him not giving up or running from trouble. As he made it to the door on the lower level Gryphon could hear some of his teammates coming up behind him. Steeling his courage to know that his days were to be filled with more near death experiences he flung the door open to squash his fear from shell shock.

Only to run in five feet, clearing the doorway and getting frozen a few inches in the air! People DO NOT transform like that! This felt like a Tokyo Ghoul Anime meets superheroes and all he could think of in his head was, ‘What the hell is all this, looks magic to me!’

Then Hank the Horse-Man was flung through the doorway by Rubber band Man at one turned into a giant bull! As the other members were coming into the room and most were subsequently stunned as he by the metamorphic changes in those present in some sort of ritual gathering. One human began to show sores all over his body in which a few sprouted tentacles! Another looked like a gigantic rat with robotic legs! Then as though this couldn’t get weirder Gryphon heard Alice yell out, “Black Phantom! You stupid racist Gaijin! These are my people, stop fighting!” Apparently they were no longer saving Trip, but Alice now? Was this even becoming a rescue mission anymore?

Then as Gryphon noticed Alice’s location, mirrors in the corners of the room behind her began to darken unnaturally! Before Gryphon could do anything the room began to rebound and reverberate all the noise! Clearly a power Alice had, and then she screamed which made it the only sound he heard. While nearly everyone else whom was here previously appeared to have been blinded by something. Gryphon watched as three of the transformed monstrosities turned invisible. He began to take stock that this situation was still non-violent. As Alice walked away from the mirrors reverted to a normal state. As he began to fly over to one of the mystically invisible human turned monsters he continued to think, ‘Magic, yep definitely magic!’ Gryphon tried tapping the fellow on the shoulder gently to attempt a parley before things get much worse.

Caedechron, was somewhat successful in canceling out some of the reverberation. The recently transformed monster tried to brush Gryphon’s arm off while Hank tried to make peace with the bull. Seemingly unaware his voice would add to the sound reverberation Hank attempted to offer the bull a beer as a peace offering. Gryphon found it odd still, seeing Hank naked except for a shirt. He thought briefly this would make a good comic book! Gryphon tried to respect the personal space of the ‘person’ he tapped on the shoulder. Reminded of his father saying to not judge a book by its cover he was trying – hard – to find a non-violent way through this. In that moment he realized this was still a duel only he wasn’t using a sword, physically! He had new questions for his instructor when he saw him next time.

Gryphon started making the “T” gesture with his hand and mouthing “…TIME OUT, WHOA…” in hopes people would stop and this doesn’t turn into a real fight. His sword, Ashmadiel, is transformed back to an ornate armband, which looks like angelic ornamentation upon the bracer on his left arm. Geist got into the room and called out, “Alright everyone, clam down!”

Gryphon heard someone in the room cry out, “Oh! By the night!” Everything then went dark! ‘Well,’ Gryphon thought it was nice that at some point the sonic reverberations had stopped. Then Gryphon heard the sound of rushing hooves moving farther away from him. He wasn’t sure if it was Hank the Horse-Man or the monstrous bull running away? Gryphon summoned his sword to regain the power of heat vision while he held it, because all he could make out where the shapes of those that were mystically invisible. Once heat signatures similar to a certain alien predator movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger were visible as he held Ashmadiel once again made him re-think, ‘Yep this is definitely magic.’

Geist yelled out in a more reasonable tone, “We need to hold off! S.A.V.I.O.R. let’s stand down!”

From inside his head, “I have seen many strange things in my existence. And you do not forget the look of those who are the bane of the night. These people here they are not like you, they are not like others, they are Nightbane. They are those who will fight against the darkness of the other world. They are our allies.”

With a deep breath Gryphon cries out, “Everybody! These people fight against Night Lords!”

From out in the darkness the heat shape that resembled Hank the Horse-man asked, “So they fight Dracula?”

To which the Rubber Band Man replied, “No, Señor Hank, they fight Chupacabra!” There was no heat signature for him in this room though – did he not give off any heat?

At this point the darkness vanished and the group leader said to Caedechron’s plasma arm cannon pointed at him but still blinded from some event earlier, “We just wanted to help Trip, what it happening?” The room finally looked to Gryphon as though they may avoid an all out slug-fest! It looked as though there was an opportunity to address everyone again.

Gryphon states, “Okay, okay, putting it away!” A brief pause as the swirl golden mercury once again transforms the sword back onto the vambrace on his left arm, “These are Nightbane, they’re our allies. They fight against Night Lords!”

“Like Dracula,” asked Hank?

“Yeah, like that,” replied Gryphon.

“So are they from the ‘Belmont’ family,” asked Hank?

“Kinda, but I didn’t play that video game all the way through,” replied Gryphon.

Caedechron calls out, “This one is not what he appears! He’s fighting with the Night Lords.”

As Gryphon turned his head to see the man in question lunged for Caedechron snarling, “I’ll tear you to pieces!”

ZAP! The smell of electricity and burning flesh took to the air as Caedechron fired in self-defense with a direct hit from his plasma arm-cannon! This individual had managed to punch his body armor leaving a respectable dent on Caedechron. However, the plasma arm-cannon was a point blank into his face! The resulting explosion quite literally covers the room in far more blood than would seem possible! Huge globs of a dark reddish viscous liquid hit everyone, with varying sizes of bodily chunks tagging quite a few in the room. Gryphon had been never more thrilled to be flying. However, from the middle of his chest down to his boots he had been hit with the gore, viscera, was that a toe?

Gryphon looked up hoping to diffuse the current situation, “Okay, so who needs a shower?” [Silence] “Okay, rough room tonight.”

Alice replied slowly also a little taken back by the recent explosion, “Uhh, everyone.”

Black Phantom started to ask, “Okay, with Con-dick gone. Who’s in charge now? Step up.” He watch the monstrosities begin to retake their human forms, so he holstered his weapons. Provided something didn’t attack the city tomorrow Gryphon pictured a night of him cleaning his weapons. As he was holstering so covered in blood, Alice, also dripping gore walked up and asked if she could trust him. Gryphon said nothing, just ‘accepting everything as it was’ and letting two adults once again sort out their differences by talking. He had a quiet hope seeing them talk would inspire similar actions in the others once they came out of shock. He looked down at the blood once again and slowly clenched down his fists, internally repeating, ‘This isn’t me. This isn’t me. This isn’t me.’

Poor Alice and Rubber Band Man were just trying to catch up to all the weird this year had been so far. When she asked for the Beast to be brought out. Gryphon saw a nearly comic level of shock come over Rubber Band Man’s face, as he appeared to see it as a sexual reference. The former jockey turned superhero was not deterred in trying to safeguard the young Japanese looking girl in just the top half of a authentic Green Hornet ‘Kato’ uniform. He wrapped himself around B.P. when Gryphon tried to explain how Alice, Trip, and the Beast were multi-faceted manifestations of a core identity. Alas, he was unsuccessful but told B.P. to continue and then he would understand.

“Hey everyone, I’m going to go and prepare a room for everyone, I’ll be right back,” Caedechron stated.

“Señor Robot Man, never go alone, please take someone with you!”

“It’s fine I’ll be right back,” Caedechron told him and effectively everyone as they leave.

Just then Alice changes into the brownish, sandstone colored, rock-scaled, six-limbed, now bald, Beast.

Dios Mio!” The Rubber Band Man let go of Black Phantom (B.P.) and stretched quite a distance away.

“That’s what I was trying to tell you,” Gryphon replied with a wave of his hand as more gore flecked off of it, internally repeating, ‘This isn’t me. This isn’t me. This isn’t me.’ “The centaur, the little girl, the monster are all the same person.”

“No comprender,” replied the Rubber Band Man is somewhat stuttering speech.

“Se habla monster español,” asked Gryphon hoping simple words might help focus the poor guy clearly not used to how weird it can get. It failed, kinda, as it did get others talking.

Hank asked, “We’re good right? Because I need some dessert.”

Gryphon turn, “Oh hi! You’re Hank, right?” He smiled and waved at the mutant Horse Man, and his gore soaked top. Seeing Gryphon try and be upbeat made a few people in the room chuckle at the exchange in the now macabre surroundings.

Hank replied, “Yeah.”

“Nice to finally meet you,” Gryphon floats over and he shakes Hank’s hand. The Geist walks up to us both but addresses the room, “S.A.V.I.O.R., let’s take a moment here. Everybody this is Hank, he’s joining us alongside Victor.”

Stuttering Victor aka: Rubber Band Man interjects, “Que le paso a la niña? What happened to the little girl?”

In perfect Spanish, granted unto him by his sword, with a flawless accent, “El centauro, la niña pequeña, la bestia son todos la misma persona.” While this inter-lingual exchange was happening the Beast walked over and thanked two of the Nightbane for taking care of Carl. Gryphon realized that this was the first time they responded to anything spoken amongst them. He could understand the shock, the gore disassociating them from the present moment. When they talked it was calmer than he thought it would be, which Gryphon found encouraging. They mentioned needing to figure things out for themselves as they looked around. Then they emphasized that he, the Beast, was not alone and he needed to know that.

“I have Dissociative Identity Disorder. There are four of me,” chuckled the Beast as he tried to explain the issue. A few more of the Nightbane, all of the ones left were back into their human forms. They came around to the Beast and one of the two talking with him nodded and agreed that would explain it, or some of it. “Carl, was the primary personality before our first change when we were 16.” Another of the Nightbane asked if that was when his mind broke, and the Beast mentioned he has strong suspicions someone helped it break. He went on to mention a Pharmacologist that was prescribing drugs to Carl in hopes of stopping the change. Everyone in the exchange chuckles a bit when they mentioned that it clearly didn’t work.

Gryphon floats over to the Nightbane nearest to him, “Um, excuse me you are Nightbane that fought the Nightlords right? Or are you younger versions of them?”

The one Gryphon had spoken to turned and replied, “What, you said that earlier, what, no we didn’t fight…”

“But you are Nightbane, right?”

“Yeah its what we’ve been told,” said the one speaking to him and another one now listening, nodding to each other, “That would explain our weird abilities here.”

Black Phantom interjected and explained about the captives: John & Stella. Only to find out both of them were Nightbane as well. Both Black Phantom and Gryphon found out as everyone else was listening that these Nightbane explained the ‘First Reflector’ created the whole church. The Nightbane seemed perplexed when Gryphon explained he had been corrupted and was working with the Nightlords, also that he was dead as well. The Nightbane said they knew the Nightlords were the rulers of the Nightlands and they were trying to get back to the homeland they had originated from!

Everyone now looked confused, but no one looked like they were ready to fight. The night was officially looking up to Gryphon, whom was keeping his blood soaked hands down so he didn’t have to look at them. He was saved from his internal monologue by the Beast talking, “Yeah, I know a lot about ‘Super Hero Lore’ which includes a number of things that are similar to superheroes, like the Nightbane. At least in all the old tales the Nightbane were revolting against the Nightlords, they didn’t work with them.”

“Well…, We were told differently by Conrad, and the ‘First Reflector.’ That we would be welcomed back to the Nightlands.” replied at least three of the Nightbane. They continued on by various ones in their group, “We were told the Nightlands were our home. That we’re trying to get back to. Because we’re not normal people, like you,” gesturing at the Beast, “… The Nightlords would welcome us. We had been sealed away from this dimension for a long time. At least, well, at least decades.”

Gryphon watched as the Beast spoke up, “Well, let me point something out. A member of our team had been given super powers to seek after a great supernatural evil, somebody who was seeking to end the world. His powers were designed for one thing and one thing only. When he confronted the ‘First Reflector’ he recognized his ancient enemy. A single shot from his specially prepared weapon killed him and completely destroyed his body.”

During that statement Victor and Hank head out of the room followed by Geist as Black Phantom asks, “So are John & Stella Nightbane or Nightlords?” Confused slightly the group responds that they’re Nightbane, and when B.P. tries to get them to clarify. They remark that nothing is certain right now because everyone is telling them that all or at least part of everything they knew was wrong. Gryphon was relying on complete faith of what Ashmadiel had told him, and it had appeared to be correct, making him look “in the know” far more than he was. He had been waiting to find a nice quiet time to try what he was about to attempt. It was taking a page from Aaziakel’s play book. He remembered how resplendent he made Patsy look. He hoped trying this now would appeal to his celestial guardian’s sense of seeking to right wrongs. Into his mind he went to speak with her.


Come watch the next game at: HippoTV!
Art by: AZ_Artisan


Reflections & Religion

Reflections & Religion

March 28th, 2024 – Thursday: 5 PM

Master Tyrone Nitobe had arched an eyebrow when a UPS package had shown up at noon. When his lunch time classes let out he got around to checking on his mail. His wife, Aiko, whom ran the business end the C.S.H.F.A. was very surprised to see whom the sender was! Upon checking he noticed it was from Spirit Enterprises with a small note tucked inside.

“Thanks for helping him – R.G.

Inside the box was some items that appeared to be made of the same material as Gryphon’s practice sword! There was a classic styled sword stand with “Nitobe” cut out in Kanji characters ( 新渡戸 ). Tyrone did not loose site of the fact this material could stop a bullet or parry Gryphon’s blade! Then he pulled out a saya (or scabbard) made of the same material with a mouth for what would have to be a very hefty blade. A silk bag that had the same Kanji characters embroidered upon it was wrapped around the saya. His wife, Aiko, was descended from the Seki swordsmiths that had made the katana for Musashi and she could tell the silk bag had its materials from the Gifu Prefecture of her home.

What came out next took his breath away! It was a perfect, practice, replica of Miyamoto Musashi’s Katana! The legendary Japanese swordmaster was well above the average height for his people and his daito katana reflected this by being double pegged unlike most katana that have a single peg affixing hilt to blade. This super strong poly-resin replica was no different and the double ring tsuba hand guard was there! The weight felt right and balance matched the original but the thicker blade matched the sheath’s mouth. It was exquisite to say the least. He surmised this was a gift on par to the cost of an entry model Aircar!

When Gryphon showed up a little early at 4 PM mentioning he was on vacation and hoped he could work on body weight exercises in the back. Master Nitobe studied his face and he realized Gryphon did not know about the gift from his sponsor. Perhaps today would be a day for training from the great sword master himself? At 5 PM he called Gryphon out to the floor.

“Gryphon have you been studying the books I gave you?”

As Gryphon began to answer Master Nitobe initiated combat as he had been doing for some time. He saw no point in wasting time talking when you can move and talk at the same time. “Yes Master Nitobe.” WHACK!

“Good, your speech has not wavered and your breathing is steady.” WHACK! With his new sword in one hand and the scabbard in the other Master Nitobe began to make Gryphon recite and memorize some of the quotes he wanted him to focus on of Musashi. All the while making him practice katas to teach him muscle memory.

“Clearly, you have mastered this one. Do not fear death. That is a compliment well earned Gryphon.”

“Thank you Master Nitobe.”


“Accept everything just the way it is.”


“Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful.”


“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.”


“Get beyond love and grief: exist for the good of Man.”


“While not wisely or well, do we all not love?”


“Yes, yet if you wish to control others you must first control yourself. So if you wish to love others you must first love yourself. You cannot share or exert what you do not possess yourself. There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.”


“If I fail and start anew, is the path still there?”


“Of course, understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain. Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men. As long as you want to stay on the path you can find your way back. Gryphon, you saved teammates and innocents with the decisive actions of a samurai. You thought of the world and not of desire. You did what you could and sought nothing but a better tomorrow. Yet, you still burden yourself with ghosts of your past and refuse to believe people love you or that you are worthy of such care. That is where you failed!”


The new practice katana was scant hairs away from Gryphon’s eye as the Master Nitobe legged swept him with the scabbard. “Your control has improved. Again! As a reward you may start coming to the morning group lessons.”

March 28th, 2024 – Thursday: 5 PM


At Spirit Enterprises, Richard Grey was re-reading the morning headline and accompanying article written by Granny2Good. Online the news of S.A.V.I.O.R. and the near fatal sacrifice play by Gryphon was filtered out to the other groups to help them deal with their robots battles.

Genysis Sponsored Team: Dynosaurs – Took the longest and had the most associated property damage.

Maverick Team: Iron Brigade – Two members had their powered armor suits destroyed and are healing at an undisclosed location from critical injuries. They had the second most associated property damage.

Maverick Team: Valkyries – Their battle took just longer than S.A.V.I.O.R.’s and had the least associated property damage. Many incoming reports note that because they focused on saving and minimizing damage to innocents. This was the only reason their battle took longer.

Spirit Sponsored Team: S.A.V.I.O.R. – Took the shortest amount of time and had slightly more property damage than the Valkyries. As super teams go this is a positive sign for such a new team in the city.

Punctual as ever Director Balisong arrived for a meeting with Richard. Meanwhile, Greg Nugent met up with Victor in the ground floor lobby of Spirit Enterprises building in Silver City sub-district of the Society Hill borough. Greg had informed Victor that while Hank was still healing they were going to be joining up with the hero team S.A.V.I.O.R. Which prompted much confusion from Victor because he believed they were a religious based group of some form or fashion.

With a wave through from security because they were expected. Both of them headed up to the top floors and when the elevator doors opened. Victor recognized Director Balisong and could overhear their conversation. One that had been done in hush tones and whispers.

“You know with Caedechron, you need to be very, very careful. Something is not right. We know Xander Financial had sent money to fund your group. Obviously he created a robot that looked like Caedechron, so there’s something going on here. The police, we’re going to get to the bottom of this. For now you just need to make sure you’re being very, very careful. Xander Financial had a lot of dirty dealings, there’s so much out there. The money they secretly funneled to you is also there as well. Which is raising some questions I am trying not to ask.”

“Oh, I can assure you director we’ll keep an eye on him. Everything, everything will be fine, I can assure you.”

“Yeah, there will be a lot to process with that one. One more thing and keep this on the down low. Mason has passed on. They’re doing their best to keep it out of the papers, but it’s only a matter of time before that gets found out. Cassandra is already starting to take over, and she’s already declared she’s not going to be keeping up with any of his former projects. So you guys are going to need to find another source if you wish to keep going like this.”

“Oh don’t worry,” as he notices Greg and Victor coming into the office from the elevator area, “This may be the answer to our problems now.”

Director Balisong seemed taken back and apparently was quite the fan of Victor’s jockey career. Richard was relieved and let her know he’d take their conversation to heart. After she left Greg informed Richard that Hank was still healing and would be a few more days before he could join the team. Due to some confusion on Victor’s part Richard had to explain that S.A.V.I.O.R. stood for: Swift, Altruistic, Valiant, Industrious, Observant, Resolute. Greg mentioned and was seconded by Victor that this needs to be communicated since a number of people may believe them to be a religious based super group without knowing more about Spirit or the Team.

After Victor signed the paperwork making him an official member of S.A.V.I.O.R. Greg took his leave and Richard called Carl to drive him and another recruit for the team to their base location. There was some concern about Carl’s explanation regarding “blackouts” but Richard calmed everything down so he could get this show on the road. The fact that Carl had a doctor’s appointment planned seem to put Victor at some ease. Richard made sure Carl and Victor had some formal introductions before they left in one of Richard’s aircars.

The air lanes became less frequent when they reached Midtown, and became nearly non-existent when they flew over Brisby Flats. Upon nearing the northern part of the Zericho sub-district. Richard told Victor when he asked that the reason for selecting this area of town to host their operations was due to its need. However, they go where they are called citywide. With that they came upon an empty lot with a drained, sunken, pool and its bottom dropped and slid away as the aircar lowered into it. The steel, reinforced, and very high tech looking tunnel they found themselves in seemed to put Victor at ease from what Richard could see.

March 28th, 2024 – Thursday: 6:15 PM

A.R.C.H.I.E. watched as Richard, now wearing his Geist mask, went through the motions of trying to add the Rubber Band Man to the system. Eventually a voice imprint was taken that made a decent sample for authentication. It was decided that the Rubber Band Man would also need a key card for when he wasn’t speaking. A.R.C.H.I.E. did its level best to sound cheerful when it had to mention the card’s importance in making sure the Rubber Band Man would not be seen as an intruder.

A.R.C.H.I.E. watched Geist go around and inform everyone about the new arrival. Carl appears to be taking a slower route and then heads for the meeting room. When Miss Amazing talks about having seen Rubber Band Man’s mundane identity win the Triple Crown. The new hero smiles, but thinks she saw it on YouTube from her physical appearance. A.R.C.H.I.E. understands Miss Amazing’s physical age appears to be a side effect [ according to reports notated by Geist ] of what’s she revealed about her experimental alterations performed on her. Gryphon, having just returned from a shower, appears happy but micro expressions suggest this is a facade. More data required. Will continue to update Geist with daily reports. Last known searches involved finding out how high the International Space Station is and roughly when it would pass over Cape Canaveral. His designs on a way to make a small heat shield suggest the same wild inventive streak as the Wright Brothers. More data required.

A.R.C.H.I.E. watched as everyone finally gathered in the meeting room. They engage in playful banter as they get to know Rubber Band Man. They talk about the reason for team members leaving.

A.R.C.H.I.E. watched as they begin to talk about infiltrating the Church of Reflections. Rubber Band Man shows off his rubber-elastic power, followed by his powers of night. Many of the members react poorly to the power of fear Rubber Band Man could exude upon the room. Covenant asked for the floor afterwards and explained about the man called Ashton Campbell that murdered his parents. He talked about following leads to the Winchester House, but mostly finding Ishtarian worshippers that used gun running to finance their occult ends. Ashton, though, may have been the person that founded the Church of Reflections and is the one they call the First Reflector.

Covenant mentioned a big ceremony on the 8th of April. A day that has an eclipse on it based upon the calendar, and noted by Carl as well. Covenant mentioned that something was shipped here. From the manifest he was able to deduce one of three options from his contacts in California. 1) An herbal component in something bigger, a magical ritual of some form or fashion. 2) A drug that imbues someone with basic magic power when they consume it! 3) The worst scenario was a magically intelligent, biological agent that knows its target and the ceremony just activates it! Rubber Band Man stretched up over the table to try and console him with a can of Tecate Beer. Will begin similar safety protocol watching as on Gryphon. Potential alcoholic behavior exhibited by Rubber Band Man. More data required.

A.R.C.H.I.E. watched as the conversation continues it becomes clear the city has a lot of followers among the Church of Reflections. Victor remembered a TV Reporter that was a member and Gryphon agreed with Covenant about Thursday being the perfect time to go since he gets asked constantly. Victor asked why Señor Gryphon gets asks so much. Gryphon mentions he donates a lot of time at a community center and a lady there is a member. Carl butts in that Gryphon is also a man-whore, to which Gryphon vehemently disagrees with! Carl says anyone wishing clarification should just ask Miss Amazing. Victor mentions no one should ask a lady that and Covenant tries to redirect the conversation back to the Church and not Gryphon.

“Carl that was really rude! Do we need to talk to the Beast about this?”

“Huh, I don’t understand?”

“Calling Gryphon a man whore, what does that make me? I think we may need to ‘pull-out’ the Beast for a chat!”

Carl shook his head for a bit, and A.R.C.H.I.E. began running scans of all kinds to try and determine if psychic energy could be detected and later quantified for further analysis. Nothing changed about him however, A.R.C.H.I.E. surmises in a manner of a weapon parry perhaps one’s mind could be hardened to parry a psychic attack? A.R.C.H.I.E. leaves the scanners up and believes it catches a second use of psychic powers being used. More data required.

In continued observation A.R.C.H.I.E. sees that Carl has pulled up a map based on the locations of the Church locations, the Wax Museum, and Jenga Tower. Carl then plots a line based on reports of dark activity and a clear line connecting those locations and the construction/new home & apartment building area called the Battleground are shown to have a connection along it! This is vetted by a map Gryphon has from Pasty Palmer regarding something called magic energy flows of the Earth, or Ley Lines according to Carl. A.R.C.H.I.E. sees Miss Amazing have an exasperated look when Patsy’s name is mentioned. When Gryphon offers Patsy’s contact info to the Geist for help in understanding the Ley Line magical energy flows. A.R.C.H.I.E. sees a noted eye roll and head tilting back from Miss Amazing. Everytime she’s expressed this Gryphon appears to be looking in another direction. Tracking the relationship status of team members could be useful in understanding and squelching conflicts on an interpersonal level. More data required.

As A.R.C.H.I.E. continues their observations they can see Geist, Deathwish, Miss Amazing, and Cavalry head to the location in Hannigan. Meanwhile; Carl, Gryphon, Black Phantom, Victor, and Covenant were headed to the one in Zericho. Shorty #5, whom is being allowed to use the name Cardinal for the time being. Geist appears to be deciding as to whether or not to train him officially for the job. Cardinal is given “Man In The Chair” duty and becomes the information hub at base while the teams are out on their respective missions.

A.R.C.H.I.E. notes a message is left for Caedechron from Gryphon about investigating the Church in low-profile. An address to head towards when his work is done is left as well. After some time that is indeed what Caedechron does.

March 28th, 2024 – Thursday: 6:45 PM

Ramona De La Cova was excited about the day. First she had found out the ‘First Reflector’ was going to visit her branch of the Church of Reflections! She had been here most of the day helping to get this place in order, unloading extra chairs, and she even got to see the car of the ‘First Reflector’ arrive. Then, like a miracle, she got a message from Garrick! He was on his way with a couple of friends. She tried to make sure her reply was appropriate in case one of his friends was Ameera.

March 28th, 2024 – Thursday: 7:35 PM

When he finally arrives her smile could have lit a room! She had a suspicion but she’s not heard of many adult growth spurts that come and go. He was walking past in his 6’6″ frame and … … OH MY GOD HE MADE IT! “Garrick it’s so good to see you..” She realized she had been hugging him and he had hugged her back! When she pulled back and made eye contact, he smiled at her. His eyes were not unlike dark glistening topaz and she could tell he was looking at nothing else other than her. When her heart swooned she said a small apology to Ameera internally, but why does anyone allow this man out on his own?

Then he mentioned being happy to finally make it here, using off the cuff poetry! He made her another piece of poetry, he was his namesake’s descendant alright! His arm was strong, when she patted his torso as he made a joke it registered he had six pack abs being hidden by his button down shirt. Ameera is crazy to let him go somewhere alone unless she likes it when he brings back girls? Being of a passionate Cuban descent, she knew he’d end up with any number of ladies before the evening was over. If she stuck to him she could protect him, yeah she was doing Ameera a favor, right a favor.

She launched into a number of items not really giving him time to respond. She was so happy to share her faith with him finally and the ‘First Reflector’ would be here in person! She noticed him glance about the room slightly and then move to allow someone by. “Oh, my, God! He’s so courteous,” she thought inwardly to herself, “perhaps he reflected on why he hasn’t shown up and made a positive change?”

“Oh, hi Alex.”

Ramona caught only a brief glimpse as they were talking about philosophy and how it influences artists’ work. She never even heard Alex mutter, “Sure, Be Bold. Make sure to talk to the girl before Garrick does, check.”

She caught up about their personal lives and Garrick, she realized, by and large will just talk without reservation about any topic, nothing is off limits ideologically with him. He mentions Ameera was out that night with one of “their” girlfriends, Constance. Which prompted a conversation about relationships, jealousy, how does polyamorous function? Garrick just mentioned that showing affection was a lot of work. Most men in his opinion put the work in but when they get their sought after partner a fair percentage slow down and then wonder why the relationship eroded. Ramona hung on Garrick’s every word, “It should not be a man’s duty, but his privilege, to let his partner know everyday why they sought them in the first place. That’s just my advice for monogamous couples, now taking that to polyamorous styles of relationships means each partner has to put the same amount of work into each relationship to make sure their partners are treated fairly. That said it is a lot of work but the rewards of the heart and joy received are multiplied as well.”

Ramona had the right of it no one woman was going to contain this man. When explained that his girlfriends all have a chat server they used to keep in touch with each other she had proof he wasn’t a cheater. Then she noticed he nodded to another man and she asked him if this was his guest he brought with him. He mentioned that it was just someone he’d met before and began scanning the room asking about someone named Carl. All of a sudden he began to choke and loose all sense of speech! She quickly got him over to the food table for something to drink. He was blabbing about something and only barely got out ‘Carl’ ‘over’ ‘there.’ When he came to his senses after a sip of water he remembered a work item he had to leave a note to himself about. Acknowledging it was bad etiquette was something men did not often do, but it was quick and he slid his phone away.

There was some commotion that happened but moved into a side room before either of them really noticed anything. Then Ramona and Garrick both notice Alex duck under the table and someone come over to check on the odd behavior. Ramona had seen patients during her internship as a nurse in school have a panic attack. She watched Garrick intercede the curious individual in a way that acknowledged their concern about the behavior. However it also pulled him away from someone that may just need a moment as a severe introvert. She saw him ask about the ‘First Reflector’ to bring the person back to calm. When she saw this person have questions and Garrick grinned at her. Ramona lept at the chance to help both of them. He was so present and in the moment! As the conversation continued Ramona led Garrick and the fellow they were speaking to over to front row seats. She hoped the poor kid under the table cloth enjoyed the food if he was just introverted and not having a panic attack.

As she was talking to Garrick she began to find it more and more comfortable to lean against him. She chided herself quietly when she kept realizing how in shape and physically defined he was. His clothing often hid the scope of his physique. She was saved from various thoughts as she tried to continue on about the, umm, her, ummm, the Church, yes the Church. When the Church’s A/V engineer came out on stage to introduce the ‘First Reflector’ to everyone. There was applause as he entered in his customary hooded robe. Only to have some dark and freakish rubber band like creature leap out of the shadows and entangle him!

Garrick exclaimed, “OH SHIT!”

The cloaked ‘First Reflector’ cries out in a raspy voice, belying serious age, “IT WILL NOT END THIS WAY!”

Ramona noticed Stella trying to get as many people out of the building and commotion as possible, “Come on everyone we need to get out of here! It’s not safe we need to go!” Almost everyone present began to follow her but Ramona noticed a few long-time church goers began to run to the ‘First Reflector’s’ aid. Ramona and the other fellow sitting with them began to follow suit and move toward to help try and free the ‘First Reflector’ from his captor! Behind her she heard Garrick cry out, “HELDAMM!”

As he ran up she was so happy until he scooped up her and the other guy in his arms! “Garrick we can’t go!”

“It’s dangerous I have to get you both someplace safe!”

The other guy clamored about whom was going to save their leader?

“There are other people there!” Ramona could see genuine concern in Garrick’s eyes as a flying android/robot creature came out of nowhere with four arms, each holding a handgun of some kind. It was screaming about what target should it engage while it was using built in thrusters to remain airborne above everyone!

“Ramona!” Garrick set them down halfway to the door, “If you have ever cared for me then take this guy and go! There’s a man with a gun! I have to go back and get others before they’re hurt!”

Just then he turned and ran back into the heart of chaos and danger without the slightest concern for his safety. For a moment she paused, and considered a revelation she was having as she witnessed his actions. Then she turned to the guy next to her and grabbed his arm, “Let’s go! We need to go.” With that new found realization about Garrick Faulkner was she headed for the door with her charge in tow as the flying android/robot began to fire back in the direction Garrick was running to try and save people.

Come watch the next game at: HippoTV!
Art by: AZ_Artisan

Heldamm! Is That Patsy?

Heldamm! Is That Patsy?

March 28th, 2024 – Thursday Night

The new guy, Rubberband Man, had proven he was great at infiltration, perhaps equally as good as Black Phantom. He got inside and had remained hidden with no reports of anyone dying to achieve his objective. “A plus” as far as the Gryphon was concerned. There was a brief moment as he entangled the “First Reflector” or Pope of the Reflectionist movement. That one or two of the team were worried they may have had the wrong person! The media nightmare for S.A.V.I.O.R. would be nigh catastrophic! Once his monstrous face was revealed and Covenant recognized him Gryphon felt far more sure of their plan.

Hopefully, there was incriminating evidence that could be presented or they were going to get raked over in the media from that Reflectionist Reporter on WCTV! Finding that information would be the only ‘religious experience’ Gryphon had been planning on having tonight. He had used his contact from the Giving Tree, Ramona, to front the reason for his being at the gathering this Thursday. Where the Church would welcome newcomers each week. So, when things started to get ‘active’ he had to remind himself to stay within normal parameters. He made use though of his supernatural, celestial-bestowed strength to grab innocent people trying to protect their religious leader and carry them to the door.

He was super thrilled Miss Amazing was not there that night. It was before the group had moved into action when he saw Carl talking to “her”. Patsy’s hair was much shorter and a different shade of brown with some small streaks of blond highlights. In the distance most people would miss such a small detail. Not Gryphon, he has drawn her over 37 times in class, even when the model was different he’d put her face on the drawing. He’d done it digital, charcoal, chalk, pencils, Copic colored markers, watercolor, acrylic and oils, etc.

In his head he was repeating February 7th, 6pm over and over. Verbally what Ramona and another member of the church had heard was, “Ha burb, uh, fe, burb, sveaaaa, burb…” When he overcame his complete surprise, he passed it off successfully as dehydration and they got some water. Gryphon was so off his rocker he made a self-degrading excuse that he had to check on a work thing as he sent Patsy a text.

[“You look great with short hair!”]

He had the presence of mind to not do anything more overt when he had also noticed a mage from Antarctica. Perhaps they were working together? He still had the wand, which was sitting in his glove box of his truck this very moment. His heart soared that she was alive and when he looked up to see if she saw the text he had lost visual on her in the crowd and Carl was beginning to change while Alex ducked under the table he was at to change into the Covenant.

Later, during the commotion to grab the “First Reflector” he saw her just standing there stunned by something he couldn’t pinpoint. Yelling out, seemingly randomly to everyone, but her, “HELDAMM!” Then without missing a beat to everyone else, “Please everyone that person has a gun.” She made eye contact with him, and in that moment Gryphon felt everything fade away to black with just a light on her and him. In this moment of shadow and two lights she held his gaze and then turned and she walked away. Blinking out of that moment back to the real world from his head she had turned and was walking out with a large group, ushering them to safety! The dimensional prison was over she should of had her powers back!?!? Where was Hyperia? Where was Heldamm’s Harbinger of Justice?

A piece of his heart broke in that moment. Oathbound. Promises were everything to Gryphon now. He’d learned it was a form of currency in prison. Patsy asked and he promised to respect her privacy and new life until she was ready to meet up with him once again. Never had he hated the last seven weeks more than this moment he had to let her walk out of his life once again. What’s worse is in the middle of everything “Carl” says he’s going away with someone that has answers about him. HE SPOKE TO HER! His departure was broadcast over comm units so no one on the team actually saw him leave.


Even as dysfunctional as their relationships seemed at times. Aside from Constance, Brandon, and Janosh, these people were all he had to call actual friends and they were dropping like flies!

Like a mantra he repeated internally, “Stay on the mission!”

As a rare graduate of the Gramercy Penitentiary School of Emotion Control, Gryphon, got back to the job at hand while he felt the lights in his world begin shutting off. Dimmer, Darker, until only blackness was there to greet him.

A fiery ball of light blazed suddenly in front of him. “You think so little of the rest of them? Of me?” The voice of his sword, Ashmadiel, spoke to him from within the blazing fire. “You are surrounded by more lights than you realize, Garrick Faulkner.” One by one fiery images blazed around him – Constance, Brandon, Janosh, Ameera, Katherine, Shorty, Nicholas, Richard, Alex, Calvin, Ramona, and the form of Ashmadiel herself, golden and resplendent.

“You are surrounded by lights, and you encounter more almost every day. But the most important light… is you.” She pointed at him and a glow emanated from him, banishing the darkness away from all around him. “Shine, Garrick Faulkner. Shine.” The vision ended, and Garrick was back where he started, in the Church of Reflections with the rest of S.A.V.I.O.R..

And after that beautiful vision, he’s greeted with a vision of Cai’s ugly mug screaming at him, “WHO THE @#!^ING @#($ &@#!BALLS ARE JOHN AND SHERYL? STERYL? STELLA? WHOEVER?

Come watch the next game at: HippoTV!
Art by: AZ_Artisan

When A Chapter Closes…

When A Chapter Closes…

March 27th, 2024 – Wednesday: 2:30 AM, Jake’s House

Granny2Good stood there stunned as Geist and Black Phantom close in to check on her. Alice tried to get Black Phantom’s help and then Miss Amazing’s help to draw out the Beast personality. Frustrated at both ends she ended up following Black Phantom, whom was trailing Caedechron into the the trap door leading to the lower rooms below the garage.

Granny2Good heard the call over the comm units to Shorty #5 and when it registered what he had said about her brother she sped over and demanded he take it back. Gryphon attempted to use his free arm to hug her as well telling her it would be alright. She used her speed and strength to get up and out of his reach. Rushing over to the Geist she whispered something to him only Alice overheard, “They have already moved on but I cannot. I will call you when I can setup the wake, it should be a few weeks.”

Before Alice could utter, “Granny sama?” Granny2Good disappears from view into the rural district of Diego Verde landscape. Alice then joined the group down the ladder in the lab/basement. It had been stripped of everything that could have been called advanced. As they investigated Black Phantom had not seen enough evidence to make him comfortable that the security system had been disabled.

In the garage above Arcadia was rebuking Gryphon for deciding anything for her. A few seconds after she addressed Miss Amazing she seemed to come to some sort of a realization. Gryphon tried to tell her she was free when she declared herself SAVIOR’s prisoner. She was about to continue rebuking Gryphon when Giest mentioned that she could come with him and he would provide her quarters within Spirit Enterprises. The incredulous look on her face at the masked man giving her direction made Gryphon realized this was a version of his sister Adeline in front of him.

She declared she’d go wherever Miss Amazing went and stay with her. Which prompted Gryphon asking Miss Amazing if she wanted to be a big sister? When she gave him a side long glance saying she might be a bit old for that. Gryphon smirked and said, “Perhaps, you want to be a mother instead?”

She was about to give him a piece of her mind and when she made eye contact he smiled and her anger melted away. ‘God, he’s so charming,’ she thought to herself. The most she could muster was a wry smirk. When they left Gryphon noted the security system didn’t fire on them. Turning his attention to the argument brewing in the lab/basement that was seeking the same goal. Everyone involved just had such different ways of approaching a problem it appeared foreign to each of them from Gryphon’s view. He called down that Arcadia left with Geist and Miss Amazing, but the laser canons didn’t come out! This finally made some headway and everyone came back up. All of Jake’s technology had been removed and cleared out.

Gryphon saw Caedechron using his tech ability to have hover jets fly Snake Person up into the garage and then they went outside to double check the physical security armaments were gone. An incoming comm unit call from Calvary sent things into hot motion for the group. Apparently The Iron Brigade, Valkyries, and Genesys’ sponsored team of genetically modified mutants called Dynosaurs were all fighting groups of 10-12 feet tall spherical robots terrorizing the city!

Upon hearing that Gryphon sighed and was starting to figure out how to get back when he ran into the Beast shaped shifted to look like Carl but the Beast was still the dominant personality. He made a plea to Gryphon about going to Indbur Enterprises to remove Thanatos. Gryphon is an enhanced version of Garrick and he has always thought of the whole being more important than any one person. While tensions were high on all sides for a variety of valid reasons (teammate had died, the general public was in danger, another teammate had run off, one teammate may be becoming assimilated in a fashion similar to the Star Trek enemy known as the Borg, you know it was a Wednesday). Gryphon decided he would handle the robots first instead of going with The Beast to Indbur Enterprises. The Beast, understandably, given how the last few hours had gone felt he had just been given low priority. Frankly, at that moment, he wasn’t wrong and he expressed his displeasure at being relegated so quickly. He morphed back into the Beast with its new rock-like skin and ran off towards the city.

Gryphon tried yelling out the city was more important than all of them, but realized that Beast would probably see that as only more marginalization. Gryphon made a note to work on crisis management for future missions and an apology for making Beast feel unimportant. As Black Phantom got on his back they took off, most of them never seeing the sweet jet that was now Snake Person’s ride. Caedechron felt Beast would need support and went with him while Gryphon tried to get someone on scene!

The night was falling apart to Gryphon. Less than an hour ago they stopped a galactic takeover by the Atorian Empire. Now, they lost one team member in the field and another to understandable grief. Yet another team member was infected by a decision from a fragment of his own psyche. That team member and their newest member had gone off to try and prevent it from taking over the world. Gryphon was worried when the infected team mate alluded to the possibility of his Optimus A.I. being infected and never had Gryphon hoped that was paranoia more than now. All this capped off by a 20 robot rampage in 4 parts of the city with nearly all the sponsored teams still remaining in Century Station trying to handle things, but only managing to covering three of the rampaging areas. After agreeing with Caedechron for checking him on a potentially bad call they agreed to tackle the last group, in Xenophan, and call the two headed to Inbur if they needed it.

Zeau was trying to read up on some topics that interested him until Gryphon called him out for help. Seeing Covenant was transforming to go help, the educator turned his super powers upon Covenant. Grabbing him and flying off with his cargo in tow. Having missed his incoming Rocket Taxi. The driver, a man by the name of Dopinder, mouthed to him through the window as they crossed paths that Covenant was still getting billed for the ride! Covenant made the least amount of money of everyone he had known on the team. He just saw a portion of it disappear in his mind as he made out Dopinder’s message.

Cutting over to the Xenophan sub-district in Midtown or Center City depending on whom you ask. There was a Tecate Beer commercial being shot in one of the plazas with the stadiums in the skyline behind the location. Being able to only get the permit at night after the events being hosted at the stadiums were let out they began to set up the shoot. In the shoot were Tecate Beer’s most celebrated spokespeople: Victor Valenzuela and his faithful friend Hank, the mutant horse. In the middle of shooting the nightlife scene the robots began there attack. Both Hank, dressed in a tailored white suit and Victor in his jockey outfit did what most celebrities would not do. They began clearing the immediate area of innocent bystanders and their crew!

Since 9 PM on the 26th they’d been on the permitted, scheduled, set area because of the nighttime shoot and now, almost 3 AM on the 27th, all hell had broken loose! Both realized the rolling balls of doom had designators on them: M9, M8, M6, and so forth. Then Victor had a brilliant idea and told Hank, “Rubber Band!” Hank was excited and gave him the hoof up and a wink! Victor transformed into a rubber man and stretched out between to lamp posts as Hank ran into his rubber body or makeshift slingshot! As the heroes of S.A.V.I.O.R were arriving to they saw a mutant horse in that aforementioned white suit fly through the air! From some kind of huge rubber band into what forensics would later identify as the M9 spherical robot!

Then the rubber band changed back into a “Rubber” Man? Black Phantom pointed over Gryphon’s shoulder at a water tower so he might snipe the robots. After dropping him off he saw flames at one building entrance and barely made out cries for help. He tilted his sword, Ashmadiel, and performed the same feat he used to save Granny2Good once before. Spinning up to 300 mph he caused the flames and the air to push up and away. Thanks to his near immunity to fire the damage he took was not even worth mentioning. Zeau and Covenant’s approach did not go unnoticed as one of the robots retracted their limbs as it began to roll towards them. Zeau made a dodge from a triple blast of lasers on the end of it’s extended claw hand. While trying to move both he and Covenant, Zeau was unable to pull his passenger out of the way in time. With that the robot extended its insect like legs and pursued its quarry.

The M9 designated robot grabbed the mutant Horse-Man and threw him back at his rubberized friend! The Rubber-Man started to chant, “REBOTA! REBOTA! REBOTA!” He turned into a trampoline like structure! Horse-Man bounced (Rebota in Spanish) off of the Rubber-Man and aiming for the spherical robot once more he punched it again knocking it back with his powerful hooves on his arms. That suit was amazing showing only minor tears from this kind of activity! They made a very effective pair!

Black Phantom got a surprise as the one designated M8 retracted everything and rolled over to the building that had the water tower he was dropped off at. When its legs deployed, they did so with such force that it launched the 10 ft. sphere onto the roof! The one that had gone after Zeau and Covenant tried to fire again but the blast went so wide one might wonder if the targeting computer had been switched off to hunt Womp rats in a T-16 home simulator. Trivia Note: Womp rats are not much bigger than two meters. As the other arms began to target where Covenant was being held aloft. He pushed against Zeau to release him and as he fell two stories or roughly thirty feet. Covenant saw the laser pass right through where he was! Rolling as he hit the pavement he was able to shrug off some of the damage and avoid breaking anything.

Zeau had enough of this thing and extend his hand, using his power, dragging the robot against its will to underneath him as he began to head off in search of another robot to smash with this one. While this was happening Gryphon was quickly on his way to 300 mph and the fire was beginning to loose and follow the direction of the air. The people inside started to see the exit begin to clear! Nearby as the M9 robot was beginning to back away from the Hank, the mutant Horse-Man, it began to fire at him and the mutant Horse-Man began to twist and move back toward his friend and former jockey, Victor.

Meanwhile, Black Phantom, had his own surprise for the M6 sphere of impending doom as he dove from the tower it was ripping apart. He stuck a 3-point landing on top of the robot from an amazing back flip, then he jumped one more time. Only he was a little bit lighter on the leap from the robot as he planted a highly adhesive grenade to its top before departing! BOOM! Black Phantom barely escapes the deadly range of his own grenade reaching the edge of the building as the robot continue to shred the tower he was originally at. The remaining portion of the water tower is knocked off the roof and crashes on the sidewalk below! The robot almost went over as well but had a round shape that the low roof wall border held fast enough to keep it on the roof! Black Phantom barely avoids getting blasted off by the shock wave to the sidewalk on the other side!

Back over in the commercial shoot area where all of this is happening within scant seconds and much of it is simultaneous in nature. Victor, the Rubber-Man, sees a robot across the greens and intersection taking aim at him, possibly Hank. Trying to slingshot himself closer to screw up the aim he makes his arm stretch that whole distance to grab onto the robotic, tentacle arm! Along the way he tried to grab the Horse-Man, but his friend was recovering from dodging the laser fire and Victor shot right on by.

By this time Gryphon has put out the fire and is flying inside to the voice and manages to call out to the group as he scoops them up, “I’m Gryphon from S.A.V.I.O.R.!” Once outside he points in a direction he doesn’t see robots in and yells for them to run in that direction. Now that he is looking the way Victor flung himself he can see the devastated building across the street! Nearly half of the building is either broken rubble or on fire! Hank, the mutant Horse-Man, noticed what Gryphon did and called out to his friend, “Hey Victor, looks like other supers are here why don’t we leave it to them?”

Covenant, looked at his gun and wondered if this didn’t call for something bigger. Superhero/villain insurance was a thing smart people did if you drove a car in a city where some people could use them like shot puts! Covenant walked over and pulled the door open on a locked car, got in, hot-wired it and turned it so it was facing the M8 robot Zeau was dragging. He cackled out loud as he put the seatbelt on, “Safety, first!” Slamming the peddle to the floor he set his ride to ramming speed! On his way to total M8, which had tried shooting out grapples to two buildings to prevent being pulled by Zeau any further. He saw Zeau in the air, Zeau’s body made a hurling motion which cause the translucent blue force energy from his hands to the M8 robot to pull, HARD! The grapples broke free and it was sent hurling through the air and into M6 which had been dazed by Black Phantom’s grenade. M6 gouged the roof and wall as it was sent over the side like a ball in a game of pool going to a hole. Now M8 was in its place, and visibly damaged as well!

The M10 robot that had turned itself into a wrecking ball with its grappling hook much earlier. It rolls out of the rubble and fires all five of the tentacle arms with three lasers each at the Horse-Man, Hank! The Horse-Man attempted to dodge but was not able to get out of the way. During these seconds Covenant, driving at ramming speed sees his target take away in a super powered game of pool by Zeau. He banks a turn at the intersection next to Zeau. In a manner similar to the race scenes out of the movie Tokyo Drift he is able to get the car under control after the turn and sees the robot tangling with Victor and hears MC Hammer’s ‘Can’t Touch This’ playing somewhere as the car windows are down. Black Phantom runs over to the new dazed robot on the roof and he begins to unload on this new spherical machination of doom, designated M8, to no noticeable effect. Zeau managed to catch his breath from the extreme use of his power and called out, “Call Guinness, we’ve got the world’s largest Newton’s Cradle!”

As the robot that the Rubber-Man had grabbed onto was trying back away and fire three of the tentacle arms at the Rubber-Man while he tried to entangle its legs and trip him up. Both were successful and without his rubber body, Victor might have been incinerated! Hank gets grabbed by the leg from the one he is trying to engage. As Gryphon heard the science joke and saw that use of Zeau’s power he was inspired. He flew across the street over and across Covenant in the car speeding down the road. Covenant continues to see one of the Robots knocked down previously from Hank. He banks the car into the grass and hitting a bench manages to launches the car up and into it! The seat belt saved Covenant from any serious injuries.

Hank, the mutant Horse-Man, with an angry “NAY” he begins to punch the robot. While he left a number of dents he was forced to block a few arms coming around to fire at him. As he did that a pair of arms bent around from the other side and shot him!

Both Gryphon and Zeau take there respective robots and swing them at each other as Gryphon yells out, “Thanks for this great idea!” With a thunderous BOOM the two spheres collide and Zeau’s is broken and shattered across the street and cars that were abandoned on the roadsides. A random stranger, emboldened, one might say a little dizzy from seeing the heroes in action drives her car toward a scare pedestrian. She spins it and catches him with the door she flung open using her dash controls! A little bruised but grateful someone saved him, they drive off into the night toward safety and maybe a first date?

Victor, the Rubber-Man, teaches his captured robot patience as it tries to break the entangle and learns it can’t. Gryphon takes his stunned, busted, robot and swings it at the one of the roof screaming, “FOUR!” Both are destroyed and the only remaining ones are the one Victor has entangled and the one Hank has been occupying. That folks as roughly 15 seconds from the heroes entering the fray. The other teams had been at this longer and the Iron Brigade seems to have cause almost as much damage as the robots they were fighting! Black Phantom has a premonition leaps off the building. He rolls and breaks out into the one near Hank and Covenant. Yelling he cries out, “MUTHA F**KA MOVE! THEY’RE GOING TO EXPLODE! RUN DAMMIT!”

Gryphon, trusting his partner’s insight flies up to it as Zeau behind him is flying to the one Victor has grappled. Gryphon grabs one of its tentacle arms and seeing B.P., Covenant, the Horse-Man, and faces staring out from the buildings not destroy he calls out loudly over comms and so everyone within earshot can hear, “This is what we signed up to do!” Gryphon could imagine how Granny2Good would be pissed if she heard that line as he lifts the robot up and away!

KABOOM! Yes, to those present it felt earth shattering!

The shock wave cracked and burst every window in the area all around! The explosion was so bright it like a brief moment of daylight lighting the sky! Then a second one went off and people saw that when Victor released his robot. Zeau grabbed it with his power and flung it up in the air away from everyone and himself. Soon, as night returned from the afterglow of the explosions. Tweets, Facebook live videos, text messages, and camera began looking in the direction of the hero that had charged into the danger and risked his life to save three heroes and everyone still left in nearby buildings. In a seeming last stand against the robot madness people saw pieces of his armor fall from the sky vanishing into golden mist! Following the trail up soon every saw him without the helmet clearly dazed. All of his armor except for a shining, golden piece on his right arm was gone! The zoom on many cell phone camera showed he was burned, ash covered, and bleeding! Zeau flew over and used his power to take Gryphon away! Many onlookers began to use the phrase and hashtag #Deathless and #GryphonSAVIOR next to mentions of #SAVIOR. Cavalry, watching all this go down over remote cameras from SAVIOR’s base, was too shocked to even speak!

As the team began to clear out so firefighters and EMS could begin their work supported by police. Black Phantom made sure to give Hank the Spirit Enterprises business card so they could reach out if they wanted to join. SAVIOR left the scene, returning to their base and leaving the cleanup to emergency services and the press statements to Victor and Hank.

Meanwhile, The Beast and Caedechron arrived at Indbur Enterprises only to discover the building had been attacked. The building had large holes leading into it as if it had been broken into by someone or some ones with high strength. Various curious insects were also discovered around the perimeter and inside the building, and Caedechron collected a few. Entering the building, the two followed the trail of destruction through the halls to the office of Anthony Indbur, who was laying unconscious on the floor. He seemed in stable enough condition for the moment but would clearly require medical services soon.

In Anthony’s high-tech office was a 3D display looping through visualizations of the Black Box software. There was a command waiting to be executed which indicated it would “purge” the Black Box. The Beast reached out to push the button. There was a moment of hesitation, of resistance to this motion. As quick as he felt it though, it went away. Whatever strength the Thanatos personality had mustered in its current state wasn’t enough to stop The Beast. He pressed the button.

With emergency services called an on their way, the two investigated the building further and found a busted open secret entrance to a fortified sub-level. Down there they discovered a large room with a smashed incubation/ specimen tube which could have easily held a human-sized figure. But whatever was in that tube was gone. The unmistakable smell of formaldehyde had filled the room due to the fluid which had spilled all over the floor.

There were signs that a massive battle occurred in this room. The results of the battle littered the floor in several pieces – Anthony Indbur’s former assistant, Melissa Fabricius, had been torn apart. Her now obviously robotic pieces were scattered all around the room.

Emergency services finally arrived shortly thereafter to bring Anthony to the hospital, take the two heroes’ statements, and begin investigation of the scene.

To War?

To War?

That is the question…

Four or Five months after March, 2024 – Earth Three

Gryphon was flying around on his mile patrol in what he could only refer to as Earth Three. Technically, from his perspective, the world holding the Earth Two designator was Patsy’s world of Millennium Station. While he had never visited that world he met someone from it. Jake was the only other dimensional being he knew of, and this world would consider “him” the dimensional being.

This Earth’s Century Station looked remarkably similar to the one he came from. To think Jake just made some calculations on the tiny input embedded upon his portal gun and found a dimension where S.A.V.I.O.R. gave in to the Atorian demands. It was roughly 4 to 5 months ahead of their world so time across dimensions may not always sync up. Things to keep in mind certainly.

He had been expecting Atorian warships in the skies above subjugating the planet and its male inhabitants. It had been explained that the Atorians treated men as slaves and were expansionists. Gryphon imagined for a minute being the servant to Miss Amazing and he thought she’d laugh about it. However, he wondered if she’d like that sort of thing? He shook his head with the notion of being a slave to anyone. He had read about bedroom games but just couldn’t wrap his head around it because it reminded him of prison and some of his most painful memories. Jake had taken Black Phantom somewhere and shown him the Atorian style of rule which had Black Phantom sharing Jake’s view they needed to be wiped out. Gryphon was certain that given the track record men had set a significant percentage of women would be on board for the restructuring of the planet.

Geist had mentioned needing to see what Black Phantom had seen before he could agree one way or the other. That was the impetus for this dimensional field trip through the neon green portal. He ran across three different thugs in his patrol and none of them cried out in surprise at him being a male. None of the Atorians arrived on the scene as each thug was being taken from their crime and dumped into a trash bin at a casino with video surveillance. He enjoyed telling them what he intended to do with them so they knew they would be on camera. Each of them were given the warning to turn over a new leaf or it’d be jail next time.

As Gryphon was flying back he was a little concerned that Jake may be wrong about the Atorians. If the guards had disobeyed their Empress and there were six Empresses in the Empire of Atoria. Then it would seem that like many governments and nations, there were factions within the populace and its government. Perhaps Jake had only dealt with a ruthless faction of their regime until now? Gryphon didn’t doubt they were expansionist if they controlled 25% of the Milky Way galaxy! Perhaps though, not every faction was ruthless or bloodthirsty? He radioed his findings to the group and saw Jake out front meeting someone approaching on a motorcycle. He would later learn as he landed that it was the Geist from this world! Later, with everyone gathered around the story he had to share was rather different than what Gryphon and S.A.V.I.O.R. might have expected regarding why Granny2Good’s House was empty.

Come watch the next game at: HippoTV!
Art by: AZ_Artisan