

Gaiatech, Inc. is a startup company that has built a number of recycling plants in the area. It has also bought an old plastics production facility, and as a side operation, makes a variety of products with much of the plastic it recycles. All of the outdoor furniture in the city’s parks, for example, has recently been replaced with simple but extremely resilient recycled plastic units. Since Gaiatech’s inception, the annual trash yield in the city has dropped more than 20% as recycling awareness and participation has become commonplace. As a result, the city landfills are all expecting longer life spans, and plans for installing a new incinerator on the edge of the metro area have been shelved. But Gaiatech’s big plan is to build a fusion reactor that will use garbage as its fuel. That way, the city will have clean energy and will get rid of its garbage at the same time. Of course, finding funding for this is very difficult, since the project sounds too close to what Project Daedalus was for most investors’ comfort.

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