Everest Airport

Everest Airport

On the border of the Orange Hills and Iron Beach districts lies Everest Airport, a huge aerospace field designed as both a major commercial and passenger airport. Part of its original purpose was to accommodate a line of large space-planes that were being designed by an R&D firm that since went under. These unusual craft would have taken off and landed like a conventional jet, but could reach sub-orbital altitude, and then, propelled by scramjets, go into orbital flight, enabling them to traverse the globe much faster than any conventional craft could.

Everest Airport became a major crime scene in recent years, however, prompting the cancellation of many commercial flights (especially once the factories they were supplying went out of business). Now, most passenger flights go through Guzman International, over in the Bocatello subdistrict. Technically, Everest Airport is no longer operational, but independent pilots and thrillseekers eager to dodge potshots from the ground still land here from time to time. Smugglers also use the field a lot. It’s only a matter of time before CHIMERA targets it heavily in anti-crime operations.

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