Drama Cards

Drama Cards

Listed below are the Drama Cards selected for use in this game and the number of each. They were developed by Clockwork Drama.


Card Name Card Text Count
A Secret Revealed Play this card while dealing with a member of a Secret Organization of the Military. During the course of the conversation he or she will reveal a secret of some sort. 1
All or Nothing After you succeed at an action you may play this card. Flip a coin. Heads you gain a critical success. Tails you fumble or suffer a mishap. 3
Alternate Universe Play this card upon receiving it. At some point during the game session, the character will encounter another universe or timeline. Alternately, the character may encounter a means to travel to an alternate universe or timeline. 1
Anti-Courage Play this card against another character. At some point during the scene, something will make an appearance that causes fear in that character. 1
Artificial Lifeform Play this card upon receiving it. At some point during the game session, an artificial life form shall make an appearance. It may be a magical automation or a robot or some other created life form. 1
Backup Play this card when you need assistance. Someone will show up and back you play. 3
Bad to the Bone Play this card when you perform an action that goes against your alignment, faith, or creed. You may perform this action without suffering the normal penalties such an action might cause you. 2
Betrayal Play this card to turn an enemy’s henchman against his master. 1
Big Badda Boom Play this card to suffer no damage from an explosion or fall. Some outside circumstance intervenes to protect you from the damage. 1
Bloody Mess Play this card when a character dies. That character dies in a particularly dramatic and gory manner, possibly destroying the body. The Game Master decides the detail and how much a death impacts the scene. 2
Blunder Play this card to cause someone to trip and fall prone. If played on someone who is near a place that could cause a great fall, they will plummet to their possible doom. 1
Brace for Impact Play this card when your character chooses to go on total defense for a round. He or she suffers half damage from any attacks that hit him. 1
Buy ya a Drink Play this card when you desire to make a good impression on an NPC in a bar or tavern. The NPC shall respond well to your proposal. 1
Cameo Play this card upon receiving it. A famous or infamous person shall make an appearance this game session. 2
Canny Handling Play this card when you discover a piece of technology or magical item you do not understand. After several minutes of study you figure out how to use the device. 1
Captured Play this card during a battle. When played, the character’s team is captured and taken back to the villain’s hideout. Now it is up to them to figure out how to escape. 1
Challenge Play this card when you issue a challenge on an NPC. He or she will accept your challenge and play to win. Terms and Conditions may have to be negotiated. 1
Charisma When this card is played, you shall become the most important, interesting, and competent person in the room. At least that is how every NPC within the room shall treat you. The effect shall last until you leave the room. 1
Charm Play this card when you are attempting to influence someone. You not only succeed but gain a critical success. 1
Cheat Play this card to cheat on a roll. Up to two dice rolled for the current action or damage may be manipulated to show whatever side you desire. This may be played on your dice or someone else’s. 1
Cleanse the Soul Play this card to overcome any mental, spiritual, or physical corruption that has affected your character. 1
Contact When played your hero spots an old friend or acquaintance who might help him or her in their current quest. Of course he or she may ask you for a favor in return. 2
Defi Play this card when in group combat with an intelligent group of foes. Your character challenges the leader of the group to a one on one duel. (How the outcome of this duel impacts the battle at large depends on the honor or level of cowardness of your opponents. 1
Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth Play this card when you encounter someone who speaks a language you cannot understand. You figure out a way to make yourself understood and to understand them. 1
Dominate Play this card when you are attempting to take control of the situation. The person or people you are trying to command stop and actually listen to you. If your command is not outlandish or against their nature they shall obey. 1
Dumb Ass Play this card after you do something really stupid. (As defined by at least half the people playing the game). All who witness the stupidity are actually impressed for the remainder of the game session and treat you favorably. 1
Elusive Target Play this card when you are hit by an opponent. The attack actually misses you and strikes the nearest reasonable person to you. If no reasonable target can be found the attacker hits him or herself. 1
Envy Play this card when a rival or enemy humiliates or defeats your character. The rival or enemy WILL suffer negative consequences as a result of their victory. (The Game Master decides the details). 1
Evil as Sin Play this card when you are about to perform some kind of criminal act. You get away with the deed provided you do it alone and with no witnesses. 2
Fancy Seeing You Here Play this card when you are discovered somewhere where you shouldn’t be. Make up an excuse and the person or people who discovered you believe your story. 1
First Contact Play this card when you meet someone for the very first time. That person shall respond favorably towards you and your group. 2
Folk Hero Play this card after you save a town, village, or city. The establishment shall adopt you as a local folk hero with all the benefits that implies. 1
Forensics Play this card when you are trying to piece together seemingly meaningless clues. The Game Master shall give you insight into what you are seeing. 3
Forgive Play this card when you are deep trouble with another character. That character accepts your excuse and forgives you. If it is determined later that your excuse was a lie, the character shall become your mortal enemy. 1
Fortitude When you play this card, events conspire to make it so that you survive an attack or injury that should have killed you. Depending on the circumstances, you may be left for dead. 1
Freedom Play this card when you are trapped, tied up, or imprisoned. The Game Master shall create an immediate opportunity for you to escape. 1
Gate Crashers Play this card during combat. A third party hostile to both of you and your enemies enters the conflict. 1
Good Business Play this card when you make a deal with someone. They will keep their end of the deal, honoring the spirit of the deal, if not the words. 1
Good Impression Play this card when dealing with an NPC. He or she shall take a shine to your character and genuinely like your character. 3
Gremlins Play this card to cause a device, vehicle, magic item, artifact, etc. to fail. Choose the item and the Game Master shall decide the details. 1
GTA When you play this card you shall find a useful conveyance that is both usable and if it requires keys, they shall be let sitting in plain sight. 1
Guts and Glory Play this card when you must make a fear check or resist being intimidated. You automatically succeed. 2
Here I Come to Save the Day Double your character’s movement rate for the scene. 2
Inspiration Play this card when your character gives a speech to a group of allies. Each one of those allies gain some kind of inspiration from the words. The Game Master shall grant each of them a minor bonus of some sort in the coming conflict. 2
Last Stand Play this card when you have been wounded. Your character and any allies adjacent to him suffer half damage from all attacks for the remainder of the scene. If an ally leaves your side, they lose the bonus. If an ally moves adjacent to you, they gain a bonus. 1
Lemon Play this card upon receiving it. At some point during the game session some kind of problem shall develop for your mode of transportation. If you walk everywhere then your shoes or feet shall become damaged, if you ride a beast it may go lame or get sick, if a vehicle it breaks. 1
Long time no see Upon meeting an NPC for the first time, you may play this card. You may add that NPC to your character sheet as an ally. You have known that NPC for years, perhaps you were childhood friends, or maybe cousins. Whatever the backstory you and the GM create, the NPC will be a fiercely loyal ally. 1
Lost Play this card when you are lost. The Game Master will create a situation that will give you a clue as to where to go next. 3
Lost and Found Play this card upon receiving it. At some point in the game session, you shall find something important that someone else lost. 1
Love Interest Play this card when you meet someone for the first time. They will take a romantic interest in you. This could lead to benefits or trouble or perhaps both. 1
Luck Break Play this card when you are struck by an attack. Some lucky circumstance makes it so that you take no damage from the strike. The Game Master will determine the details. 2
Lucky Draw Play this card when gambling. You may reroll every dice involved and take the best results. This effect lasts for the entire scene. 2
Lust Play this card against an NPC. That NPC shall become interested in you both romantically and sexually. Depending on how the story plays out, this infatuation may last beyond the current game session. 1
Mentor Play this card upon a friendly NPC. That NPC shall become a mentor or patron to your character. Alternately the NPC will become a student of your character. 1
Mistaken Identity Play this card upon meeting someone for the first time. That person shall mistake you for whomever the Game Master desires. 2
Misunderstanding Play this card upon receiving it. At some point during the game session, you will be the cause or focus of a dangerous misunderstanding. 1
Mook Squad Play this card when in a location that you might be able to recruit some muscle. 2D6+1 people rise to the occasion and they will aid you with your mission or quest. They will expect a fair cut of anything gained during the job. 1
Multi Pass Play this card when attempting to fool someone into believing that you belong somewhere that you do not. You not only fool them but are accepted completely for whatever story you make up. 1
Nobody Bothers Me Play this card when you are attempting to intimidate someone. You gain an automatic critical success. 1
Not Good Enough Play this card after another character succeeds at a skill or attack. Change the result of their action to a failure. 2
Not Me Play this card during combat. No one attacks you for one full round. 2
Old School Play this card when dealing with a gang, pirate crew, or some other group of outlaws. You will be treated with the respect given by them to any other member of their crew. Depending on the circumstances, you may even be asked to join them. 1
Only a Flesh Wound Play this card when you are injured by an attack. You take the minimum damage than an attack could have possibly caused. 2
Orgasmic Personality Play this card when attempting to seduce someone. He or she gives into your desire in more ways than one. 2
Peace Play this card to improve the attitude of a group in an encounter, perhaps by recognizing someone in the crowd, showing respect, or offering a bribe. This card only works on those who are “Neutral” towards you to begin with. 1
Plan B Play this card after you and at least one other character make a plan. When the plan goes to hell, for whatever reason, your Plan B kicks in. This allows you and the characters who made the plan with you to reroll one dice roll per round until the end of the scene. You must take the new result. 2
Rebellion Play this card when you are seeking members of the underworld or a criminal organization. You will find them before the end of the game session. 1
Red Shirts Play this card when facing nameless mooks. All nameless mooks engaged in the battle suffer double damage from any attack for the remainder of the scene. 3
Reinforcements Play this card when you desire help. A family member, friend, ally, or contact shows up to back your play. Alternately, a former enemy has a change of heart and comes to the rescue. 2
Religious Experience Play this card while exploring someplace new. You will discover either a church, cult, or the ruins of a church or temple of some sort. 1
Revelation Your hero finds all the information possible on a given subject while doing research. In addition he realizes some critical piece of information such as a monster’s weakness, the answer to a riddle, or even the key to a cypher. 1
Riled Up Play this card during a combat after your character is hit for damage. For the remainder of the scene, your character will do double damage on all melee attacks. 1
Russian Roulette Play this card when you hit an opponent with an attack that can actually harm him. Roll 1D6. On a 1-5 your weapon breaks and causes no damage. On a 6 you kill your target and there is no way for him to be revived, regenerated, reincarnated, etc. 1
Sacrifice Play this card when you are damaged in melee combat. You take double damage but your opponent is killed by your counterstrike. If you survive the attack you shall gain much renown for your skill provided there are witnesses to the event. 1
Safe Travel Play this card when traveling. You make it to your destination without interference by dangerous circumstances, encounters, etc. 2
Scavenger Play this card when searching a location or a body. You will find something that is useful to you personally. Feel free to offer suggestions to the Game Master. 1
Scream Play this card when your character becomes afraid. He or she overcomes their fear for the entire scene. 1
Secret Identity Play this card when you want to conceal your identity. Your true identity will remain hidden in relation to the current situation. If another character ruins this for you, he shall lose all experience gains for the game session and suffer other badness as determined by the Game Master. 1
Shopping Spree Play this card when you are looking for a market, black market, slave market, etc. You find out the location of the market and the easiest way to get there. If the market requires special connections to get in, those connections shall become available to you. 1
Shortcut Play this card when you are in pursuit of another character. You recognize a shortcut that gets you ahead of your quarry. 2
Show me the Money Play this card when selling something. You will be paid five times the actual value of the item. Days later the buyer may realize the mistake and come seeking reckoning. 1
Sidekick Play this card when dealing with a character that could potentially be a cohort, sidekick, or follower. That character shall adopt you as her boss and shall join you on your journey. 1
Silver Tongue Play this card when lying. All who hear you believe you no matter how idiotic or fantastic your story. 1
Skilled Play this card when attempting to perform a skill you do not know. You get one shot at using the skill as if you were the maximum level you could have attained had you learned it. 1
Slimed Play this card when you encounter a new species you have never encountered. That species shall see something in your character that they like and from that point onward any others you meet from that species shall treat you in a friendly manner. 1
Speed Play this card during combat. You become a speed machine and win every initiative roll for the entire scene. 1
Stormy Weather Play this card upon receiving it. The Game Master shall interject a violent storm into the game session. 2
Succubus Play this card upon receiving it. At some point during the game session, a Femme Fatale shall make an appearance. 1
Sworn Enemy Play this card immediately upon receiving it. Someone that you will meet during the game session shall become your sworn enemy. 2
Talk! Damned You The subject of your questioning tells you everything that you want to know whether by friendly persuasion, intimidation, or force. 1
Teamwork Play this card when helping someone else perform some task. Because of your aid, your friend gains a critical success. 3
Temperance Play this card to overcome mind control, fear, or any emotional state that you desire. 1
That’s What I’m Talking About Play this card when you perform some action that results in a critical success. You are so inspired by your deed you heal half of all damages that you have suffered. 1
The Devil Made me Do it Play this card when you are caught doing something that you should not be doing. You get away with the deed as the person(s) who caught you accept your story as truth. Make it a good one! 1
The Fuzz Play this card immediately upon receiving it. At some point during the game session, the police or government agents will make an appearance. 3
The Streets Play this when you are seeking something in a city. You find someone who will help you with the information you need. He or she will expect you to repay the favor at some point in the future. 3
The Sweet Spot Play this card when you are attempting to repair something that is broken. You fix the item in half the time and it works as good as if it were new. 1
Treasure Play this card when you find money, riches, or something of great value. The actual value of your discovery will be 1D6-1 times more valuable. There is a chance you will roll a zero and the item will turn out to be a fake. 1
Trust the Sphincter Play this card when you are surprised. You may take one move or defensive action prior to the surprising person or group. 1
Uh-Oh! Play this card when you fumble. Everyone who saw the fumble will lose their next action as they stare at you in awe of your ineptitude. 1
Undiscovered Truth Play this card upon an enemy that has evaded you or escaped. That enemy makes mistakes that give you clues as to where his base or safe haven is. 1
Vision Play this card when you are performing a perception based skill. You gain a critical success. 3
Wait Say or do something that might give your foes pause. All foes within 30 meters of you lose their next action. 2
Watched Play this card immediately upon receiving it. At some point during the game session, some secret that you have will be revealed or observed by an enemy. 2
Windfall Play this card when the character finds some money. He will find ten times the amount that the Game Master quotes as being present. If the money is a part of a random treasure then the entire treasure will be the best possible result. 1
You’re my only hope Play this card upon receiving it. At some point during the game session you will receive news of the arrest of an Ally, Contact, Patron, Cohort, Sidekick, Family member or Friend. 1

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