

These thugs are Century Station’s next evolution in crime. Unlike street punks, which may or may not gather in numbers, ColorPunks are more experienced, organized, dangerous and always part of a larger gang. Most are career criminals who are older, bigger, meaner and more cunning than street punks. Where street punks fight with fists, chains, knives, pistols, shotguns or rifles, ColorPunks fight with sub-machine guns and assault rifles, with pistols as side arms. They might also use the occasional heavy weapon, like a .50 caliber sniper rifle, light machine gun, flamethrower and assault rifles with or without grenade launchers! On rare occasions, ColorPunks might also get their hands on experimental or high-tech weaponry, usually stuff that has already been stolen and is circulating through the city’s black markets. As tough as they are, color gangs generally lack the numbers, organization or talent to pull off a high technology heist or other sophisticated crime. Although they do try more bold and organized crimes, such as armed robbery, bank robberies, jewelry heists, kidnapping and extortion, car-jacking or a full -fledged auto-theft ring and chop-shop, and illegal drug manufacturing and distribution (a very popular enterprise for large gangs), they tend to be direct, using violence, intimidation and hit and run tactics (i.e. drive by shootings, or hit a store or business fast and hard, grab what they can and go, and similar). Anybody who gets in their way, on purpose or by accident, gets hurt. Color gangs get their name from the fact that all have their own “colors”, a distinctive style of dress, way of talking, insignia or other kind of gimmick (like everybody using the same kind of weapon or specializing in a particular kind of high-profile crime) that makes them easily recognized. This is a double-edged sword. One on hand, it gives the gang much greater notoriety for their deeds and a sense of camaraderie. Average folks fear color gangs more than run -of-the-mill punks. And, you’ve always got punks wanting to join a “real” gang and be somebody (which makes recruiting a snap). On the downside, color gangs are easily targeted by the cops, heroes and vigilantes, so these pack hunters must choose their turf wisely. Gang-banging where enemies abound is a quick way to make it onto the 86 List (dead), permanent-like. To prevent this, color gangs often settle in the worst parts of town, where they can rampage without fear of retribution. In places like the Labyrinth and Jericho Park, color gangs are virtual warlords who rule their terrified subjects with fear and violence. The CSPD has 30 to 40 color gangs on file. While these are easier to track than generic punk gangs, they still are not easy to gather data on. Color gangs are like extended families that are very difficult to infiltrate. ColorPunks don’t rat on each other, not even on other color gangs (to do so is a declaration of war), and they sure as hell don’t cooperate with the Police. They all see jail time as an inevitable part of their career, and inside, they stick to their own. Once in a color gang, always in a color gang. That is, unless you are one of the lucky few who somehow becomes a bona-fide Super-villain or finds work with a Crime Lord.

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