Urgent Market Correction needed
You have one new voicemail, if you would lik…
[Very Loud and urgent sounding..seems out of breath]Yeah, it’s BP…heh-heh-heh…Swift LLC. has come across an insider Black Market deal…heh-heh-heh…We were trying to get a quick meeting with Dr. Brown…heh-heh-heh…Mrs. CastleHawke, CPT Dragoon, Mr. Saige (Presenting with ANOTHER alternate portfolio), Young Master Alpine (With his primary portfolio, He possesses 8 distinct, yet identical portfolios, BTW) and I arrived at Dr. Brown’s mortgage holdings…heh-heh-heh…The asset was enveloped within a securities package that would make the best investor jealous. As we got close we realized there was an entity trying to breach the securities package…It was…Agent Principle of the SEC. We continued moving along with our day trading of common stocks. As we went adjacent to the securities package we could hear the Agent trying to call out a bid to Dr. Brown. All we heard was “Damn it We had a deal!”
This was after the SEC discovery of the forgotten assets of Dr. Brown, held through Cosmos INTL. This a strange bid call and needs further investigat…I mean…more research by Marketing to ensure the nature of the bid.
As an aside, all employees of Swift LLC. with the exception of Dr. Brown and COL Abrahms are having their assets, capitol and portfolios audited for accuracy, market viability and to determine synergy with the company dynamic. An accounting prospectus will be available upon request.
There is no beer?
8 Replies to “Urgent Market Correction needed”
Swift LLC is getting audited! I hope all their transactions have been above board…
Or at least has audit insurance…
I don’t know what it is but I love translating these as I read them, such gems!
I agree, these are a cool idea.
Read the rest of them, some even have a voice recording to go along with the text.
It is getting more and more difficult to “encrypt” these.
Love the fact that I am now Mrs…
Very Intentional…