Marketing and Research Request

Marketing and Research Request


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FP, this is BP, I have been researching two more investors concerning the insider trading we recently discussed. I have been investing significant funding working with Mr. Black on this venture. I have cleared Ms. Wolfe fully and have a meeting to commit more capitol to the partnership, I hope She is more receptive, of course I did accuse her and almost reported it to the S.E.C. I will hold off any reports to that agency until I have solid proof of the insider trader. To the point, would you inquire with Marketing & Research about two free market investors that are potential insider traders. First is Porsche Preschiss, a very young investor, not really sure if she is at full capitol potential and it has been very difficult to ascertain her complete portfolio. Even Mr. Black with his resources has not been able to determine her full capitol or portfolio. Second is Eunice Asia, she is at full capitol investment level and has made several investments over the years. I got verification of her massive profit gain from an independent source. One thing that has me concerned is her use of G fund TonKa derivatives, but her investment strategy is swift (and familiar) and she seems to be investing in the open market. Ok await the DL from M&R, thanks. Did you get that beer?

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