Ethel’s Travelogue Part 1

Ethel’s Travelogue Part 1

Granny Continues Her Therapy Herself

Hi boys and girls- my name is Ethel, or if your parents taught you well, Mrs. Falkenberg. I promise that everything I am about to tell you is true- or, in my advanced age, I just misremembered.

I am trying to be less angry about my dead husband Harold, and trying to remember some of the good times! So, as I cruise next to Snake Person in an alien Ship coming back from Antarctica I will write my first of many travelogues! Oh my goodness, I just realized something! One point on my bucket list is now complete! I have traveled to every continent now! Wow, simply amazing! Never thought I would complete that!

One of our last trips was to the island of Kauai. It was lovely! We had so much fun! We hiked the Napali Coast, had a helicopter trip, ate lots of wonderful food, and more! My favorite space was Waimea Canyon, the so-called Grand Canyon of the Pacific! The colors were amazing, and changed as we watched, me snapping pictures all the time!

We had many lovely dinners, many overlooking the beach, and Harold spared no expense. He was such the gentleman that trip- it was truly amazing!


Ethel picture is actually of Grace Ghanem
All other pictures from the player himself!


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