Don’t you wish you were there…

[Scene fades in, interior S.A.V.I.O.R. base, sleeping quarters of Black Phantom. Black Phantom and Deathwish, are stark naked, save there masks, in the cramped bunk.]
So that was my evening, boring as fuck…How was your night?
Well, definitely more exciting one than you had…
We arrived at the Church, separately of course, and spread out to our assigned areas. I took the “enamored” new recruit approach, I was very chipper and excited and showed it as much as possible…
…Wow, that must’ve been a stretch…
…Watch it! Anyway, one fellow, Tom or John, came right up to me and started to puke all there was to the Church of blah-blah-blah. He seemed very eager and maybe higher ranking, so I used some of the new moves I learned recently…and not the ones I just used on you, I can hear the gears turning in there, hush…I was able to gain his full TRUST and confidence and I pressed it to my advantage, garnering a seat up front. His Girl, Stella I think, was starting to notice his enchantment with me, but wasn’t quite sure if it was his enthusiasm for the Church or what. I could see it with another of my mind tricks.
Anyway, we chatted and had the snacks waiting for the Grand Poobah, to show. it wasn’t long before he finally arrived. It didn’t take long and Blobbo had him fully entangled. Several folk ran like bat shit crazy towards the Poobah, including John/Tom & Stella. I dropped a Despair whammy on her and with the Trust still going on Tom/John, I convinced him to chase Stella as she ran, literally, over folk to Get the Fuck out.
Covenant didn’t waste much time at all…walked right up…stuck that amazing pistol of his under the Poobah’s chin and squeezed…
Flames…Flames shot through out this guys entire body, turning him into an instant pile of ash and dust…Amazing pistol…
Well with Poobah gone, we turned to the congregation to mediate any damaged, real or perceived. I had Cai & Blobbo grab Stella & John/Tom, my HooDoo Sense told me those two were not what they seemed and I wanted to have a little chat later. Blobbo grabbed them both up and Cai agreed to fly the whole glob back here to HQ. As I saw that the crowd was much calmer, no thanks to Covenant, and the CSPD were on there way, I radioed for everyone else to wrap it up and let’s get back to HQ.
Gryph, replied that he was almost done and would get him self back. I also ordered up a exfil from Geist for any others that peaked my interest and he was on it toot suite. Trip…BTW, Carl was the one we came with…radioed back, something about new friends and he needed them to meet the Beast. After what I saw in the Church, I knew it was trouble. I put out the 9-1-1 to those around and back at HQ to get back ASAP for rescue of a SAVIOR member. I used some more of my Jedi Mind Tricks, rummaged around for Carl’s plate and cup and was able to devise his location.
I made my way down to the basement…of course it’s in the basement…found the “room” and took a quick peek in. Mirrors…floor to wall to ceiling…Mirrors. So, in went, not one, but two flash-bangs…
DAMN! That must’ve hurt…Wish I would’ve seen that…or at least thought of that you Fucker…
Yeah, yeah, I will get back to you on that nickname soon. So all are blinded, I rush in, 2 of them have…transformed?…into strange beasts, not unlike Our Beast, but different…so FUCKING different. Well, I reached Trip, asked him to open his mind to me and I brought forth Alice…This was stupid…so very fucking stoooopid.
She went on some strange rant about not being able to see, The other Grand Poobah was chattering in her ear as well. She was straight up freaked and went full defense. I was trying to convince her to go with me and I would lead her out. Instead She was in full retreat and backed into the corner. She started dropping some of her MoJo on everyone, including me. That ech shit she uses is enough to blow out your eardrums. Well, by this time, the rest of Savior strolled on down and started taking up defensive positions. That’s when the rest of the folk down here all transformed. There was some real strange shit, I thought I was tripping again, like that one night at G-MaMa’s…wow, we should try that again sometime…anyway, with most of the folk blind, they were waiting and on the fast defensive, SAVIOR was mostly in shear terror shock and weren’t sure about what to do. I was just trying to get everyone out with as little bloodshed as possible.
Very little shifted untill Cai came to try and convince Alice to GTFO. He saw something, not sure what, in the eyes of the other Poobah. What ever it was, he unleashed unholy hell on him from his literal hand canon. Wasted that puke completely. At this point, I think everyone was just ready to GTFO.
Don’t you wish you were there?
I need some more Beer, let me get you one…
[Black Phantom, naked except his mask, walks out of the room, Scene fades out]
7 Replies to “Don’t you wish you were there…”
Black Phantom is sick of all these motherfucking clothes on his motherfucking body!
^^Best Comment Ever!^^
I think we have a new hero name “STREAKER”
Shorty can be your mascot, the adventures of STREAKER and WANKER!
Interesting take on the events- I hope the beer is Tecate!
I just hope that a better nickname for Victor comes- he would think blobbo would mean fat….
If Victor keeps Tecate ® stocked in the fridge…then yes.
He is sharing with his fuck buddy, in as short a way as possible, the events of the night. Also wanted to show her up a little.